Is wait_for_service required before every service call? | 1 | False | Hamza24 | 2017-06-08 08:34:59 | 2017-06-08 09:11:36
Will rosjava be supported on Lunar and future releases? | 1 | False | coolbeans | 2017-06-12 16:48:05 | 2017-10-10 20:31:57
ROS2 not detecting micro-ROS service | 1 | False | alrit | 2023-05-17 18:20:11 | 2023-05-18 05:28:31
Importing and defining custom services in ROS 2 Foxy | 2 | False | pablo.arandarod | 2022-04-06 20:13:06 | 2022-04-07 17:16:41
Distinguish Services from different nodes with same name | 1 | False | amarbanerjee23 | 2017-09-11 05:12:37 | 2017-09-11 07:11:07
rosjava services AddTwoInts basic question | 1 | False | AMiNAsFour | 2014-03-30 17:15:18 | 2017-11-07 15:57:58
catkin_make not installing new source | 1 | False | meropis | 2022-11-06 23:22:02 | 2022-11-07 15:43:54
[ROS2] call service :"waiting for service to become available" | 1 | False | jlepers | 2020-02-28 11:06:36 | 2020-02-28 13:23:22
Blocking service callbacks | 1 | False | crpizarr | 2014-04-23 11:13:45 | 2014-04-23 12:00:01
Moving Manipulator in Gazebo or Rviz | 1 | False | joshkarges | 2012-10-02 21:21:00 | 2012-10-03 12:08:28
creating a Rosjava Service Client and Server end in failure | 1 | False | yaced | 2019-01-25 15:08:17 | 2019-01-30 17:41:11
Request-response service best practice? | 1 | False | oller | 2018-12-08 01:55:58 | 2018-12-10 19:26:49
Gazebo - joints control in position | 1 | False | pacifica | 2012-11-29 16:27:43 | 2012-11-29 17:02:38
Standard for PointCloud messages is still PointCloud2? | 2 | False | Kilin | 2012-12-12 08:23:19 | 2012-12-12 15:51:16
Is it bad practice to create and shutdown services during runtime? | 1 | False | didi2002 | 2014-11-24 15:10:00 | 2014-11-24 16:03:03
design question: topic vs service? | 2 | False | d | 2014-07-30 18:31:15 | 2014-07-31 14:31:54
Speed controller, service or subscriber/publisher? | 1 | False | bhejase | 2019-07-29 14:25:38 | 2019-07-29 18:35:48
Send request function for client | 1 | False | mikepark93 | 2019-08-02 14:44:20 | 2019-08-02 17:20:31
Receiving Meshes via ROS in Python | 2 | False | Robonus | 2019-08-06 14:40:05 | 2020-05-23 16:22:10
Restart nodes and services | 1 | False | madlink306 | 2019-08-09 08:59:26 | 2019-08-09 15:52:51
Set a parameter through ROS services | 1 | False | fabbro | 2014-12-19 14:33:27 | 2014-12-19 18:42:30
How to use "MsgSrvDoc" in wiki | 2 | False | raul.perula | 2015-06-11 13:30:21 | 2015-06-15 20:04:11
How to use ROS services | 1 | False | negotiator14 | 2015-08-04 22:31:27 | 2015-08-05 06:57:20
[ROS2][service][topic]service and topic cooperate | 1 | False | lin404 | 2020-01-20 02:36:32 | 2020-01-28 01:03:32
[ROS2] calling method in Node class | 1 | False | jlepers | 2020-04-08 20:19:11 | 2020-06-12 14:00:25
Is it possible to define QoS policies for services in ROS2 | 1 | False | KiD | 2020-05-31 01:28:05 | 2020-06-01 15:11:42
service not visible when launched inside class. | 1 | False | LukeAI | 2020-08-05 18:32:40 | 2020-08-05 21:11:24
How to get length of array of geometry_msg:Points in service handle? | 1 | False | LukeAI | 2020-08-06 11:39:17 | 2020-08-06 12:56:36
Synchronous service client call from C++ | 1 | False | Per Edwardsson | 2022-12-09 09:11:43 | 2022-12-10 15:48:32
camera calibration service not available (specific driver for VRMagic) | 1 | False | altella | 2016-07-04 13:47:12 | 2016-07-06 21:41:02
What are the criteria for selecting services or actions? Did they change in ROS2 due to asynchronous services? | 1 | False | Kenji Miyake | 2021-05-01 09:54:47 | 2021-05-02 21:06:12
Can we call a hidden service ? | 1 | False | TeaTea | 2021-07-02 10:01:19 | 2022-07-31 17:11:45
using services from android_map_manager and other rapps | 1 | False | david.c.liebman | 2014-02-08 11:06:07 | 2014-02-12 09:53:50