Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
rostest does not show log message | 0 | False | khu | 2017-07-24 08:13:22 | 2017-07-25 09:38:52 |
How to rostest multiple nodes (C++) (python) | 0 | False | reivilo | 2022-04-06 20:02:23 | 2022-04-06 20:02:23 |
[ROS2] launch-based testing | 0 | False | Artivis | 2019-07-02 20:06:57 | 2019-07-02 20:07:16 |
[rostest]Subscriber callback not being called even with getNumPublishers() > 1 | 0 | False | caioaamaral | 2020-05-08 19:45:04 | 2020-05-08 19:47:32 |
When actually is the ros::shutdown() called in the test_localization_node_bag_pose_tester.cpp of robot_localization package ? | 0 | False | ros_user_ak | 2022-10-06 09:31:06 | 2022-10-06 11:27:02 |
Unit testing Qt UI and ROS Nodes | 0 | False | Valveware | 2018-01-17 16:51:18 | 2018-01-17 16:51:18 |
rostests fail intermittently when run with catkin_make run_tests | 0 | False | BatchCodes | 2023-01-11 16:10:13 | 2023-01-11 16:10:13 |
How to structure & link automated tests | 0 | False | felixd | 2018-01-24 13:54:19 | 2018-01-24 13:54:19 |
catkin_make run_tests not launching nodes in .test file | 0 | False | ThimoF | 2020-05-20 10:01:49 | 2020-05-20 10:04:24 |
Writing tests in ROS 2 | 0 | False | jbarry | 2023-03-09 20:00:42 | 2023-03-10 18:50:01 |
ResourceNotFound error with rostest absolute path to launch file | 0 | False | Jarvis | 2014-10-23 00:41:54 | 2014-10-28 17:30:40 |
Node fails to import Python package during isolated test run | 0 | False | Sergii Strelkovskyi | 2018-03-06 09:21:21 | 2018-03-07 07:27:05 |
rostest: fails when using ROS_HOSTNAME (single PC) | 0 | False | knxa | 2018-03-19 11:27:30 | 2018-03-19 11:27:30 |
Difference between add_rostest_gtest and catkin_add_gtest | 0 | False | weiyuhe | 2019-05-22 15:21:48 | 2019-05-22 15:21:48 |
Unknown CMake command: "add_rostest". | 0 | False | zachk | 2018-03-27 20:12:21 | 2018-03-27 20:12:21 |
rostest results | 0 | False | cronapt | 2021-04-07 12:26:25 | 2021-04-07 12:26:25 |
catkin_make_isolated run_tests | 0 | False | gaschler | 2018-04-11 11:20:57 | 2018-04-11 11:28:56 |
Rostest fails when executing with catkin_make run_tests | 0 | False | flamurberisha | 2018-07-03 09:46:44 | 2018-07-03 09:46:44 |
Getting python coverage for rostests | 0 | False | lstelzner | 2017-08-03 18:31:02 | 2018-03-02 08:50:37 |
Is `catkin test` compatible with `catkin run_tests`? | 0 | False | yuzuser | 2022-04-04 10:32:27 | 2022-04-04 10:32:27 |
error when running rostest.rosrun | 0 | False | JaLo | 2018-10-04 12:12:30 | 2018-10-04 12:12:30 |
"catkin run_tests" finding non-installed resource | 0 | False | 130s | 2018-10-27 09:05:17 | 2018-10-27 14:17:07 |
Proper workflow to install tests targets with catkin | 0 | False | Thordreck | 2018-11-04 22:39:52 | 2018-11-04 22:39:52 |
What is the difference between rosunit and rostest? | 0 | False | kump | 2018-11-13 09:42:07 | 2018-11-13 09:42:27 |
Run unit tests for a C++ node on VectorCast | 0 | False | jotator | 2018-11-14 17:13:28 | 2018-11-16 13:57:15 |
rostest only reports one test case result | 0 | False | Jon Stephan | 2012-11-17 09:55:45 | 2012-11-17 09:55:45 |
rostest include ros node as dependency | 0 | False | ia | 2021-02-26 21:17:48 | 2021-02-26 21:17:48 |
Using C++ what is a good frame for setting up a ROSTest | 0 | False | borgcons | 2019-04-19 21:58:21 | 2019-04-19 21:58:38 |
Rostest not showing existing failures and errors | 0 | False | minennick | 2019-05-25 17:10:45 | 2019-05-25 17:10:45 |
Test a node that subscribes and publishes to other nodes | 0 | False | hect1995 | 2019-07-26 13:37:21 | 2019-07-29 11:03:26 |
rostest doesnt launch nodes properly | 0 | False | mishal | 2015-01-10 17:51:12 | 2015-01-10 19:29:26 |
Get rostest results Summary as a PDF | 0 | False | Buldoza | 2020-03-06 17:37:36 | 2020-03-06 17:37:36 |
Multiple .test with the same c++ node | 0 | False | polar | 2020-04-02 22:32:26 | 2020-04-02 22:32:26 |
Rostest: Test if nodes are running | 0 | False | prex | 2020-04-20 13:31:42 | 2020-04-20 16:21:25 |
Run only certain test cases | 0 | False | JakeBaldwin | 2015-10-13 21:43:32 | 2015-10-13 21:43:49 |
How to make rostest launch rosout? | 0 | False | JohnStechschulte | 2020-06-01 17:37:33 | 2020-06-01 17:37:33 |
Can I run a command before a rostest when using catkin run_tests? | 0 | False | alcedine | 2020-10-21 08:53:23 | 2020-10-21 08:53:23 |
Capture rostest result status in detail | 0 | False | 130s | 2016-06-08 10:25:06 | 2016-06-08 10:25:06 |
Find and Launch similar Projects with one Launchfile | 0 | False | Artemis0602 | 2020-12-08 11:52:45 | 2020-12-08 11:52:45 |
Debugging rostest in vscode | 0 | False | book | 2021-03-22 08:12:58 | 2021-03-22 08:12:58 |
ROS control: rate.sleep() blocks in rostest | 0 | False | book | 2021-03-22 20:53:42 | 2021-03-22 20:53:42 |
Rostest permission denied error | 0 | False | smeik | 2021-03-29 09:29:44 | 2021-03-29 09:29:44 |
Using rostest with simulation time | 0 | False | MohsenTamiz | 2016-10-18 15:30:59 | 2016-10-18 15:47:18 |
Automatically specify the port for rostest | 0 | False | Hamza24 | 2017-01-10 04:51:24 | 2017-01-10 04:51:24 |
Failed to contact master in rostest | 0 | False | Ivan4815162342 | 2021-08-27 10:41:00 | 2021-08-27 10:41:00 |
Integration Testing: Rostest with non-Catkin Packages (MAVROS and PX4) | 0 | False | aau | 2021-10-08 11:25:04 | 2021-10-11 07:19:34 |
Rostest in Python not subscribing to a topic | 0 | False | mojer | 2021-11-26 12:52:19 | 2021-12-08 21:59:23 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Do rostest test nodes publish to rosout? | 2 | False | swaroophs | 2020-04-22 09:53:45 | 2020-06-04 04:04:32 |
How to watch to topic while testing? | 1 | False | Theremin1 | 2022-09-13 14:59:55 | 2022-09-15 08:30:24 |
Why does catkin run_tests run without a error but rostest not? | 1 | False | Theremin1 | 2022-09-15 10:15:33 | 2022-09-21 09:02:47 |
rostest: Test node does not exist or is not executable | 1 | False | Westranger | 2017-11-14 12:48:52 | 2020-03-19 07:57:17 |
Cannot subscribe to own topics (in rostest) | 1 | False | Westranger | 2017-11-14 16:53:49 | 2017-11-14 19:02:42 |
Python rostest succeeds and fails | 1 | False | ramasri | 2017-11-15 11:28:14 | 2017-11-15 15:03:13 |
Dealing with sleeps in rostest | 2 | False | shylent | 2018-01-23 21:22:54 | 2018-11-24 06:28:47 |
Show ROS_DEBUG ROS_INFO with catkin_make run_tests | 1 | False | alex-gee | 2018-02-14 07:32:04 | 2018-03-19 18:54:18 |
how to start rostest file on startup? | 1 | False | chanhyeoni | 2018-02-16 21:17:05 | 2018-02-19 20:15:41 |
Using a ROS Kinetic node as both a SimpleActionServer and SimpleActionClient | 1 | False | user3452345 | 2018-12-09 21:52:49 | 2018-12-09 22:18:25 |
python rostest fails to import python module | 1 | False | vvdy | 2018-06-19 19:31:24 | 2018-06-21 06:31:36 |
Process dies for test.py with "option --gtest_output not recognized" error | 1 | False | 130s | 2018-07-06 05:57:52 | 2018-07-06 06:28:59 |
Tests if ros master is not running using rostest | 1 | False | 130s | 2016-02-05 07:15:41 | 2016-02-05 07:52:55 |
ROS Tests: catkin_add_executable_with_gtest does not rebuild target | 1 | False | space | 2018-11-28 19:58:22 | 2020-03-24 15:57:53 |
Unknown CMake command "add_rostest" | 1 | False | pra-dan | 2020-10-27 15:30:39 | 2020-10-28 15:36:15 |
trigger python rostest with catkin_make test | 2 | False | Acuda | 2014-10-21 11:29:33 | 2018-06-26 18:22:58 |
Rostest succeeds test if a node crashes | 2 | False | okalachev | 2019-07-01 20:05:00 | 2019-07-04 19:47:27 |
How to rostest a single (entire) package in catkin workspace? | 1 | False | dsolomon | 2014-11-03 23:49:45 | 2014-11-04 00:02:35 |
rostest console output | 2 | False | amstrudy | 2019-07-18 19:37:27 | 2021-10-21 08:38:03 |
Defining a dependency for (a Python) add_rostest call? | 1 | False | dustingooding | 2015-11-06 14:42:01 | 2015-11-07 00:06:48 |
Rostest with a dataset | 1 | False | TomSon | 2020-07-01 14:10:18 | 2020-07-01 17:11:15 |
Are there any real world rostest examples using parameters? | 1 | False | chaoflow | 2016-02-24 23:08:59 | 2016-02-25 19:19:19 |
How does the clock work in rostest | 1 | False | FantasticMrFox | 2021-06-07 05:44:44 | 2021-06-07 06:11:55 |
Cannot run rostests Sequentially, only Simultaneously | 1 | False | cferone | 2020-02-17 14:48:30 | 2020-02-20 23:08:41 |
Structure a ROS node for easily testing | 1 | False | alextoind | 2017-01-12 09:13:46 | 2017-10-25 08:02:02 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Rostest arguments in CMakeLists | 2 | True | ct2034 | 2014-06-24 17:39:51 | 2014-06-24 18:11:43 |
rostest does not show log messages | 0 | False | khu | 2017-07-24 08:15:01 | 2017-07-24 08:15:57 |
Trouble subscribing to turtlesim color sensor in a rostest | 4 | True | gainerems | 2011-06-15 00:56:15 | 2011-06-17 05:08:11 |
rostest kills roscore | 1 | True | seanarm | 2011-07-08 07:49:50 | 2011-07-08 08:10:29 |
rostest xml API | 1 | True | KruseT | 2011-08-06 10:16:46 | 2011-08-06 13:27:56 |
Why am I getting: can't locate node [rosout] in package [rosout] | 2 | True | ct2034 | 2014-06-27 11:57:26 | 2021-03-23 01:21:19 |
Packaging error trying to run ROS tests from Tox | 1 | True | Cerin | 2018-03-08 21:27:32 | 2018-03-09 19:09:43 |
rostest: specifying a single test case | 2 | True | knxa | 2018-03-12 16:52:10 | 2022-12-28 11:39:30 |
How to test a ros package | 1 | True | bear234 | 2018-04-16 05:58:46 | 2018-04-16 07:19:12 |
where is the rosbuild_add_roslaunch_check script? | 1 | True | joq | 2012-02-22 21:02:43 | 2012-02-22 21:51:15 |
Configure ROSTest + Hudson for individual bug reports? | 1 | True | mkopack | 2012-08-27 09:52:46 | 2012-10-05 01:50:53 |
How do I run a unit test with different rosparams? | 1 | True | Jon Stephan | 2012-10-20 10:40:02 | 2012-10-24 22:43:49 |
How to run multiple rostests with one .test file and one gtest test case | 1 | True | aswin | 2018-11-20 18:59:14 | 2018-11-22 15:12:17 |
rostest - Minimum Working Example | 2 | True | David Lu | 2014-07-01 15:20:47 | 2014-07-01 21:08:46 |
rostest code coverage | 1 | True | mbforbes | 2014-07-01 16:56:42 | 2014-07-02 19:24:12 |
change timeout of rostest | 1 | True | msieber | 2012-12-20 09:31:02 | 2013-02-08 08:17:38 |
rostest file layout- can't find/tries to compile/no rule to make target, existing .test file | 1 | True | toborguru | 2013-01-30 21:37:31 | 2013-01-31 19:13:39 |
How does rostest work with catkin? | 1 | True | joq | 2013-02-02 16:28:29 | 2013-02-03 14:48:03 |
Enforce consecutive execution order for gtest and rostest. | 1 | True | Magnus | 2019-02-27 09:25:25 | 2019-02-27 13:43:48 |
rostest on pr2 | 1 | True | mbforbes | 2014-07-11 19:22:08 | 2014-07-11 22:37:26 |
How do I migrate rosbuild_add_rostest_labelled to catkin? | 1 | True | joq | 2013-02-16 16:40:23 | 2013-04-23 09:32:39 |
ros::service::waitForService() blocks infinite | 2 | True | inflo | 2013-03-18 13:57:45 | 2021-10-26 18:33:54 |
Running rostests with bag data | 1 | True | Tom Moore | 2014-09-18 18:41:52 | 2014-09-18 20:25:24 |
How can I use test nodes in rostest which are not part of rostest itself? | 1 | True | thinwybk | 2017-10-07 14:19:02 | 2017-10-11 16:14:56 |
Multiple Cores running in rostest | 3 | True | David Lu | 2013-05-10 22:15:26 | 2013-05-12 17:34:21 |
How can I use rosunit to unit test ROS nodes? | 1 | True | thinwybk | 2017-10-09 11:05:16 | 2017-10-16 07:28:19 |
How do I only run tests for only one package? | 3 | True | David Lu | 2013-05-12 15:31:12 | 2016-12-02 14:34:32 |
how do I use download_test_data()? | 1 | True | joq | 2013-05-21 23:32:40 | 2013-05-23 10:09:41 |
How to verify publications using rostest? | 2 | True | Kyle | 2014-10-15 17:50:47 | 2020-03-18 19:36:01 |
How are several test cases in a ROS test node executed? | 1 | True | thinwybk | 2017-10-12 06:50:44 | 2017-10-13 02:55:12 |
rosmake + make test? Automated testing? | 2 | True | madmax | 2013-06-05 12:02:51 | 2013-10-07 10:40:30 |
Using rostest with gtest value-parameterized tests | 1 | True | jatowler | 2011-08-05 10:17:09 | 2011-08-08 08:19:17 |
rostest - Executable not rebuilding | 1 | True | David Lu | 2014-07-08 21:44:42 | 2014-07-08 22:17:40 |
google test in fuerte | 1 | True | somudrog | 2013-06-17 20:24:32 | 2013-06-17 22:27:44 |
Change rostest max time allotted | 1 | True | gainerems | 2011-08-15 07:57:23 | 2011-08-15 11:24:38 |
The "add_rostest" macro is not being recognized. | 2 | True | Toletum | 2013-06-18 14:28:41 | 2013-06-18 17:42:30 |
rostest & Python - Multiple Test Fixtures In Single File | 2 | True | trianta2 | 2014-11-03 17:19:36 | 2017-02-01 14:12:52 |
rostest not finding the actual test | 1 | True | etsardou | 2014-11-13 14:35:12 | 2014-11-15 18:10:39 |
Why isn't Rostest running my gtests in catkin? | 1 | True | Toletum | 2013-07-28 22:00:38 | 2013-07-29 20:11:09 |
How to change the directory for rostest log files? | 1 | True | MaxDai | 2013-08-15 03:52:43 | 2013-08-15 16:42:22 |
Port to connect to rostest rosmaster after Indigo | 2 | True | 130s | 2015-05-02 11:04:31 | 2016-03-05 04:51:22 |
catkin run_tests with stdout output of rostest | 1 | True | Kentaro Wada | 2015-10-12 14:49:32 | 2018-05-29 17:16:16 |
rostest error: Test Fixture Nodes failed to launch | 2 | True | Heecheol Kim | 2015-10-13 14:27:24 | 2022-01-18 17:53:26 |
How do I test a service caller in python? | 1 | True | dustingooding | 2015-10-15 21:39:48 | 2015-10-16 00:15:29 |
build and run only one rostest | 2 | True | Dimitri Schachmann | 2015-10-28 12:01:09 | 2021-01-18 15:12:29 |
Any good examples of ros unittests? | 2 | True | Victor Gonzalez-Pacheco | 2013-10-26 04:51:03 | 2013-10-28 06:08:28 |
Code coverage with pytest-based ROS tests | 1 | True | jorge | 2022-08-09 10:17:18 | 2022-08-26 06:11:52 |
Use gtest to catch segfaults | 1 | True | Dave Coleman | 2016-09-29 20:14:10 | 2016-09-29 20:14:10 |
rostest fails when run using "catkin_make run_tests" | 1 | True | ZdenekM | 2016-12-14 17:47:55 | 2017-01-31 09:55:55 |
Linker errors on "make test" on Fuerte | 0 | False | mkopack | 2012-08-20 09:46:54 | 2012-08-20 11:33:41 |
Any way to use a TestSuite (instead a TestCase) with rostest? | 2 | True | Victor Gonzalez-Pacheco | 2014-01-27 07:47:37 | 2022-08-30 11:45:33 |
How to detect launch file validation failure in a script ? | 2 | True | Mackou | 2021-09-01 13:25:03 | 2021-09-02 07:53:07 |
Rostest and move_base actionlib | 1 | True | FOXTER | 2017-04-05 08:57:22 | 2017-04-05 12:03:55 |
Why are my rostests giving me a std::bad_alloc error? | 1 | True | cpagravel | 2017-04-13 20:07:50 | 2017-04-13 20:10:15 |
Why seems add_rostest not to work? | 1 | True | ct2034 | 2014-06-24 10:19:58 | 2014-06-24 15:01:57 |