Python SocketIO Server to ROS2 Topic | 0 | False | Abisshek3012 | 2022-01-03 11:08:52 | 2022-01-03 11:08:52
Communication Speed via ROS | 0 | False | Lawrence Kay | 2017-07-07 00:53:39 | 2017-07-07 00:53:39
Unknown error initiating TCP/IP socket | 0 | False | pa_bob | 2020-04-22 14:31:54 | 2020-04-22 14:31:54
ubuntu(ros-c++)-windows(.net - c#) is it possible? | 0 | False | Kim_3957 | 2022-09-30 00:23:45 | 2022-09-30 00:23:45
ROS2 foxy C++ subscriber callback function not called after CTRL+C until computer restart | 0 | False | dvy | 2022-10-11 17:47:08 | 2022-12-14 19:02:06
ROS Kinetic: Data receive via socket Python3 | 0 | False | MartaWisniewska | 2019-08-11 08:38:09 | 2019-08-12 03:35:59
TurtleBot Service Crashing | 0 | False | Safeer | 2014-05-07 07:29:04 | 2014-05-07 07:29:04
Not able to open socket socket 0 at host: X.X.X.X at port 50001 | 0 | False | Manuchu | 2015-04-02 17:23:47 | 2015-04-02 17:23:47
Sending data over a network to a non-Ros computer | 0 | False | Alvaro Salcedo | 2015-04-27 09:03:31 | 2015-04-27 09:03:31
Sending data from ROS to server-socket | 0 | False | Carl | 2015-07-28 12:57:28 | 2015-07-28 12:57:28
UDP socket (publishing to topic) | 0 | False | Victoria_W | 2015-12-02 14:07:09 | 2015-12-07 10:38:51
ros tcp server node only receive the first message | 0 | False | tanghz | 2015-12-03 14:34:05 | 2015-12-03 14:58:27
How to send message from ROS to user defined TCP/IP Port? | 0 | False | niraj007 | 2016-04-13 09:04:36 | 2016-04-13 09:04:36
accept() on socket [6] failed with error | 0 | False | cros | 2016-05-05 08:23:07 | 2016-05-06 05:40:13
Connecting & Reading to a TCP/IP socket from a different ROS Node | 0 | False | Radeshwar | 2021-01-15 11:17:27 | 2021-01-15 11:17:27
rosserial_server : Received message with unrecognized topicId (125) | 0 | False | Paul Pavish | 2021-01-20 16:26:15 | 2021-01-20 16:26:59
does rosjava support ip4 | 0 | False | mingrutar | 2016-11-28 21:04:42 | 2016-11-28 21:04:42