Episode 32: Using ROS and Gazebo to Safely Validate and Verify Autonomous Systems - Simulation - ROSCon2019

2020 January 16 ⋅ Download

ROSCon 2019 Presentation by Joshua P. Hecker (Lockheed Martin)

The validation and verification of autonomous systems is both a significant hurdle and a necessary imperative for the robotics community. While pure simulation frameworks such as Gazebo or Webots may provide useful benchmarks for evaluating the performance of these systems, the ever-present reality gap inevitably casts doubt on the credibility of such benchmarks. This tutorial presents a hybrid implementation that uses existing ROS and Gazebo tools to blend physical and virtual assets into a unified, constructed environment. This new approach supports the evaluation of autonomous robotic systems in challenging real-world scenarios while minimizing the risk of damage to the system.

Music is Nackskott by Ozzed
