Retrieving pose of an object from an image or bag file | 3 | True | dlmypr | 2011-02-28 06:57:03 | 2011-03-11 13:13:20
How to do object recognition with kinect? | 3 | True | peterkty | 2011-03-06 06:57:09 | 2017-05-12 05:20:18
roboearth detection_result listener | 2 | True | Sudarshan | 2011-11-27 15:12:52 | 2011-11-28 03:45:47
Which topic for tabletop bounding boxes ? | 0 | False | Guido | 2012-01-03 08:18:26 | 2012-01-03 08:18:26
kinect (openni): pointcloud2. Object shadow appearing in rviz? | 2 | True | Andrius | 2013-01-08 14:33:36 | 2013-01-09 14:13:48
Installing object_detection_server on Fuerte for TOD (Textured Object Detector) | 1 | True | dbworth | 2013-01-15 12:20:00 | 2013-01-23 20:25:26
Can't use Rviz plugin ObjectSegmentation object_segmentation_gui (interactive object segmentation) | 1 | True | dbworth | 2013-01-15 12:59:22 | 2013-01-15 21:13:04
local map subtraction for moving object detection | 1 | True | AliAs | 2014-08-22 11:19:58 | 2014-08-27 23:57:59
Two subscribers, one with while loop, another cannot receive new ros message | 1 | True | henrykim | 2019-11-13 00:38:37 | 2019-11-13 18:18:41
How to implement conditional euclidean clustering in ROS? | 1 | True | blackmamba591 | 2016-01-25 19:14:32 | 2016-01-26 08:11:23
Kinect colored object localization (detection) | 2 | True | Hamed Samie | 2014-02-13 03:45:51 | 2014-02-13 15:04:51