"bash: roscore: command not found" error on Jetson TX2 | 0 | False | cmacks | 2017-07-30 19:11:18 | 2017-07-31 07:39:20
Where is the rosbash | 0 | False | Thomaswang | 2014-03-07 01:34:06 | 2014-03-07 01:34:06
catkin_add_env_hooks cross-platform? | 1 | True | mikepurvis | 2014-03-07 09:09:16 | 2014-03-07 10:19:10
How to install rosbash in ros-noetic ? | 1 | True | ylh | 2020-05-25 12:30:06 | 2020-05-26 06:18:02
roscd returns "bash: reldir: unbound variable" | 2 | True | ultinate | 2012-03-19 10:09:13 | 2012-03-21 06:53:04
What does rosawesome do? | 3 | True | Jeremy Corbett | 2012-10-09 23:24:16 | 2012-10-10 08:19:09
having to source seutp.bash every new terminal instance | 0 | False | srburns | 2021-08-22 18:58:05 | 2021-08-23 06:27:20
roscd: command not found (in groovy 12.04) | 3 | True | jmainpri | 2013-07-09 10:15:59 | 2013-07-09 14:49:59
Autocompletion doesn't work via ssh | 1 | True | da-na | 2013-08-12 04:09:18 | 2013-08-12 04:24:48
Command line: rostopic pub - why is required specify a topic type? | 1 | True | abrzozowski | 2016-10-24 09:03:58 | 2020-10-19 20:51:34
Extending bash completion for a command in rosbash (with catkin_add_env_hooks) | 1 | True | dornhege | 2013-05-22 11:38:46 | 2013-05-22 14:10:03