Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Can't move KUKA youBot arm in Gazebo at ROS Hydro Devel | 0 | False | rubicki | 2017-10-24 17:50:17 | 2017-10-27 07:18:42 |
youbot-ros package for kinetic? | 0 | False | dinesh | 2018-03-08 14:34:59 | 2018-03-08 14:34:59 |
KUKA YOUBOT: Cannot read gripper values | 0 | False | Saimonko | 2018-04-10 12:40:07 | 2018-04-10 12:53:35 |
Migrating KUKA youbot Gazebo simulation from Fuerte to Melodic ROS | 0 | False | first_rain | 2018-09-26 04:45:33 | 2018-09-26 04:45:33 |
MoveIt! cant find the KUKA YouBot robot model | 0 | False | mr.Fixed | 2019-10-08 14:48:35 | 2019-10-08 14:54:59 |
youBot is not attracted by gravity in Gazebo | 0 | False | rastaxe | 2014-06-24 13:49:19 | 2014-06-24 13:49:19 |
youbot No etherCAT connection found! no ethercat slaves could be found | 0 | False | willnil | 2018-11-05 19:34:52 | 2018-11-05 19:34:52 |
Using rviz_visual_tools no matching function | 0 | False | mutu | 2016-11-24 11:09:40 | 2016-11-24 11:10:05 |
MoveIt! setup assistant crashes for youBot | 0 | False | ratneshmadaan | 2014-07-03 08:41:03 | 2014-07-03 08:41:03 |
arm navigation: unable to change velocity | 0 | False | Kilin | 2013-01-14 11:04:06 | 2013-01-14 11:04:06 |
Are the KUKA YouBot drivers supported for ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04? | 0 | False | tsou10 | 2019-02-12 05:03:28 | 2019-02-12 05:03:28 |
Controling a Gazebo simulation remotely | 0 | False | CamiloEsc | 2019-03-18 17:27:30 | 2019-03-18 17:27:30 |
Gazebo Youbot Arm Slowly Drifting | 0 | False | clarkeaa | 2014-08-01 18:30:52 | 2014-08-01 18:30:52 |
Setting goals manually for 5Dof youBot | 0 | False | SteveFun | 2014-08-13 15:13:59 | 2014-08-13 15:13:59 |
KUKA YOUBOT - youbot_keyboard_teleop.py | 0 | False | Fjara | 2018-06-12 08:30:38 | 2018-06-12 14:23:02 |
Is it possible to control the Kuka youBot with a raspberry running ubuntu Mate? | 0 | False | CamiloEsc | 2019-02-25 16:09:43 | 2019-02-25 16:09:43 |
Youbot arm manipulation | 0 | False | arafatsadasd | 2019-10-04 19:09:09 | 2019-10-04 19:09:09 |
youBot Kuka Simulation | 0 | False | almosca | 2015-04-06 09:41:40 | 2015-04-06 09:41:39 |
youbot_gazebo_ros - center of mass | 0 | False | moyashi | 2015-04-10 03:41:26 | 2015-04-10 03:41:26 |
Weird Youbot Joint behavior | 0 | False | fh | 2015-05-11 13:22:44 | 2015-05-11 13:22:44 |
Using Kinect on Youbot for obstacle avoidance | 0 | False | k.ergener | 2015-06-06 12:38:28 | 2015-06-06 12:38:28 |
Let youbot move just in one direction | 0 | False | Honigkuchen | 2015-06-26 10:27:55 | 2015-06-26 10:27:55 |
Getting started with moveIt and youbot | 0 | False | Rasmus | 2013-09-23 09:21:45 | 2013-09-23 11:02:50 |
How to implement velocity controller on gazebo for arm robot ( youbot)? | 0 | False | Rony_s | 2020-01-20 13:22:32 | 2020-01-20 16:45:04 |
No ethercat slave found on youbot | 0 | False | Sailesh | 2015-11-09 11:13:20 | 2015-11-09 11:13:20 |
youbot bad results in gmapping | 0 | False | mall3i | 2015-11-26 12:02:38 | 2015-11-26 12:02:38 |
YouBot: Cannot read gripper values | 0 | False | AlejandroBordallo | 2015-12-08 19:58:35 | 2015-12-08 19:58:35 |
Can't enable/add camera on Kuka Youbot in Gazebo | 0 | False | adriancabal | 2015-12-12 20:21:21 | 2015-12-16 02:10:59 |
Connect two Youbots with a wire in gazebo | 0 | False | adriancabal | 2016-01-07 20:02:59 | 2016-01-07 20:02:59 |
Moveit! and Gazebo are out of sync | 0 | False | Jericho | 2020-07-08 17:25:06 | 2020-07-08 19:32:46 |
Youbot hello world example not executing | 0 | False | Rishabh | 2016-02-05 11:23:04 | 2016-02-05 11:23:04 |
V-REP crashes! | 0 | False | Reza1984 | 2016-04-29 01:40:10 | 2016-04-29 06:48:29 |
I would like to ask some help to manipulate the youBot using ros kinetic | 0 | False | Dalfarov87 | 2016-06-04 17:23:17 | 2017-02-15 19:29:17 |
KUKA YouBot edit the RViz Model | 0 | False | YouBoter | 2014-09-12 13:19:56 | 2014-09-12 13:19:56 |
Kuka YouBot Error pid 3556, exit code 127 | 0 | False | Dornier | 2021-01-12 15:16:15 | 2021-01-12 15:16:15 |
YouBot looses EtherCAT connection upon starting sound_play | 0 | False | unhelkar | 2016-09-14 23:15:00 | 2016-09-14 23:15:57 |
Connect my youbot arm with the moveit simulation model in rviz | 0 | False | mutu | 2016-12-07 14:52:43 | 2016-12-07 14:52:43 |
Control YouBot Arm Problem Gripper | 0 | False | Alessio | 2017-01-29 20:53:46 | 2017-01-30 20:48:39 |
Adding an obstacle to costmap_2d | 0 | False | matteopantano | 2017-04-24 09:38:15 | 2017-04-24 09:38:15 |
Adding infaltion to obstacle got from new layer | 0 | False | matteopantano | 2017-05-05 20:43:46 | 2017-05-05 20:44:42 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
library not found when starting youbot_driver_ros_interface | 1 | False | Jabro | 2014-02-25 02:17:23 | 2014-02-25 08:39:43 |
Moveit: getCurrentJointValues() won't update | 2 | False | weitang | 2018-01-27 00:51:18 | 2018-01-30 19:34:15 |
How to migrate ROS PKG for Kuka youbot from Hydro to Kinetic | 1 | False | Alireza_m | 2018-07-18 02:19:28 | 2018-07-18 15:48:00 |
Problems with youBot Simulation in Gazebo | 1 | False | Lena | 2014-05-21 10:35:07 | 2014-11-09 12:27:05 |
cost-map parameters and gmapping with youbot | 1 | False | Hamid | 2014-06-25 07:34:04 | 2015-09-14 22:03:58 |
MoveIt! commander with youbot | 1 | False | Rick C NIST | 2014-06-25 14:49:55 | 2014-11-24 14:56:22 |
How to do linear and angular calibration of youbot odometry | 1 | False | gurou | 2014-06-30 13:12:00 | 2014-10-29 16:02:17 |
Controlling two joints simultaneously | 1 | False | clarkeaa | 2014-07-25 20:49:20 | 2014-07-26 09:46:29 |
Not enough ethercat slaves to create youbot manipulator | 1 | False | heylosheila | 2017-10-10 08:08:58 | 2018-10-17 19:46:30 |
rosmake youbot_driver fail | 1 | False | Max | 2014-10-24 16:13:41 | 2014-10-24 17:05:02 |
rosmake youbot_oodl failed | 1 | False | Max | 2014-10-29 18:58:08 | 2014-10-29 22:50:39 |
Grasp a box with youbot | 1 | False | Gomes117 | 2015-03-22 22:26:16 | 2015-03-23 07:04:41 |
ROS with DLL or WinROS with Wine? | 1 | False | X-Bar | 2013-08-26 09:57:25 | 2013-08-28 05:16:30 |
youbot hello world example arm not moving. | 1 | False | Truce | 2015-06-07 01:58:47 | 2017-02-07 05:01:10 |
dwa_local_planner penalize POSITIVE x | 1 | False | Rapha811 | 2015-06-18 16:25:05 | 2015-06-18 16:29:34 |
Hokuyo laser getID failed. How to fix it? | 1 | False | Truce | 2015-07-08 22:02:32 | 2015-07-09 17:28:45 |
Gmapping Launch File | 1 | False | 85pando | 2015-09-25 12:16:09 | 2017-06-07 23:11:07 |
Replace Hokuyo by a SICK TiM at youBot | 1 | False | RKT | 2016-04-15 14:19:23 | 2016-04-18 17:41:29 |
KUKA Youbot navigation simulation | 1 | False | lfr | 2016-05-18 12:58:50 | 2016-05-19 14:48:03 |
Show Manipulation Trajectory in Rviz | 1 | False | mutu | 2016-11-17 09:51:49 | 2016-11-22 12:24:42 |
Use hector slam and youbot -- laser scan tf | 1 | False | matteopantano | 2017-01-30 17:09:46 | 2017-01-31 13:17:58 |
Controlling youbot's arm. brics_actuator/JointPositions | 1 | False | ratneshmadaan | 2014-06-11 12:07:35 | 2016-11-21 13:55:56 |
Recommended ROS Version for Kuka Youbot | 1 | False | Jabro | 2014-02-13 07:30:59 | 2014-02-25 08:40:29 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
[catkin_make] Cmake Error | 2 | True | runout | 2014-03-10 12:50:46 | 2014-05-15 05:30:24 |
calling an available package(APIs) from another package | 1 | True | Alireza_m | 2014-11-24 21:55:05 | 2014-11-25 00:54:01 |
Launching youBot driver and simulating the robot | 1 | True | ASMIK2011ROS | 2011-04-06 23:31:10 | 2011-04-08 02:00:22 |
Navigation stack on youBot | 7 | True | Lorenzo | 2011-09-07 06:54:20 | 2011-09-16 11:46:05 |
Kinect amcl | 4 | True | Lorenzo | 2011-11-04 04:00:01 | 2011-11-11 07:54:00 |
moveit_setup_assistant won't load urdf after upgrade - possible bug? | 1 | True | aespielberg | 2013-07-19 09:41:41 | 2013-07-22 09:18:08 |
ros distros and packages for kuka youbot | 1 | True | ratneshmadaan | 2014-05-13 06:37:07 | 2014-05-13 06:37:07 |
Why can't youbot_battery_monitor connect to serial port? | 0 | False | m.hoev | 2014-05-19 08:45:34 | 2014-05-20 05:46:54 |
'effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController not found | 2 | True | Rahndall | 2014-06-13 10:14:22 | 2014-06-13 11:06:48 |
rosmake fails for youbot_description | 2 | True | joe.s | 2012-12-13 12:00:18 | 2012-12-20 18:03:25 |
D-H table for youbot | 3 | True | joe.s | 2013-02-07 15:24:09 | 2018-11-11 15:56:30 |
Navigation Stack Without sensor | 2 | True | Ali Asad | 2013-02-19 05:11:24 | 2013-02-20 06:08:55 |
youbot firmware error with youbot_HelloWorldDemo | 1 | True | speciousfool | 2013-03-19 13:56:41 | 2013-03-21 01:10:35 |
Node crashes | 1 | True | kost9 | 2014-11-03 05:43:33 | 2014-11-04 08:45:44 |
Difficulty using ikfast generator, "need 6 joints error" with Kuka Youbot | 2 | True | aespielberg | 2013-06-25 17:02:12 | 2013-07-02 16:42:28 |
How to link against API package in ROS from a catkin package (as a user application) | 1 | True | Alireza_m | 2014-12-03 01:39:52 | 2014-12-04 20:45:08 |
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named ... | 1 | True | Alireza_m | 2014-12-10 22:50:29 | 2014-12-12 20:36:49 |
Trouble getting started with moveit ikfast and youbot | 1 | True | aespielberg | 2013-07-23 16:30:11 | 2013-08-08 10:02:27 |
Multiple Kinect | 4 | True | Lorenzo | 2011-10-14 01:07:38 | 2012-03-07 00:37:36 |
How to connect YouBot with a Laptop | 2 | True | AAnjum | 2015-07-28 16:45:51 | 2015-09-25 12:19:50 |
Gmapping works in Gazebo, but not on robot | 2 | True | 85pando | 2015-10-08 10:37:30 | 2020-09-04 12:14:44 |
Holonomic planner for navigation | 2 | True | lfr | 2016-05-26 08:45:49 | 2016-06-24 06:23:44 |
Hello! I would like to ask some help to manipulate the kuka youBot. I installed ros kinetic, how can I send messages to the robot. | 0 | False | Dalfarov87 | 2016-06-04 17:20:38 | 2016-06-04 17:20:38 |
Could not find joint 'arm_joint_1' in 'hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface' for Youbot in Gazebo | 1 | True | LeeAClift | 2021-10-05 13:37:55 | 2021-10-13 10:11:35 |
ROS Navigation Stack on Kuka Youbot | 1 | True | Jabro | 2014-02-13 07:28:41 | 2014-02-13 08:16:21 |