Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Subscriber only receives data from connected publisher after 'ros2 topic echo | 0 | False | rnvandemark | 2021-12-31 19:50:03 | 2021-12-31 19:50:03 |
Openni2 drivers linux vs windows | 0 | False | adr_arroyo | 2017-06-15 08:58:28 | 2017-06-15 08:58:28 |
Build Error: Issue with "diagnostic_updater" | 0 | False | Ben Brian | 2022-02-27 05:06:45 | 2022-02-27 05:17:58 |
fkie_master_discovery: A master can't detect the other one while the other one detects the master | 0 | False | mericgeren | 2023-05-26 09:38:16 | 2023-05-26 09:41:13 |
RLException: ERROR: could not contact master The traceback for the exception was written to the log file | 0 | False | mericgeren | 2023-05-29 09:41:53 | 2023-05-30 13:03:51 |
Develop ROS on Windows 10 using Linux Subsystem | 0 | False | Ortix | 2017-07-28 11:18:12 | 2017-07-28 11:18:12 |
Does not name a type problem | 0 | False | hichriayoub | 2022-04-08 15:10:02 | 2022-04-08 15:10:02 |
Using Bluetooth(Bluez4.101) with cob_people_detection under ROS indigo | 0 | False | freshman J | 2017-08-24 07:45:34 | 2017-08-25 00:25:54 |
DUO MLX Driver Installation on Indigo | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-09-02 16:58:22 | 2017-09-02 16:58:22 |
Any work underway for a rosserial_embeddedlinux python Publisher? | 0 | False | Red24Dog | 2017-11-14 01:12:50 | 2017-11-14 01:12:50 |
ROS2 - Publishing from Windows and Subscribing to VM causing lag | 0 | False | rpradhan | 2017-12-09 00:57:54 | 2017-12-09 00:57:54 |
How to write a vendor package using vcpkg? | 0 | False | Dben | 2022-12-01 08:21:58 | 2022-12-01 08:21:58 |
Desktop Environment for ROS | 0 | False | qwertyio | 2018-03-01 08:57:46 | 2018-03-01 08:57:46 |
How Can I Launch ROS2 Project on Linux Through Windows ? | 0 | False | ros_wolf | 2023-08-07 01:25:14 | 2023-08-07 01:25:14 |
Problem with pcl saving | 0 | False | hichriayoub | 2022-03-21 14:32:55 | 2022-03-21 14:32:55 |
Catkin/Cmake includes directories as -isystem (Custom OpenCV) | 0 | False | CJuette | 2017-09-29 09:06:22 | 2017-09-29 09:06:22 |
How do you install and run ROS(melodic/lunar/kinetic) on openSUSE? | 0 | False | cshastry | 2019-10-03 22:35:18 | 2019-10-03 22:35:18 |
Crazyswarm: weird behavior with rospy on ROS Melodic | 0 | False | TheSS | 2018-09-26 22:37:48 | 2018-09-27 12:20:45 |
Api/Method to know ros2 subscriber queue is empty or not | 0 | False | TinyTurtle | 2022-08-23 11:47:58 | 2022-08-23 11:47:58 |
ROS beginner | 0 | False | mikerosz | 2017-09-23 20:16:46 | 2017-09-23 20:16:46 |
RosMatlab cross Windows and Ubuntu | 0 | False | JoaoPedro | 2014-07-31 18:50:21 | 2014-07-31 18:50:21 |
ROS Os with Unity Engine | 0 | False | Researcher - of Unity | 2014-08-31 16:29:31 | 2014-09-01 06:06:25 |
Need help understanding how to compile a certain package. | 0 | False | geistmate | 2019-02-22 09:47:46 | 2019-02-22 09:47:46 |
Failed to connect to serial with code: -1 | 0 | False | Zero | 2016-04-04 07:39:50 | 2016-04-04 08:42:09 |
mavros/local_position/pose only giving altitude | 0 | False | Luxiam | 2019-04-17 14:48:52 | 2019-04-17 14:48:52 |
Using lego nxt with ROS jade | 0 | False | godambrosio | 2015-08-06 17:38:22 | 2015-08-06 17:38:22 |
Ros indigo ubuntu 14.04 asus xtion failed to show picture. | 0 | False | p2p345 | 2015-10-15 15:10:07 | 2015-10-15 15:10:07 |
Hello All i am a newbie to ROS can i use ROS to linux kernel 4. | 0 | False | dil | 2020-06-26 18:11:31 | 2020-06-26 18:11:31 |
Running ROS 2 nodes on a router? | 0 | False | peterpolidoro | 2020-02-13 16:40:31 | 2020-02-13 16:41:35 |
looking for an IDE for my project developments | 0 | False | Zero | 2016-05-19 01:11:33 | 2016-05-19 01:53:01 |
[ WARN] [1605686401.125653940]: Velodyne poll() timeout | 0 | False | jajamy | 2020-11-18 08:37:56 | 2020-11-18 08:37:56 |
How to compile a py node by command line? | 0 | False | Zero | 2016-05-27 03:14:07 | 2016-05-27 03:14:07 |
un-source ros2 package without closing and reopening console | 0 | False | CraigH92 | 2020-12-07 14:08:23 | 2020-12-07 14:08:23 |
Rosbridge TCP server is no longer starting | 0 | False | corwinjs | 2020-12-22 23:10:45 | 2020-12-23 22:01:36 |
PUBLISH ROBOT JACKAL POSITION | 0 | False | bryan.calderon | 2021-02-06 04:02:35 | 2021-02-06 04:02:35 |
Troubles installing ROS Kinetic on Linux Mint Sarah 18 | 0 | False | Florian_W | 2016-10-09 10:08:33 | 2016-10-09 14:00:09 |
Problem installing ROS on debian Jessie | 0 | False | tproulund | 2017-02-10 08:44:08 | 2017-02-10 08:44:08 |
Publisher doesn't respond when more processing is required | 0 | False | Simao_Araujo | 2021-02-08 20:08:44 | 2021-02-08 20:08:44 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
cannot access '/dev/video*' | 1 | False | yxbot | 2022-02-24 01:31:40 | 2022-02-28 13:02:40 |
Turtlebot3 is not operating by keyboard | 1 | False | SHIVAM | 2022-06-02 15:55:54 | 2022-06-07 09:12:07 |
How Important is Root Access to Use ROS? | 2 | False | wenchao | 2023-02-10 01:28:48 | 2023-02-17 18:49:53 |
When will be ROS2 fully realtime compatible? | 1 | False | TBRob | 2018-03-09 09:20:59 | 2018-03-09 22:36:46 |
Can't get a good connection remotle with roscore | 1 | False | ElectricRay | 2023-08-04 18:02:51 | 2023-08-06 11:59:37 |
ROS on Windows: Subsystem for Linux, ROS 2 or ROS with Docker on Windows | 1 | False | felipelaydner | 2018-04-12 12:00:47 | 2019-05-25 18:25:53 |
ROS/Linux tools for instrumentation | 1 | False | controlFreak | 2018-04-29 11:19:57 | 2018-04-29 17:06:42 |
Workspace not properly overlayed by setup script | 1 | False | devolutor | 2018-06-07 21:53:38 | 2018-06-08 14:18:54 |
G2O BlockSolver Initialization Crash on Unix System | 1 | False | Simontraww | 2018-08-02 09:22:34 | 2018-08-03 11:50:50 |
can we assign value to the request variable of srv file other then run time ? | 1 | False | rama_bhuyan | 2018-08-22 03:42:39 | 2018-08-22 06:31:01 |
How to move 2 robots in linux? | 2 | False | jung | 2018-10-04 12:32:10 | 2018-10-05 15:27:14 |
Adding PUBKEY doesn't allow me to install ROS 2 on Linux 20.04? | 1 | False | cwduffy01 | 2023-01-27 21:11:09 | 2023-01-29 07:55:16 |
minimum memory footprint for Linux and ROS melodic (cameras, lidar) | 1 | False | Traversity | 2019-03-22 07:24:44 | 2019-03-22 11:03:19 |
I can't install open ni on Indigo, what Linux version should I install instead | 2 | False | Dynamitetalks | 2014-11-21 14:52:34 | 2014-11-22 19:43:17 |
why not create ros linux operating system which has built in tools to control motors and sensors, for instance like kali linux has a lot of hacking tools so why not do that for ROS | 1 | False | yuva | 2022-09-06 03:48:52 | 2022-10-22 13:32:16 |
how to write data into a file inside the subscriber callback function? | 1 | False | Mattew_underscore | 2021-08-16 16:59:23 | 2021-08-21 12:00:52 |
how does ros schedule nodes | 1 | False | zaddan | 2019-03-25 22:56:08 | 2019-03-26 03:20:18 |
What is the best way to code a drone? | 1 | False | Hippo | 2020-02-23 23:33:43 | 2020-02-25 06:42:46 |
When will we update the deprecated command "yum" for Fedora compile and install? (I am happy to make the changes and submit for review) | 1 | False | PacketSpike | 2015-07-23 16:27:25 | 2016-08-15 02:34:00 |
any example of rosserial_embeddedlinux over serial port? | 1 | False | taogashi | 2015-11-17 16:29:07 | 2015-11-18 15:01:11 |
ROS on openwrt | 1 | False | btsimonh | 2015-11-24 21:20:35 | 2015-11-26 21:54:48 |
usb_cam Error Camera not showing (Process has died) | 1 | False | LeandroPonce | 2020-08-02 21:27:48 | 2022-06-20 08:03:30 |
What should pwd be replaced with? | 2 | False | jbpark03 | 2016-03-08 23:47:21 | 2016-03-09 16:11:22 |
Transform [sender=unknown_publisher] For frame [leddar]: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist | 2 | False | Zero | 2016-04-04 07:48:44 | 2018-07-10 22:19:12 |
leddar sensor connecting process always died | 1 | False | Zero | 2016-04-05 10:04:07 | 2016-05-23 12:27:37 |
migrate a complex ROS based system to embedded linux sys | 1 | False | stevej_80 | 2016-04-09 23:00:00 | 2016-04-10 17:02:52 |
republishing the data from publisher | 1 | False | Zero | 2016-04-20 03:48:06 | 2016-04-20 11:19:41 |
No rule to make target | 1 | False | Zero | 2016-04-21 03:26:36 | 2018-03-09 22:33:29 |
example for using C++ to program Baxter robot? | 2 | False | Zero | 2016-05-18 04:34:47 | 2016-05-18 17:02:11 |
Command 'rqt' not found | 2 | False | tonydavies | 2020-11-15 15:20:27 | 2020-11-16 17:29:54 |
Run ROS on Colab | 1 | False | Gustavo Lima | 2021-01-02 19:27:20 | 2021-01-04 10:16:55 |
robot_upstart perminantly change ownership | 3 | False | shoemakerlevy9 | 2016-11-04 00:46:19 | 2016-11-05 12:13:33 |
Which Linux distribution? | 2 | False | chrisalbertson | 2016-11-15 06:56:05 | 2016-11-15 13:17:52 |
Linux configuration required to run ros extensively | 1 | False | MukulKhanna | 2017-10-31 11:59:00 | 2017-10-31 16:09:25 |
ROS2 moving workspaces | 1 | False | omhaaland | 2021-11-17 08:35:13 | 2021-11-18 14:14:54 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
a hard real-time ROS? | 3 | True | Zhu | 2011-03-07 20:54:59 | 2016-11-05 12:16:28 |
Cross compile ros minimal using Eros on Fedora 14 | 1 | True | nohemi | 2011-04-20 18:18:22 | 2011-04-21 21:46:16 |
Compiling on Linux Mint 11 | 1 | True | JediHamster | 2011-06-02 03:05:53 | 2011-06-02 11:35:17 |
error: ____ was not declared in this scope | 1 | True | ram | 2011-06-28 19:58:50 | 2011-06-29 03:02:38 |
Monitor multiple Turtlebots with 1 workstation? | 1 | True | 130s | 2011-08-11 16:13:06 | 2011-08-11 17:05:13 |
How to set up VPN between ROS machines | 2 | True | felix k | 2011-08-29 05:08:20 | 2011-08-30 07:54:31 |
Undefined reference on Ubuntu 11.04 | 1 | True | CaptainTrunky | 2011-10-15 02:27:09 | 2011-10-15 07:24:40 |
ros-electric-desktop-full not found | 2 | True | StrongEnough | 2012-02-04 10:59:02 | 2012-02-24 00:00:44 |
why is real robot not following same path as RViz ? is this an arduino code issue or ROS package issue? | 0 | False | jagilamkumar | 2022-12-26 11:20:15 | 2022-12-26 11:20:15 |
Installing ros-lunar on Solus error:"Could not detect OS" | 1 | True | ahmadjab | 2018-01-26 18:09:58 | 2018-01-28 10:53:20 |
Save all recorded bag files with `rosbag record` | 1 | True | Ben Brian | 2023-07-06 21:10:47 | 2023-07-09 15:17:17 |
OpenCV linker errors in ROS Fuerte | 2 | True | Johannes Meyer | 2012-04-19 13:06:01 | 2012-06-19 11:02:41 |
How do I fix this error message with Gazebo/Ogre plugin? | 4 | True | shyamalschandra | 2012-04-22 15:42:01 | 2012-07-03 04:13:55 |
How do you install octomap on Fuerte in linux? | 1 | True | Kevin | 2012-05-20 09:50:41 | 2012-05-20 12:02:13 |
RGBDSLAM Installation Problems | 3 | True | balunjones | 2012-05-21 07:00:38 | 2012-07-30 11:01:22 |
Does this support arm based processors | 1 | True | Nickfost | 2012-06-04 21:47:01 | 2012-06-05 01:03:30 |
Installing ROS on windows 7 | 2 | True | BrowCam | 2012-06-13 11:03:42 | 2013-12-04 10:19:59 |
how to connect to an already running roscore from a tethered usb device | 1 | True | jochen.mueck | 2012-10-19 10:25:38 | 2012-10-23 13:56:57 |
catkin_make build failed kinetic android | 1 | True | luischd | 2018-11-15 20:37:43 | 2018-11-20 12:42:37 |
Rate and sleep function in RCLPY library for ROS2 | 2 | True | skyhigh2000 | 2020-07-30 09:07:48 | 2021-06-26 16:44:14 |
Callbackfunction is not called even though messages are published | 1 | True | Lorry_Ros | 2019-02-22 11:00:40 | 2019-02-23 10:47:50 |
Listener doesn't receive msgs if launchs Talker with system command | 2 | True | genzostyle | 2014-07-23 08:38:28 | 2014-08-01 08:14:57 |
Problems with Serial port code for Ros | 2 | True | sumanth | 2014-08-19 19:46:20 | 2014-08-19 21:58:16 |
Ubuntu 12.04.2 and openni_launch not detecting Kinect after update? | 2 | True | djtubig-malicex | 2013-04-12 09:21:56 | 2013-11-26 11:16:04 |
C++ program (ROS node) for working with several camera is slow in Linux | 0 | False | farhad-bat | 2022-07-08 03:04:15 | 2022-07-08 03:04:15 |
Rosjava subscriber doesn't get any data | 1 | True | luischd | 2019-07-02 20:41:02 | 2019-07-04 09:41:11 |
ROS, MIPS Linux, Open Wrt and Arduino | 2 | True | Mechanic | 2011-08-17 01:47:50 | 2011-10-05 23:53:12 |
Scripts cannot make reference to roscpp or rospy | 1 | True | lsrp1 | 2017-10-20 08:41:59 | 2017-10-20 11:15:50 |
diff between Ros driver and normal linux driver | 2 | True | shah shufi | 2014-12-18 12:30:11 | 2014-12-19 07:24:16 |
despite sourcing workspace, 'roscore' command not found | 1 | True | june2473 | 2019-11-12 10:38:03 | 2019-11-12 12:32:10 |
ROS Architecture - How to communicate between custom driver and ROS | 1 | True | aak2166 | 2015-05-04 16:01:37 | 2015-05-04 16:28:05 |
Establish interface between ROS and Matlab toolbox files(dll and header) | 1 | True | baiju | 2015-08-23 17:32:53 | 2015-09-21 14:21:53 |
CMake can't find C++ compiler in Linux Mint | 2 | True | BrunaGarcia | 2015-11-30 09:45:31 | 2019-04-17 06:05:44 |
Win_ros fuerte broadcasting messages to linux machine | 2 | True | MarkC | 2012-06-22 15:04:53 | 2012-06-24 22:14:21 |
is neither a launch file in package | 2 | True | Zero | 2016-04-02 05:36:29 | 2016-04-04 03:41:27 |
How to source the file permanently | 1 | True | Zero | 2016-04-19 07:51:02 | 2021-01-31 08:30:46 |
ROSserial can't find clock_gettime | 1 | True | cmeaclem | 2013-11-14 14:41:35 | 2013-11-15 06:21:59 |
Does the 3DR Solo support ROS? | 3 | True | Sam94 | 2016-06-09 16:32:47 | 2016-10-10 21:23:53 |
Confusion system/rosdep/rosmake/catkin | 1 | True | gnurf | 2016-09-24 08:42:03 | 2016-09-24 10:31:01 |
not able to source setup.bash after installing ros kinetic on ubuntu-16.04 | 1 | True | prrraveen | 2016-11-19 08:52:49 | 2016-11-20 08:25:36 |
Odd Docker roscore/roslaunch delays with Linux kernel 6.1 | 1 | True | danambrosio | 2023-03-18 02:52:25 | 2023-03-28 19:47:56 |
Getting $Ros_distro in c++ code. | 1 | True | AB4147 | 2021-11-19 17:26:34 | 2021-11-19 18:17:08 |
robot-brand the PR2 from basestation | 1 | True | Erwan R. | 2014-02-18 11:21:37 | 2014-02-18 13:19:38 |