Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Rosbridge subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package | 0 | False | bela | 2022-02-06 09:28:26 | 2022-02-06 15:36:08 |
How to subscribe many topic in one code and save data in one txt file | 0 | False | hudaming | 2017-07-03 12:39:12 | 2017-07-03 12:40:08 |
Subscribing float32 from python | 0 | False | aefka | 2018-01-06 15:12:16 | 2018-01-06 19:33:32 |
Vrep doesn't subscribe ROS messages | 0 | False | mamagosia | 2018-01-16 11:04:14 | 2018-01-16 19:49:21 |
ros2 topic lose data in reliable mode | 0 | False | gazeboxu | 2022-12-08 04:53:12 | 2022-12-09 02:48:46 |
publishing &subscribing at the same node (no callback) | 0 | False | rosmaster | 2018-03-19 08:27:10 | 2018-03-19 08:59:09 |
Accessing previous estimated joint states of a robot | 0 | False | Sahand_Rez | 2018-04-07 18:22:08 | 2018-04-07 18:53:42 |
rospy.subscripe does only work once when executed from script | 0 | False | master1991 | 2018-05-15 14:15:03 | 2018-05-15 14:15:03 |
ROS2: topic subscribed but not received | 0 | False | Myzhar | 2018-09-05 08:05:00 | 2018-09-05 08:05:00 |
Does Arduino "subscribe buffer size" affect wireless connection stability? | 0 | False | sgwhack | 2012-12-23 23:40:13 | 2012-12-23 23:40:13 |
Tutorial for Image Publisher/Subscriber in Python (Video Stream) | 0 | False | hassanyf | 2019-04-18 05:25:34 | 2019-04-18 05:25:34 |
read the data of a subscriber in matlab | 0 | False | psfa_fz | 2015-01-12 14:48:51 | 2015-01-12 14:48:51 |
Register protected callback in base class | 0 | False | daniel_maier | 2015-01-28 11:01:19 | 2015-01-28 11:01:19 |
Node seems to unwantedly automatically unsubcribe from topic | 0 | False | Chubb | 2019-12-10 16:29:35 | 2019-12-13 13:39:27 |
how to subscribe float32 data | 0 | False | minerva | 2015-05-12 22:10:41 | 2015-05-12 22:10:41 |
Can a rosjava node subscribe to a topic without specifying the message type? | 0 | False | RSamaniego | 2015-07-16 15:55:32 | 2015-07-17 07:46:59 |
What happens if a node runs out of subscriber queue memory? | 0 | False | KenYN | 2020-02-28 06:49:24 | 2020-02-28 06:49:24 |
publishers and subscribers failing | 0 | False | kayak0806 | 2015-08-13 14:10:28 | 2015-08-13 14:10:28 |
Custom Costmap Plugin not subscribing to topic | 0 | False | b2meer | 2016-01-29 12:13:16 | 2016-01-29 12:13:50 |
publish message not maintain(bool type) in the program | 0 | False | jaeseok | 2016-03-17 15:45:09 | 2016-03-17 15:45:09 |
Subscribe to topic with a wildcard | 0 | False | davidgitz | 2016-05-15 13:25:52 | 2016-05-15 13:25:52 |
message is published delayed (inconsistent) | 0 | False | crnewton | 2021-03-08 13:35:01 | 2021-03-09 08:59:44 |
messages were subscribed, but callback function does not work | 0 | False | IgararA | 2021-05-07 11:21:16 | 2021-05-07 11:21:16 |
rosbag Image Decompression With API | 0 | False | Pototo | 2016-12-07 19:19:33 | 2016-12-07 19:19:33 |
Store subscribed data in a variable in ROS | 0 | False | Himanshu Chandna | 2016-12-25 11:36:25 | 2016-12-25 11:37:57 |
Callback is not called when used with a templated calss method | 0 | False | BrunoB81HK | 2021-07-18 22:39:04 | 2021-07-18 22:39:04 |
Subscriber and Service on the same topic | 0 | False | afsantos | 2017-02-19 15:53:47 | 2017-02-19 15:53:47 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
The question about ros::publisher and ros::subscriber | 1 | False | hudaming | 2017-06-27 11:20:10 | 2017-06-28 09:53:25 |
communicating between ROS2 Eloquent and Foxy | 1 | False | delfino | 2022-01-05 17:32:55 | 2022-01-06 11:49:32 |
Subscribing to /rosout topic | 1 | False | dee_s | 2017-07-18 15:39:54 | 2017-07-22 02:57:44 |
writing a publisher and subscriber and unsure how to finish it | 2 | False | binarybabe | 2017-09-20 15:19:23 | 2017-11-06 14:23:48 |
Make gazebo subscribe to a ROS topic? | 1 | False | JuanTelo | 2018-01-17 14:16:57 | 2018-01-17 15:18:29 |
Are ROS2 messages guaranteed to be received by a Subscriber in the same order they were published? | 1 | False | edw | 2018-01-18 06:03:33 | 2018-01-23 00:20:52 |
rate of subscribing | 3 | False | ad26kr | 2014-04-17 00:59:29 | 2014-07-14 02:08:55 |
ros_tutorials roscpp talker/listener loses first message or two | 2 | False | PaulBouchier | 2018-04-04 23:35:16 | 2018-04-05 15:34:04 |
subscriber callback | 1 | False | dneuhold | 2014-04-23 07:34:10 | 2014-04-23 09:38:33 |
getting details of topics in a program(node) | 2 | False | hamid | 2014-03-16 08:50:49 | 2014-03-16 12:17:36 |
How can I publish the subscribed and processed msgs in a single node? | 1 | False | shinnqy | 2014-05-07 04:07:38 | 2014-05-07 09:01:31 |
ROS Serialization Values Error | 1 | False | lakehanne | 2018-06-24 08:31:13 | 2018-06-24 10:07:38 |
Subscribe to actions on keyboard (press key) | 1 | False | Rick | 2018-07-02 12:30:06 | 2018-07-02 16:42:38 |
Subscribing to a topic whenever it publishes without affecting the execution of program | 1 | False | Raha | 2018-07-11 09:27:52 | 2018-07-11 14:13:18 |
hz of our sensor's the topic was DECREASED, When I record some data with rosbag. | 1 | False | harderthan | 2018-08-14 08:29:08 | 2018-08-14 09:59:47 |
Callback of actionlib_msgs::GoalStatusArray fails | 1 | False | RalphA | 2014-05-28 22:30:33 | 2014-06-18 17:01:56 |
Node that Subscribes then Publishes to another node | 1 | False | Wagner2x | 2016-02-01 16:52:13 | 2016-02-01 17:37:06 |
How to make a realtime controller get information | 1 | False | arzhed | 2012-10-12 05:22:16 | 2012-11-07 08:25:59 |
How to subscribe coordinates in the terminal / arduino? | 2 | False | Pierre | 2012-11-19 09:55:21 | 2012-11-20 11:55:44 |
Any way to check if/ensure that ROS node subscribed to topic properly? | 2 | False | sgwhack | 2012-12-09 13:59:14 | 2012-12-14 11:26:25 |
vmware subscriber multiplemachines problem | 1 | False | hej | 2012-12-31 12:45:21 | 2013-01-02 19:09:48 |
How to use publish and use multiple sonar range_msg data (using rosserial) on a single topic? | 1 | False | geistmate | 2019-01-24 17:45:47 | 2019-01-24 19:20:59 |
Networked of microcontrollers | 1 | False | MiniMe | 2020-12-24 18:29:41 | 2020-12-25 12:35:35 |
access message filters cache data in python | 1 | False | raminzohouri | 2014-08-23 18:21:10 | 2014-08-23 20:08:18 |
programatically create subscribers | 1 | False | makokal | 2013-04-17 08:26:57 | 2013-12-12 23:01:10 |
Which topics can i use to receive all turtlebot sensors information? | 1 | False | leobber | 2014-11-25 16:52:47 | 2014-11-25 16:58:46 |
Nodes stop subscribing over time | 1 | False | pwong | 2015-02-05 23:10:55 | 2015-03-29 07:54:01 |
Aggregate multiple topics of same name and type | 1 | False | Akashjinandra | 2019-10-04 03:03:21 | 2019-10-04 07:08:58 |
Number of TCP connections for a "bidirectional" topic? | 1 | False | CodeFinder | 2019-10-11 15:25:08 | 2019-10-11 15:51:55 |
Same Callback with Multiple Topics | 1 | False | Jordan9 | 2015-04-03 16:19:16 | 2015-04-03 17:51:38 |
Offline node subscribers of generated messages | 2 | False | EEngineer | 2015-04-23 03:20:39 | 2018-11-03 15:43:30 |
subscribing to custom message type | 1 | False | saikrishnagv | 2015-07-10 19:16:40 | 2015-07-14 09:00:06 |
base_pose_ground_truth type? | 1 | False | Alvaro Salcedo | 2015-07-16 09:52:01 | 2015-07-16 11:54:01 |
when "subscriber" node launch before "publisher",can't get the messag | 1 | False | cros | 2015-08-31 07:07:23 | 2015-08-31 08:29:39 |
My node of ROS keeps dying. Subscribe a gazebo topic and publish in a ros topic | 1 | False | anasilva | 2015-09-09 23:18:05 | 2015-09-10 14:01:18 |
How c++ subscribes float64 message published from rosserial | 1 | False | Ros_junior | 2015-09-11 13:28:17 | 2015-09-17 06:45:59 |
Subscriber topic field | 1 | False | Edmodi | 2015-10-15 11:20:18 | 2015-10-15 12:13:57 |
What happens when two messages in a topic came one after another? | 1 | False | Kansai | 2020-04-30 00:12:16 | 2020-04-30 04:47:41 |
Is it necessary to using Callback function when I subscribe? | 1 | False | haryngod | 2015-11-23 01:14:10 | 2018-03-21 21:37:48 |
Subscribe to multiple topics simultaneously | 1 | False | ne0h | 2015-11-27 12:39:33 | 2015-11-27 14:29:05 |
What happens when two messages from different topics came one after another? | 2 | False | Kansai | 2020-05-19 12:02:22 | 2020-05-20 07:56:25 |
Publish to topic from file | 1 | False | Victoria_W | 2015-12-01 13:58:42 | 2015-12-01 15:23:11 |
Python - Compressed Image, Publisher/Subscriber | 1 | False | albspe | 2015-12-02 23:26:05 | 2015-12-03 17:10:42 |
How to subscribe to a topic, while publishing to another | 2 | False | Druff | 2016-01-07 00:42:26 | 2017-03-13 17:26:11 |
How do i publish in a callback function? | 1 | False | Gren8 | 2016-01-20 19:24:28 | 2016-01-20 20:53:50 |
eclipse and catkin_make not linking to ros.h dependencies | 1 | False | Wagner2x | 2016-01-21 17:26:04 | 2016-01-21 19:34:18 |
publish sevomoteur angle | 1 | False | mr.zerouali.soufian@gmail.com | 2016-04-05 13:40:18 | 2016-04-05 15:05:15 |
ROS2/create_subscription: How to pass callback arguments | 1 | False | afar | 2020-10-06 20:57:29 | 2021-12-27 21:51:43 |
Class member with subscriptor does not update | 1 | False | Pablo Garcia Aunon | 2016-04-29 17:28:16 | 2016-05-03 11:52:10 |
Is it possible to publish/subscribe as root? | 1 | False | wmrifenb | 2016-07-08 17:23:56 | 2016-07-08 17:40:20 |
subscribe to two topics of int and sensormsg types | 1 | False | anadgopi1994 | 2016-11-27 06:02:39 | 2016-11-27 10:21:59 |
subsribe to two integer type msgs with one call back function | 1 | False | anadgopi1994 | 2016-11-27 14:47:27 | 2016-11-27 15:06:14 |
Interrupting a topic callback to call a service | 1 | False | 215 | 2016-12-07 17:46:14 | 2016-12-08 09:59:11 |
Display CompressedDepth Image Python cv2 | 1 | False | Pototo | 2016-12-09 22:06:47 | 2017-07-16 13:54:25 |
Using cartographer for creating map, how?? | 2 | False | SCrusher | 2017-01-16 14:42:56 | 2017-02-02 03:20:15 |
How to use topic message type as an argument of a function? | 1 | False | Kevin1719 | 2021-11-21 12:55:56 | 2021-11-21 15:17:24 |
what if computation complexity cannot meet the demand of callback frequency | 1 | False | Bill5785 | 2017-05-09 19:36:16 | 2017-05-09 19:42:49 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
One time publish executable | 2 | True | andreasvo | 2017-06-22 13:48:24 | 2017-06-22 16:40:07 |
Subscriber not executing callback function to receive point cloud data from kinect | 1 | True | oswinium | 2014-03-14 10:18:42 | 2014-03-14 11:46:02 |
network pub/sub or messaging example, or documentation? | 2 | True | nzc | 2011-03-12 13:06:26 | 2011-03-14 02:33:51 |
roscpp message callback threading? | 1 | True | Bart | 2011-04-17 19:10:38 | 2011-04-17 21:15:06 |
Read sensors from different roscores. | 2 | True | Daniel | 2011-05-04 10:08:23 | 2011-05-05 01:49:00 |
error: __s_getMD5Sum is not a member | 1 | True | 130s | 2011-10-04 18:46:14 | 2011-10-05 21:58:16 |
Is there a way to subscribe to tf data? | 1 | True | sebsch | 2011-10-27 08:05:20 | 2011-10-27 08:43:21 |
Subscription a topic from another package | 1 | True | alfa_80 | 2011-12-06 10:42:35 | 2011-12-06 12:30:53 |
how to get states (position and velocity) from the simple box robot ? | 1 | True | maruchi | 2011-12-09 07:31:05 | 2011-12-11 20:30:09 |
Subscribe Message file | 2 | True | Dornier | 2017-11-23 16:01:56 | 2020-03-05 05:04:27 |
Rospy callback attribute error | 2 | True | OperationCrossbow | 2017-11-24 11:48:02 | 2019-02-25 13:35:52 |
Unable to print subscribed sensor_msgs with ROS_INFO | 1 | True | eirikaso | 2018-02-08 12:44:20 | 2018-02-08 13:02:58 |
Is it possible to read data from /map? | 1 | True | JaimeGJ | 2018-04-06 10:12:19 | 2018-04-08 13:19:57 |
wanna control ardrone with ros, don't know the input | 1 | True | ad26kr | 2014-04-17 01:12:25 | 2014-04-17 01:12:35 |
rospy subscribing to topic, how can i save a variable? | 2 | True | mortenpj | 2013-10-18 02:37:15 | 2018-07-02 21:26:20 |
Not being able to use hector_mapping | 1 | True | alfa_80 | 2012-03-08 13:12:19 | 2012-03-08 13:51:25 |
depth_image_proc subscriber | 1 | True | cmfuhrman | 2018-05-17 18:46:39 | 2018-05-23 13:36:26 |
Subscribing to navigation goal | 1 | True | amck77 | 2012-03-12 10:50:20 | 2012-03-15 04:44:27 |
rospy subscriber queue | 2 | True | apalomer | 2012-03-27 04:14:10 | 2014-03-27 12:31:05 |
It's safe to Publish and Subscribe on same Topic? | 1 | True | merosss | 2014-05-10 06:33:29 | 2014-05-10 06:46:52 |
subscribing to rosout INFO | 1 | True | Carlitos | 2012-05-08 00:41:35 | 2020-03-26 17:47:34 |
Explore subscribed topics | 2 | True | Erwan R. | 2012-06-04 10:01:34 | 2012-06-04 12:53:25 |
Subscribing to topic throw compilation error | 1 | True | Erwan R. | 2012-06-11 04:52:43 | 2012-06-11 06:04:06 |
subscribing and publishing | 2 | True | Rydel | 2012-07-03 17:12:52 | 2012-08-15 09:51:28 |
problem with roscore subscription and publishing | 1 | True | vivek | 2012-07-24 08:32:26 | 2012-07-24 14:44:17 |
rosbridge how to subscribe from multi rostopic | 4 | True | koprenee | 2012-07-24 16:21:20 | 2012-07-25 00:26:22 |
ROS Communication Protocol | 1 | True | cyborg-x1 | 2012-09-03 11:46:50 | 2012-09-03 12:08:00 |
cannot subscribe plugin | 1 | True | Peter Listov | 2012-09-03 12:03:32 | 2012-09-03 12:57:34 |
Publishing and subscribing to a topic in different threads | 1 | True | Nishant | 2012-09-08 19:17:40 | 2012-09-08 21:34:37 |
Subscribe vs. waitForMessage for a 30hz topic | 1 | True | aPonza | 2018-10-16 15:29:32 | 2018-10-17 08:40:09 |
NodeHandle::subscribe fail to subscribe topic | 1 | True | Xmice | 2018-10-25 14:52:23 | 2018-10-26 01:23:09 |
Control Design - PID and Topic Publishing | 1 | True | 101010 | 2012-10-17 11:09:09 | 2012-10-19 02:30:27 |
bus error on subscribing to topic on arm plattform | 1 | True | RobinH | 2012-10-23 07:26:51 | 2013-03-02 14:40:58 |
Can't use subscribe from inside c++ class | 2 | True | TiagoRibeiro | 2012-11-02 14:46:40 | 2012-11-02 23:07:53 |
navigation stack vs my node | 1 | True | Peter Listov | 2012-11-16 08:49:20 | 2012-11-16 10:02:26 |
[rospy] simultaneous subscribe at a given frequency | 1 | True | Cyprien | 2012-11-20 23:43:34 | 2012-11-21 02:28:16 |
Symbol 'subscribe' could not be resolved | 1 | True | Eisenhorn | 2012-11-28 09:03:04 | 2012-11-28 09:25:53 |
how can I register a Callback when using ros::spinOnce ? | 2 | True | dinamex | 2013-01-10 14:35:33 | 2015-07-10 14:44:00 |
Cannot get geometry_msgs::Twist from subscription to cmdVelReceived | 0 | False | MartinW | 2013-01-21 14:31:05 | 2013-01-21 14:31:05 |
ROS msg get seqence number || pointer adress allways added | 1 | True | HanSolow | 2013-02-04 09:53:17 | 2013-02-04 10:37:49 |
How can I realize subscribing to subtopics | 1 | True | wepmaschda | 2014-07-18 07:04:53 | 2014-07-18 13:11:01 |
Using rosjava, I can subscribe but not publish to rostopics on separate machines | 1 | True | dljsjr | 2013-03-13 12:58:23 | 2013-03-13 15:16:01 |
Problem with subscribe and callback function | 2 | True | Andromeda | 2014-08-22 17:44:51 | 2014-08-22 18:06:29 |
[Solved] Error when subscribing to multiple topics in python | 1 | True | Gi99 | 2019-05-21 17:35:38 | 2019-05-22 15:34:33 |
Subscribe to sensor_msgs/PointCloud | 3 | True | Missing | 2014-09-15 11:51:58 | 2014-09-16 07:22:32 |
Does the ros publisher publish in bytes? | 1 | True | aswin | 2013-05-27 20:56:40 | 2013-05-28 11:46:55 |
About Subscriber Structure and latch on Publisher | 1 | True | pcler | 2014-10-20 09:16:23 | 2014-10-20 12:51:39 |
How to Subscribe vector | 1 | True | Mohsen Hk | 2013-06-07 12:17:09 | 2013-06-08 04:21:23 |
Can't find package: cartographer_ros | 1 | True | Alan8 | 2019-07-02 18:03:46 | 2019-07-03 20:09:53 |
Callback class member | 1 | True | Verane | 2013-06-27 05:46:29 | 2013-06-27 10:09:14 |
Can I have both a subscriber and a service in a single node? | 1 | True | explorerbot | 2013-07-18 13:42:30 | 2013-07-18 20:29:40 |
how a subscriber can chage a subscribed topic? | 1 | False | Aarif | 2014-12-16 17:10:47 | 2014-12-16 19:15:30 |
Rqt_myPlugin can't subscribe node | 1 | True | Mosa | 2014-12-19 19:23:34 | 2014-12-23 14:07:07 |
How do I move with linear velocity for an exact distance? | 1 | True | Clefairy | 2012-08-16 11:03:11 | 2012-08-16 13:03:25 |
Rostopic weird behaviour an Raspberry | 2 | True | Maya | 2014-05-14 10:36:07 | 2014-05-16 13:19:18 |
Subscribe to quaternion | 1 | True | boog | 2013-08-01 10:40:42 | 2013-08-01 13:49:49 |
base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'const JointState' | 2 | True | 215 | 2015-02-18 11:31:54 | 2015-03-19 17:19:02 |
ROS fuerte - check subscriber | 1 | True | Bardo91 | 2015-03-18 11:46:41 | 2015-03-18 12:21:44 |
subscribe to 4 different topics with 2 asus xtions callback error | 2 | True | lukashernandez | 2014-07-22 20:12:37 | 2014-07-23 00:21:37 |
Using two topic's information in a subscriber's callback | 1 | True | RosFan19 | 2015-04-20 15:23:54 | 2015-04-20 16:28:23 |
what is gazebo_msgs/ModelStates dependencies? | 0 | False | Zargol | 2015-05-04 15:38:45 | 2015-05-04 15:44:07 |
How to return an array from my subscriber function | 1 | True | negotiator14 | 2015-08-13 17:20:02 | 2015-08-13 19:21:36 |
How can I subscribers multiple topics to get data at the same time (python)? | 2 | True | Ananthakrishnan | 2015-10-18 12:54:31 | 2018-11-28 19:46:40 |
Subscribe and publish velocity | 2 | True | anamcarvalho | 2014-08-08 23:28:34 | 2014-08-13 14:20:37 |
Listening to Publisher in Python from C++ Subscriber: Problem | 1 | True | edessale | 2015-12-30 23:29:13 | 2016-01-01 10:53:44 |
In general: How to catch subscription errors? | 1 | True | user23fj239 | 2016-02-05 22:03:09 | 2016-08-17 07:12:45 |
Definitions of map and tf using turtlebot3 | 2 | True | dapt | 2020-07-15 13:44:13 | 2020-10-30 14:13:58 |
An alternative to data processing inside callback functions? | 2 | True | ros_geller | 2016-02-24 22:28:23 | 2018-07-15 23:43:23 |
starting get_link_state topic ? | 2 | True | hvn | 2013-04-08 02:27:47 | 2013-04-10 03:27:09 |
Template argument deduction fails | 2 | True | sterlingm | 2016-05-03 18:43:53 | 2017-10-03 11:58:43 |
Unable to subscribe to Openni_launch - dataset doesn't have x-y-z coordinates | 2 | True | MartinW | 2012-07-24 17:27:55 | 2012-07-25 17:04:02 |
How do Publisher/Subscriber Message Queues Work? | 3 | True | aak2166 | 2016-09-15 20:57:04 | 2020-11-06 21:49:54 |
ERROR: Advertise a service already advertised in this node | 1 | True | Pototo | 2016-11-17 05:06:19 | 2016-11-17 22:39:36 |
how to make a predefined pakage to subscribe a topic? | 1 | True | Aarif | 2014-10-10 20:02:24 | 2014-10-13 07:35:55 |
how to receive non-const shared_ptr without copies when publishing between nodelets? | 1 | True | v01d | 2014-10-23 21:29:27 | 2014-10-24 17:45:10 |
Problem with message_filters::cache | 2 | True | Blizzard | 2012-09-11 13:41:28 | 2012-09-12 07:10:37 |