How to clear the traces of the dynamic obstacle in a costmap? | 1 | False | vishnu | 2017-11-17 06:53:07 | 2017-11-20 10:32:27
costmap not clearing obstacles | 2 | False | mizba | 2020-06-07 06:13:40 | 2020-07-14 11:11:56
navigation problem inflation layer ? | 1 | False | kesuke | 2018-05-16 08:48:26 | 2018-05-18 10:44:52
Why the clearing stays permanent in obstacle costmap, when 0 (overwrite) combination method is applied? | 1 | False | Andrei Pasnicenco | 2018-05-31 11:18:33 | 2018-06-26 10:56:50
clear_costmap service not working..... | 2 | False | Dharmateja Kadem | 2016-06-13 23:19:58 | 2016-06-15 03:14:30