How to get opencv on electric precise (ubuntu 12.04)? | 2 | True | ssafarik | 2012-04-11 13:53:49 | 2012-04-11 16:42:47
ROS for ubuntu precise 12.04 | 3 | True | Filipe Santos | 2012-04-28 03:16:27 | 2012-05-03 09:56:52
When will there be support for fuerte on precise pangolin?? | 1 | False | cduguet | 2012-04-28 19:16:44 | 2012-04-28 23:02:47
what does the"rpy" in URDF file means? | 2 | True | peter_pan_lqm | 2014-01-04 00:52:31 | 2017-02-14 16:35:57
Gazebo Illegal instruction | 5 | True | Matthias | 2012-05-07 11:33:48 | 2012-12-27 06:37:57
unable to install ros on ubuntu 12.04 | 3 | True | sciarp | 2012-05-09 04:27:52 | 2012-06-01 08:12:39
openni_launch not working in fuerte + ubuntu precise 12.04 | 7 | True | tbh | 2012-05-09 11:26:13 | 2012-10-29 01:26:52
How to get sensor_msgs dependency with catkin (fuerte) | 2 | True | Puto_77 | 2012-05-11 08:50:44 | 2012-05-14 04:22:16
rosmake fails to find rosbuild.cmake on fuerte | 1 | True | JeffRousseau | 2012-05-18 09:29:45 | 2012-06-26 13:13:30
rviz in fuerte and ubuntu 12.04 with ATI graphics card is problematic | 1 | True | mkillpack | 2012-05-24 08:27:36 | 2012-09-04 13:55:48
Precise openni kinect rviz | 1 | True | Rydel | 2012-05-24 10:36:22 | 2012-06-07 11:36:47
Running the turtlebot on fuerte/12.04 | 2 | True | 0pc0 | 2012-05-25 17:03:08 | 2012-07-13 19:27:28
broken dependencies in fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04 | 2 | True | somudrog | 2012-06-04 13:49:32 | 2012-08-14 12:12:23
unable to locate package ros-electric-brown-drivers | 2 | True | allmin123 | 2012-06-09 08:02:56 | 2012-06-13 11:36:37
How to install roboearth on ubuntu 12.04 ros fuerte 64 bit | 2 | True | zhenli | 2012-06-19 14:59:15 | 2012-09-13 12:02:26
Installing electric on 12.04 | 2 | True | George Paul | 2012-06-21 09:46:47 | 2012-07-28 14:38:15
openni ros-fuerte ubuntu 12.04 anyone? | 3 | True | nios | 2012-06-23 05:52:52 | 2012-07-01 11:40:35
Fuerte turtlebot simulator Ubuntu 12.04 precise | 4 | True | Savvas | 2012-07-10 13:10:53 | 2012-08-08 05:41:47
robot-model depends on libcurl4-openssl-dev | 1 | False | JonW | 2012-07-13 00:52:29 | 2012-07-13 13:25:28
Potential problem of rxgraph under Ubuntu 12.04 fuerte? | 1 | True | tlinder | 2012-07-16 08:24:37 | 2012-07-16 09:13:36
rosbag fix does not like rule produced by rosbag check | 4 | True | renzodenardi | 2012-07-20 12:59:14 | 2014-04-30 07:40:19
rospack error when running pre-release builds | 1 | True | abencz | 2012-08-22 17:05:25 | 2012-09-04 19:33:59
collecting robot activity data on-line | 1 | True | joq | 2014-06-16 16:18:47 | 2014-06-18 10:40:06
Unmet dependencies for fuerte-desktop-full on 12.04 | 5 | True | rdeits | 2012-09-07 14:42:54 | 2012-10-02 05:04:51
Odroid X installing ROS | 1 | True | halfstopper | 2012-09-11 06:22:08 | 2012-09-27 16:34:56
How do I solve Fuerte overlay creation problem? | 2 | True | TurtleBot_Fan | 2012-09-20 02:20:50 | 2012-09-23 14:25:17
problems with ros installation on pandaboard with armhf | 4 | True | brhempen | 2012-09-20 07:32:30 | 2013-03-01 02:52:09
I can't use rosdep?! | 1 | True | ROS kid | 2012-10-08 09:13:32 | 2012-10-08 09:29:32
ROS Fuerte, rviz, NX on Amazon EC2 instance | 1 | True | isherman | 2012-12-02 06:07:59 | 2012-12-02 11:33:44
Install of ROS Groovy on Ubuntu 12.04 Failed | 2 | True | | 2012-12-03 10:23:45 | 2013-01-19 01:10:13
Ubuntu precise amd64 packages missing for ROS Fuerte | 1 | True | mdouskos | 2012-12-20 11:37:14 | 2012-12-20 13:03:41
installing errors | 0 | False | MRA | 2013-01-26 06:33:59 | 2013-01-26 08:39:38
Groovy unmet dependencies Ubuntu 12.04 Precise | 3 | True | silgon | 2013-01-30 12:10:24 | 2014-02-20 06:23:50
(Groovy | 12.04 | armv7l) Can't run 'roscore' nor 'roslaunch' | 3 | True | amrivera | 2013-02-08 16:39:08 | 2013-04-12 07:37:34
catkin_package() include dir neither an absolute directory nor exists relative to workspace | 1 | True | joq | 2013-02-17 22:39:44 | 2013-02-20 17:23:24
Ubuntu 12.04.2 and openni_launch not detecting Kinect after update? | 2 | True | djtubig-malicex | 2013-04-12 09:21:56 | 2013-11-26 11:16:04
fuerte's supported python is 2.6 that's not supported on Precise | 1 | True | 130s | 2013-04-18 17:42:51 | 2013-04-19 11:09:21
can not load rxbag_plugins correctly | 1 | True | jayson ding | 2013-05-08 21:42:44 | 2013-07-17 03:05:27
SIGILL, Illegal instruction in from costmap_2d | 2 | True | BtbN | 2013-05-10 06:43:35 | 2013-06-06 07:10:00
Openni_tracker crashes with a segmentation fault (core dumped). | 1 | True | AndreasLydakis | 2013-06-12 08:32:22 | 2013-06-18 02:41:57
How to install ROS on pcDuino ? (Lubuntu 12.04 ARM) | 2 | True | mozcelikors | 2013-07-20 18:15:04 | 2013-07-22 10:12:50
(Groovy | 12.04 | armv7l) bash: rosrun: command not found | 1 | True | amrivera | 2013-03-02 09:40:00 | 2013-03-02 18:45:07
Missed dependency in rviz? | 1 | True | gustavo.velascoh | 2013-09-10 23:29:23 | 2013-09-10 23:47:55
roscore fails to start after latest update? (precise, groovy, AMD64) | 3 | True | Stefan Kohlbrecher | 2013-04-04 04:03:44 | 2013-04-04 13:00:34
Is there a difference between Ubuntu versions | 2 | True | ct2034 | 2014-10-06 23:07:24 | 2014-10-07 01:43:06