It is allowed to change the update() method frequency for PR2 controllers? | 2 | True | mbj | 2011-05-24 03:09:33 | 2011-06-23 01:44:59
problems with a simple realtime joint controller in Gazebo | 1 | True | andrew-unit | 2011-10-25 17:40:42 | 2012-02-14 19:56:40
Joint publisher with empty velocity and effort vector | 2 | True | diannay | 2011-07-20 17:15:43 | 2011-09-01 09:14:35
Some recommendations to develop my own mechanism_model package | 1 | True | Carlos Mastalli | 2011-07-27 11:43:08 | 2011-09-02 16:27:35
Model of Katana arm jumps around violently in Gazebo | 1 | True | Martin Gunther | 2011-08-23 07:19:53 | 2011-08-24 02:59:08
How can I speed up the shutdown of gazebo with pr2_controler_manager? | 0 | False | Asomerville | 2011-09-28 16:29:30 | 2011-09-28 17:01:04
move_arm and arm_controller conflict over action interface message type | 1 | True | VN | 2011-11-03 18:33:34 | 2011-11-04 17:56:37
Gazebo dies when openning with PR2 controller | 4 | True | Albert K | 2012-03-21 00:22:21 | 2012-03-28 16:49:07
pr2_controller_interface inheritance | 1 | True | arzhed | 2012-10-11 06:07:03 | 2012-10-15 05:01:23
Turtlebot simulation vs. pr2_controller_manager | 1 | True | ZdenekM | 2012-08-16 07:04:07 | 2012-08-17 00:52:12
encoder for PR2 in gazebo | 1 | True | Albert K | 2012-11-13 01:39:47 | 2012-11-16 03:22:44
Is it possible to easily use ros realtime tools outside of the pr2_controller_manager? | 1 | True | mkillpack | 2013-01-24 19:08:25 | 2013-01-25 08:35:33
pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager list | 1 | True | MartinW | 2013-02-05 15:37:03 | 2013-02-06 12:57:22
Why doesn't the pr2_controller_manager see my controller? | 1 | True | mpan | 2014-08-22 02:36:19 | 2014-08-22 15:19:06
How to turn off motors for selected arm joints on PR2? | 1 | True | velveteenrobot | 2016-02-21 00:29:41 | 2016-02-21 19:54:53
pr2_controller_manager | 1 | False | ZdenekM | 2012-08-09 02:46:45 | 2012-08-09 04:47:45