Configure teb_local_planner | 0 | False | zuy | 2021-10-12 08:48:46 | 2021-10-12 08:48:46
Cannot launch velodyne VLP16 data acquisition via WSL/Ubuntu 18.04 | 0 | False | Vega21 | 2019-07-09 15:59:12 | 2019-07-10 12:09:57
I'm new to ROS and am learning ROS Melodic Ubuntu 18.04, where I am supposed to launch TMR_700 for manipulation to Gazebo, how should I do that? | 0 | False | gentle_yeti | 2021-07-25 17:38:27 | 2021-07-25 17:38:27
Issues with apache2 and updating rosbridge_server from 0.11.3 to 0.11.4 | 0 | False | virizar | 2020-04-22 07:07:07 | 2020-04-22 08:59:01
rostopic pub to rosrun lunch file | 0 | False | Calvin | 2020-06-21 06:47:30 | 2020-06-21 06:47:30
rosbag record rostopic delay | 0 | False | Loss of human identity | 2019-07-15 22:40:02 | 2019-07-15 22:40:02
Can you use ROOSTER with ROS Noetic? | 0 | False | androadi | 2022-05-18 07:10:04 | 2022-05-18 07:10:04
gazebo for tiago robot simulation not working | 0 | False | hawraa_xcx | 2022-10-26 18:28:02 | 2022-10-31 11:36:42
Connecting ROS to Twincat (How to use ros_plc_modbus) | 0 | False | liambroek | 2021-02-10 09:48:19 | 2021-02-10 09:53:29
Unable to call a publisher function within a subscriber callback. | 0 | False | Dickson | 2019-08-08 19:07:58 | 2019-08-08 19:07:58
ROS melodic threat level of exposing rosmaster port | 0 | False | luchko | 2020-05-12 11:26:16 | 2020-05-12 11:26:16
Model mass not updating in Gazebo | 0 | False | PaulD | 2019-11-01 13:40:29 | 2019-11-01 13:40:29
Can't Install tf2_py | 0 | False | fzeta | 2019-08-14 14:19:13 | 2019-08-14 14:19:13
[robot_localization] Failed to meet update rate !(warning) | 0 | False | robotboi | 2020-08-03 16:40:57 | 2020-11-20 20:48:50
joint_state_publisher.JointStatePublisher() : RuntimeError: The robot_description parameter is required and not set. | 0 | False | dvogureckiy99 | 2023-04-06 20:40:49 | 2023-04-06 20:41:21
tf2_ros::Buffer causes linking error | 0 | False | musa.ihtiyar | 2020-03-02 06:17:41 | 2020-03-02 06:17:41
How to add array as member in a structure and publish and subscribe the whole structure ? | 0 | False | yash.j | 2020-10-07 10:33:48 | 2020-10-07 10:33:47
Error while re-building catkin workspace: "undefined reference to `__aarch64_ldadd4_acq_rel'" | 0 | False | DuffRumkins | 2023-05-23 15:15:56 | 2023-05-23 15:15:56
ROS TCP Connector C# Lost Publishers & Freezing | 0 | False | mericgeren | 2023-07-25 21:41:18 | 2023-07-27 07:29:30
Process of Buildding map | 0 | False | kamal.kld11 | 2020-06-05 09:58:08 | 2020-06-05 09:58:08
RVIZ Error: Global Status Warn and No Tf data | 0 | False | mkb_10062949 | 2019-07-11 17:07:12 | 2019-07-12 13:30:03
using turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch does not move the TB3 robot inside simulator | 0 | False | syrhassan10 | 2020-06-12 00:39:33 | 2020-06-12 07:33:27
Virtual Machine usb_cam pkg, When I run two camera in same time it returns me Device Busy for one node, Why? | 0 | False | KOMODO | 2020-06-13 12:45:24 | 2020-07-03 16:44:45
Melodic install : non existing packages / broken packages | 0 | False | MPathy | 2018-06-13 14:12:15 | 2018-06-13 14:12:15
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message to sensor_msgs/JointState transformation | 0 | False | nzach | 2021-04-23 07:03:37 | 2021-04-23 07:34:00
Negative sensor update time difference detected | 0 | False | rahul | 2018-06-21 07:54:24 | 2018-06-21 07:54:24
Costmap stops tracking of 2dPointCloud | 0 | False | Flontis | 2020-08-08 14:33:37 | 2020-08-08 14:34:08
How to use depth_image_proc | 0 | False | alfan | 2020-06-21 08:09:16 | 2020-06-21 08:13:59
ROS Melodic & OpenCV - CompressedImage not publishing | 0 | False | rileywiley | 2018-08-04 23:25:57 | 2018-08-04 23:25:57
Custom message header not found C++ | 0 | False | Spyro | 2020-06-25 19:41:34 | 2020-06-26 01:07:30
Process has died - Exit Code -11 | 0 | False | th6262 | 2018-08-07 18:46:32 | 2018-08-07 18:58:19
Gazebo9 Ros Melodic | 0 | False | Pawlas | 2018-08-13 12:49:40 | 2018-08-13 19:35:17
moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander() hangs | 0 | False | Eisenhorn | 2020-06-30 09:29:43 | 2020-06-30 09:29:43
Any alternative of hector-mapping or laser scan matcher? | 0 | False | wallybeam | 2019-10-03 10:43:35 | 2019-10-03 10:43:35
compute pose covariance ORB-SLAM | 0 | False | aryanna003 | 2019-10-04 10:08:02 | 2019-10-04 10:08:02
Can't load stomp plugin: Moveit | 0 | False | miguelnery | 2020-07-09 13:11:58 | 2020-07-09 13:11:58
navio2 vs erle-brain 3, and ROS versions support on the two boards. | 0 | False | ranjeet kumar | 2018-10-16 08:21:04 | 2018-10-16 08:21:04
boost and btrfs-tools failed: Yocto with meta-ros layer build | 0 | False | ipa-rar | 2020-02-05 10:21:56 | 2020-02-05 10:21:56
Error with installing ROS Melodic on Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 (stretch) amd64 | 0 | False | Martian | 2018-10-20 00:08:39 | 2018-10-20 00:08:39
For large scale simulation using ROS which one amone Unity or Gazebo is better in comparison with their physics engine? | 0 | False | pranavsk | 2020-07-14 11:11:19 | 2020-07-14 11:11:19
Ros melodic installation Connection failed [IP: 80] | 0 | False | shivamp21 | 2018-11-06 20:35:33 | 2018-11-06 21:09:31
how to set teb obstacle_association parameters | 0 | False | | 2020-07-15 06:22:17 | 2020-07-15 08:05:43
Get variables in urdf.xacro from the launch file | 0 | False | mervinhorst | 2019-12-13 12:43:38 | 2019-12-16 10:45:45
Help about lidar mrs1000 or autonomous car | 0 | False | blackZk | 2018-12-17 10:08:47 | 2018-12-17 10:21:10
ROS2 equivilant of `while not rospy.is_shutdown()` node structure? | 0 | False | Iranaphor | 2023-05-03 12:21:18 | 2023-05-03 13:22:23
Rosrun couldn't find executeable camnode for Gigevision camera | 0 | False | guli | 2021-06-08 12:46:34 | 2021-06-08 12:48:32
Synchronization of RGB and depth topics in ASUS Xtion | 0 | False | thanasis_t | 2020-10-23 07:46:34 | 2020-10-23 07:46:34
Install failed for Kubuntu 19.10 | 0 | False | mrrius | 2019-11-04 01:47:41 | 2019-11-04 01:47:41
Boost error when creating custom InteractiveMarkerServer callback | 0 | False | Slanderkin | 2020-08-06 00:21:00 | 2020-08-06 00:21:00
gazebo_ros_pkgs dependency with protobuf 3.0.0 | 0 | False | DexterFromLab | 2019-03-21 11:15:19 | 2019-03-21 13:25:08
When will the version for Melodic be available? | 0 | False | MioRos | 2019-04-08 08:53:21 | 2019-04-08 08:53:21
Unable to locate the package when connecting kinect with ROS melodic in launch file | 0 | False | Hamza Ali | 2019-04-10 06:31:28 | 2019-04-10 06:31:28
[Cartographer_ROS] Can we know at which frame each trajectory node was generated? | 0 | False | nobinov | 2019-05-23 10:46:36 | 2019-05-23 10:46:36
How to teleport(like 'teleport_absolute in turtlesim') a turtlebot3 in gazebo. | 0 | False | Iffat | 2020-03-16 21:43:33 | 2020-03-16 22:04:46
Rospy: topic delays and asynchronous behavior | 0 | False | Vorkosig | 2019-05-27 14:28:54 | 2019-05-27 14:33:38
My problem with the navigation | 0 | False | Ezraa | 2021-07-03 18:06:09 | 2021-07-03 18:06:09
How to delay the recovery behavior in move_base? | 0 | False | jmyazbeck-iw | 2021-07-06 13:39:08 | 2021-07-06 13:40:05
I am trying to compile QuadRooter in ROS Melodic Environment but it is not Working. | 0 | False | MuhammadDanyial | 2019-06-28 11:26:33 | 2019-06-28 11:26:33
ORB-SLAM2 and ROS | 0 | False | GeorgeG | 2019-07-02 14:23:51 | 2019-07-02 14:26:58
ROS Melodic Catkin package issue | 0 | False | Ajith | 2019-07-29 13:29:31 | 2019-07-29 13:29:31
[rosserial] Advertise/subscribe within class with global node handle | 0 | False | floriantschopp | 2019-07-09 16:38:52 | 2019-07-09 17:17:53
Package not found (rospack find: error) | 0 | False | mkb_10062949 | 2019-07-12 22:06:47 | 2019-07-13 18:47:16
Failed to process catkin package 'qt_gui_cpp' | 0 | False | guntas | 2019-11-28 10:24:51 | 2019-11-28 10:25:47
rqt_graph error | 0 | False | John_Crabs | 2019-07-19 19:12:22 | 2019-07-19 20:25:05
get pepper front camera input with ros melodic | 0 | False | choOkobOo | 2019-07-24 09:06:43 | 2019-07-24 09:06:43
Error installing Ros Melodic | 0 | False | andre1wrona | 2019-07-30 10:32:15 | 2019-07-30 10:32:15
Running KITTI - Raw Data on cartographer_ros, have problem in vehicle's output pose | 0 | False | nobinov | 2019-04-11 09:04:22 | 2019-04-11 09:04:22
Problem Remote mapping | 0 | False | aguilaair | 2019-07-30 20:48:25 | 2019-07-30 20:48:25
How to Simulating Husky in ROS Melodic | 0 | False | MjdKassem | 2019-08-04 23:11:19 | 2019-08-04 23:47:50
gzclient: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 0 | False | mwbb | 2019-08-09 07:57:32 | 2019-08-09 07:58:47
Problem when I do source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash | 0 | False | srujan | 2020-08-12 23:27:46 | 2020-08-12 23:27:46
No data from SICK S300 in ROS | 0 | False | fzeta | 2019-08-27 08:56:33 | 2019-08-27 13:19:17
rosbag record isn't recording everything being published on topic | 0 | False | sbrentphysics | 2020-09-08 18:59:31 | 2020-09-08 18:59:31
How can I spawn two universal robots (for e.g. two ur5's) in Gazebo and Control them separately using MoveIt? | 0 | False | mkb_10062949 | 2019-07-30 16:12:04 | 2019-07-30 16:13:04
moveit-perception and octomap server | 0 | False | Eisenhorn | 2019-09-03 14:16:18 | 2019-09-03 14:16:18
'Invisible' nodes (invisible to rosnode, but seemingly working) | 0 | False | AndreaTimpani | 2019-09-06 10:14:36 | 2019-09-07 09:31:49
Troubling with some installing | 0 | False | SomVisionLord | 2022-08-12 03:55:00 | 2022-08-12 03:57:26
Can anyone please help me with my code | 0 | False | Adwait_Naik | 2019-09-11 11:05:15 | 2019-09-11 12:20:14
Odometry + IMU fusion for SLAM Cartography | 0 | False | aliakbar | 2020-09-10 16:51:18 | 2020-09-10 16:54:05
ROSBerry Catkin Workspace: rosinstall_generator | 0 | False | HelloThere | 2021-03-04 23:06:45 | 2021-03-05 21:17:04
Plugin for rotating velodyne around an axis passing through its center. | 0 | False | lotfishtaine | 2019-09-27 15:38:51 | 2019-10-01 12:22:42
undefined reference to `ros::init(int&, char**, std::string const&, unsigned int)' | 0 | False | Dhananjay | 2019-10-01 08:40:22 | 2019-10-01 08:42:14
read rosbag file without closing it | 0 | False | sai krishna | 2019-10-09 23:01:24 | 2019-10-09 23:01:24
Adapting into twist geometry messages | 0 | False | todbot-ed | 2019-10-22 07:12:26 | 2019-10-22 07:16:47
ros drivers - publish most recent messages or old ones? | 0 | False | ashwin | 2020-09-18 07:24:29 | 2020-09-18 07:24:29
Partition size to install ROS? | 0 | False | Eman.m | 2019-11-02 10:21:09 | 2019-11-02 10:21:09
Cannot change the prefix of URkinematics to a postfix | 0 | False | hopestartswithu | 2021-05-03 19:42:12 | 2021-05-03 19:43:33
rosout high memory usage | 0 | False | ixil | 2019-11-06 17:28:09 | 2019-11-07 09:32:54
Need help to get coordinates from rviz running rplidar | 0 | False | Aarrick | 2019-11-07 19:02:55 | 2019-11-07 19:02:55
How to add a Contact Sensor in UR5 to detect collision? | 0 | False | mkb_10062949 | 2019-11-11 18:13:42 | 2019-11-19 17:28:30
ROS Navigation stack setup (Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 560.5860, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 0.3000) | 0 | False | Irudhaya | 2019-11-12 08:06:38 | 2019-11-12 08:06:38
rosbag.bag.ROSBagFormatException: Error reading header: expecting 606348583 bytes, read 871518 | 0 | False | srinivast6 | 2019-11-13 05:24:53 | 2019-11-13 05:24:53
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_PyKDL) | 0 | False | asbird | 2019-11-18 22:49:38 | 2019-11-18 22:49:38
ROS node crashes and log file doesn't exist | 0 | False | max11gen | 2019-11-22 11:26:03 | 2019-11-22 11:26:03
Problem building rosserial on Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic | 0 | False | yogic | 2019-11-22 17:08:12 | 2019-11-22 17:08:12
cmake: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc does not exist (compiler tool) | 0 | False | waretf | 2019-11-22 22:15:15 | 2019-11-23 13:11:56
roscore to be bridged via serial communication ? | 0 | False | DanielK | 2019-12-02 21:43:38 | 2019-12-02 21:43:38
Remote machine lost after DHCP request | 0 | False | Agju | 2019-12-07 15:19:34 | 2019-12-07 15:19:34
robot_localization not receiving odometer data despite listening | 0 | False | xsol-taylor | 2019-12-17 03:59:45 | 2019-12-17 04:38:29
Errors Running hover_vrpn.launch? | 0 | False | brunvj | 2019-12-19 23:51:43 | 2019-12-20 10:02:15
rviz my usb cam don't seen in image topic | 0 | False | KOMODO | 2020-01-01 22:21:16 | 2020-01-01 22:21:16
slam_gmapping issue | 0 | False | ROS-user1203 | 2020-01-02 02:53:03 | 2020-01-02 02:53:03
Why does JointStateController publish NONE message? | 0 | False | mkb_10062949 | 2020-01-06 21:51:00 | 2020-01-06 21:51:50
Does trac_ik support approximate solutions? | 0 | False | Eisenhorn | 2020-01-13 16:37:50 | 2020-01-13 16:37:50
Having issue trying to run Island threads in gazebo_ros using roslaunch | 0 | False | Dickson | 2020-01-15 09:58:59 | 2020-01-15 09:58:59
My robot is not visible by sensors, gazebo | 0 | False | hairy | 2021-07-13 15:47:43 | 2021-07-13 15:47:43
Using matplotlib in a ros node in docker | 0 | False | roboticslife | 2020-01-18 08:52:44 | 2020-01-18 10:22:37
How to use generic gamepad to control Iris quad in Gazebo? | 0 | False | kris_1313 | 2020-01-04 07:25:32 | 2020-01-04 07:25:32
Update software on Pioneer LX | 0 | False | JK | 2020-01-22 14:38:14 | 2020-01-22 14:41:29
Simple Path Tracker | 0 | False | TenderTadpole7 | 2020-01-22 18:06:36 | 2020-01-22 18:06:36
I do not know how to solve this problem when I use catkin_make. How do I solve it? | 0 | False | isauma | 2020-01-23 15:43:52 | 2020-01-23 15:50:47
Missing QtSvg module depended upon by rqt_graph | 0 | False | acbuynak | 2020-01-24 17:04:13 | 2020-02-04 23:23:18
URDF: different colors in gazebo for one link with multiple visual meshes | 0 | False | ROI | 2020-01-26 16:46:41 | 2020-01-26 18:02:03
move group interface connecting to robotic arm with controllers | 0 | False | zahid990170 | 2020-01-27 10:54:29 | 2020-01-27 13:18:06
Undefined reference to cv::imshow(..) when compiling pkg | 0 | False | VivosLespagnos | 2020-01-30 17:07:39 | 2020-01-30 17:33:41
Issues regarding map_server | 0 | False | Nitin_J | 2020-02-03 09:23:45 | 2020-02-03 09:25:00
Unable to find console.h from ros folder ROS Melodic | 0 | False | niyathi1991 | 2020-01-08 11:28:04 | 2020-01-08 11:28:04
ROS - Jetson Nano E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 0 | False | gidip12976 | 2020-02-07 10:16:27 | 2021-01-27 14:22:38
Simple obstacle distance calculation | 0 | False | Gumaa | 2020-02-09 21:41:18 | 2020-02-09 21:41:18
Autoware Camera-LiDAR Calibration Package - saving the extrinsic calibration .yaml file | 0 | False | msaeUF | 2020-02-09 23:09:49 | 2020-07-09 04:59:32
ros_canopen: how to change initialization | 0 | False | simons | 2019-10-02 13:03:28 | 2019-10-02 13:03:28
Camera navigation with ros | 0 | False | AnotherBeginner | 2020-02-13 09:56:40 | 2020-02-13 09:56:40
One handed bluetooth joystick | 0 | False | zos | 2020-02-14 21:49:03 | 2020-02-14 21:49:03
Velocity Cartesian Controller strange behavior | 0 | False | thanasis_t | 2020-02-17 10:27:25 | 2020-02-17 13:02:05
ROS Network Setup: Cannot view (rviz or echo) topics published from machine on different subnet | 0 | False | megh-bot15 | 2020-10-13 06:31:58 | 2020-10-14 12:18:29
[ WARN] [1582527145.232764485, 0.394000000]: GazeboRosSkidSteerDrive Plugin (ns = //) missing , defaults to 0.000100 | 0 | False | TVJ | 2020-02-24 07:03:55 | 2020-02-24 09:27:49
How to integerate sensors with a vehicle | 0 | False | saad | 2021-08-26 07:14:50 | 2021-08-26 07:14:50
Getting couldn't find package errors for open_cv with ROS | 0 | False | MightyFunkster | 2020-02-27 16:33:26 | 2020-02-27 16:33:26
how to have mqtt topics in ros | 0 | False | pbecam | 2020-03-02 15:04:42 | 2020-03-02 15:04:42
OpenCV Video Capture with GStreamer doesn't work on ROS-melodic | 0 | False | bamma | 2020-03-05 08:21:11 | 2020-03-05 08:21:11
CMake Error at /opt/ros/.../safe_execute_process.cmake | 0 | False | alwagne | 2020-03-10 16:25:05 | 2020-03-10 16:54:34
Does ROS-Melodic-Full contains the whole PCL library or just a small set of it? | 0 | False | YHD | 2020-03-11 08:06:18 | 2020-03-11 08:06:18
how to config ublox gps Lea 6T to interface with ROS | 0 | False | abdelkrim | 2020-03-11 14:48:49 | 2020-03-11 14:48:49
Unable to launch gazebo Cannot mix incompatible Qt library | 0 | False | eko_rudiawan | 2020-01-15 06:09:58 | 2020-01-15 06:09:58
Controller algorithm implementation in ROS/Gazebo | 0 | False | fahadrazakhan | 2020-02-04 05:50:15 | 2020-02-04 05:50:15
Limiting Pitch/Roll angles in mavros | 0 | False | AK3874 | 2020-03-22 07:35:50 | 2020-03-22 07:35:50
Considering upgrading Kinetic soon, should I wait till Noetic? | 0 | False | mugetsu | 2020-01-17 01:06:15 | 2020-01-17 01:06:15
How to place a camera on top of the robot such that it covers a specific area around the robot? | 0 | False | nbro | 2020-03-28 21:32:20 | 2020-03-28 21:44:58
Are there any software testing limitations when using Python for ROS development? | 0 | False | Py_J | 2020-03-31 09:39:13 | 2020-03-31 09:39:37
I want to first plan a cartesian trajectory, then display this trajectory (without executing it) and then finally execute it. | 0 | False | ErikVats | 2020-03-31 12:29:28 | 2020-03-31 12:29:28
How to perform basic path planning? | 0 | False | dj95 | 2020-03-31 23:46:49 | 2020-03-31 23:46:49
reprojectImageTo3D output to point cloud | 0 | False | pacifica | 2020-04-01 15:45:28 | 2020-04-01 15:45:28
Missing link in manipulator urdf /xacro and visualizing in rviz | 0 | False | lisa.gebert | 2020-04-03 14:12:06 | 2020-04-03 14:13:09
error building voxblox_ros | 0 | False | electrophod | 2020-04-04 17:14:57 | 2020-04-04 17:14:57
NO IDEA how to somehow mix 2 together , ros packge and stm32 source , (#include "ros/ros.h" and stuff into STM32 source) and build them to flash into STM32 microcontroller. I intend to create node in STM32 | 0 | False | BKB73 | 2020-04-06 02:59:18 | 2020-04-06 02:59:18
Sdh schunk hand on gazebo and ros | 0 | False | MarcoGiordano | 2020-04-06 22:16:33 | 2020-04-06 22:16:33
cartographer_rosbag_validate E0407 | 0 | False | luchko | 2020-04-07 06:24:23 | 2020-04-07 07:24:22
how to connect to a url on ros? | 0 | False | qmichael | 2020-04-09 01:57:15 | 2020-04-09 01:57:15
Invoking "make -j12 -l12" failed trying to catkin_make | 0 | False | saintdere | 2020-04-09 08:30:14 | 2020-04-09 09:02:10
model is above the ground plane in rviz | 0 | False | me_saw | 2020-04-12 18:32:47 | 2020-04-12 18:32:47
Can you refresh gazebo when you load through ROS | 0 | False | here2infinity | 2020-04-17 11:33:27 | 2020-04-17 11:33:27
Run RViz from remote docker using X11 | 0 | False | Elgin.D | 2020-04-20 02:19:53 | 2020-04-20 02:19:53
Set time step in MoveIt trajectories | 0 | False | MatteoL95 | 2020-04-21 22:39:13 | 2020-04-21 22:39:13
Trying to publish data from DHT22 Sensor from Arduino to ROS using rosserial | 0 | False | SirMacdonald | 2020-04-22 08:01:25 | 2020-04-22 09:00:27
Spatio-Temporal-Voxel-layer catkin_make error on ros-melodic | 0 | False | Badal | 2021-09-09 09:21:56 | 2021-09-10 12:26:41
Invalid token | 0 | False | Bujar | 2020-04-26 18:07:32 | 2020-04-27 13:28:46
I am trying publish height but the data out is zero | 0 | False | rosbiggener | 2020-04-29 20:24:47 | 2020-04-30 02:35:20
Web_video_server Parameters | 0 | False | qmichael | 2020-04-30 02:42:41 | 2020-04-30 02:42:41
Octree visualisation in Unity | 0 | False | Bwmetis | 2020-04-30 23:01:23 | 2020-04-30 23:01:23
roscore is not working | 0 | False | hy | 2020-05-02 12:05:54 | 2020-05-02 12:29:11
I tried building sim_ros_interface in Ubuntu18.04 but I'm getting the following error. I am unable to find what to do. | 0 | False | csvk20 | 2020-05-03 12:11:54 | 2020-05-03 12:29:13
I have tried installing ROS1(melodic) and ROS2(Dashing diademata) on the same OS(Ubuntu 18.04). I am doubtful about the sourcing of the bash script. | 0 | False | Rupali | 2020-05-09 16:44:19 | 2020-05-09 17:58:22
control stepper motors ros cnc shield arduino | 0 | False | WilliamH07 | 2020-05-11 21:15:33 | 2020-05-11 21:34:34
How can I visualize the path of the robot in STDR? | 0 | False | Burhan | 2020-05-18 11:04:45 | 2020-05-18 11:04:45
ransac implementation | 0 | False | harden | 2020-05-19 19:40:46 | 2020-05-19 19:40:46
Issue with gazebo and gazebo_ros | 0 | False | shaw | 2020-05-22 07:23:41 | 2020-05-22 07:23:41
Error while launching Rviz | 0 | False | carlosg | 2020-05-27 11:12:44 | 2020-05-27 12:03:48
Action server : Error | 0 | False | Pawel_www | 2019-04-15 16:16:33 | 2019-04-15 16:16:33
ROS map is recording but not playing | 0 | False | kamal.kld11 | 2020-06-04 16:25:41 | 2020-06-04 16:25:41
How to use actionlib simple action server in gazebo model plugin | 0 | False | prithupareek | 2020-06-05 16:33:49 | 2020-06-05 16:33:49
The input topic '/image_raw' is not yet advertised ros_proc | 0 | False | ge82fit | 2020-06-10 21:20:31 | 2020-06-10 21:20:31
Error displaying URDF in webpage | 0 | False | saintdere | 2020-06-16 09:29:44 | 2020-06-17 09:02:34
Creating a new ROS node for px4 msg listener | 0 | False | Mocca Ricco | 2020-06-16 17:13:28 | 2020-06-19 09:55:46
Unable to communicate with service [/rosapi/service_type] while running Rosbidge | 0 | False | Deepak_Kr_Yadav | 2020-02-03 14:17:42 | 2020-02-03 14:47:08
move_base for outdoor navigation | 0 | False | me_saw | 2020-06-22 19:58:13 | 2020-06-22 20:02:53
Camera Extrinsic from YAML to TF messages | 0 | False | Viki93 | 2020-06-26 09:15:00 | 2020-06-26 09:15:00
ImportError: No module named openai_ros_common | 0 | False | Kolohe113 | 2020-07-02 15:40:55 | 2020-07-02 15:40:55
Hector slam creat a error map | 0 | False | Quoc The | 2020-07-04 11:16:08 | 2020-07-04 11:16:08
DWA fails to produce the path in the free space, strange behavior | 0 | False | Yehor | 2020-07-09 09:08:43 | 2020-07-09 12:29:15
Move_base produce very low rotation speed | 0 | False | Yehor | 2020-07-09 12:41:13 | 2020-07-12 07:39:12
rosrun and CMake error | 0 | False | JustANoob | 2020-07-12 15:04:06 | 2020-07-12 16:50:55
Autonomous Quadrotor Project | 0 | False | almacitunaberk | 2020-07-13 08:56:21 | 2020-07-13 08:56:21
Using ROS1_Bridge with multiple ROS1 versions?? | 0 | False | madangt | 2022-11-07 10:35:49 | 2022-11-07 10:35:49
On Windows, can't run turtlesim despite having downloaded X-launchers | 0 | False | MambaMentality24 | 2021-09-24 05:40:56 | 2021-09-24 05:40:56
Trouble using Robotstate in rviz | 0 | False | Abmoineddini | 2020-09-07 12:04:49 | 2020-09-07 12:04:49
Stop ros::spin() | 0 | False | Pombor | 2020-07-21 09:06:24 | 2020-07-21 09:06:24
Rviz does not launch | 0 | False | DANEDUKE77 | 2020-07-26 01:25:20 | 2020-07-26 01:25:20
How do decrease slow down near obstacles in TEB local planner | 0 | False | Flontis | 2020-07-26 18:05:33 | 2020-07-26 18:05:33
Compiling with "-L /usr/local/lib" option | 0 | False | digikar | 2020-08-03 14:10:21 | 2020-08-03 14:10:21
RRT_exploration package is not responding to my published boundary pts ? | 0 | False | Shiva_uchiha | 2020-08-05 14:57:08 | 2020-08-05 14:57:08
Create Gazebo Sensor Model publishing ExtendedLaserScan Message | 0 | False | SK | 2020-08-07 11:34:13 | 2020-08-07 11:34:13
Problem with threads and callback | 0 | False | Pombor | 2020-08-07 13:29:17 | 2020-08-07 13:29:17
Cannot locate rosdep definition for two packages | 0 | False | Flontis | 2020-08-07 15:42:21 | 2020-08-07 15:42:21
Could not find 'share/rospy/cmake/rospy-msg-paths.cmake' | 0 | False | Vikram Bais | 2020-08-10 07:26:52 | 2020-08-10 07:29:35
why when i added *jsk_rviz_plugins* and chose a **TF trajectorty** to display the path of robot, the rviz node die? | 0 | False | IslamShabaan | 2020-08-13 16:54:14 | 2020-08-13 16:54:14
Dynamics of robotic manipulator? | 0 | False | saztyga | 2020-08-21 23:56:02 | 2020-08-21 23:56:02
What is the difference between Autoware vector map version 1 and version 2 in Autoware1.13-op_planner? | 0 | False | md | 2020-02-13 11:55:30 | 2020-02-13 11:57:08
ar_track_alvar not detecting anything ROS Melodic, no kinect, single tag. | 0 | False | ToyasDhake | 2020-08-24 22:49:35 | 2020-08-24 23:09:37
I want to publish data from esp32 to ros but after doing all the thing i am stuck at this "Waiting for socket connection on port 11411". | 0 | False | OmerFarooq | 2020-09-01 11:32:54 | 2020-09-01 11:32:54
IMU complementary filter + Odometry fusion | 0 | False | aliakbar | 2020-09-06 19:03:12 | 2020-09-07 20:41:18
Unable to run uvc_camera uvc_camera_node | 0 | False | toshibox | 2020-09-08 13:12:11 | 2020-09-08 13:12:11
How to use geekworm Motor-Hat robot expansion driver for raspberry pi 3B with ROS | 0 | False | curtis | 2020-09-16 08:28:40 | 2020-09-17 14:38:14
My AGV can't stop on the right place while turning in place. | 0 | False | wallybeam | 2020-09-16 11:29:33 | 2020-09-16 11:29:33
Problem with tutorial " Using stamped datatypes with tf2::MessageFilter" | 0 | False | cristian_wp | 2020-09-16 13:36:57 | 2020-09-16 13:36:57
[rospack] Error: package 'usb_cam' not found | 0 | False | AndreaCec | 2020-02-17 14:46:44 | 2020-02-17 14:46:44
After adding planning scene motion planner is unable to retrieve robot state | 0 | False | lbajlo | 2020-09-25 20:14:46 | 2020-09-26 09:44:13
Can't invoke catkin workspace on Raspbian Buster | 0 | False | Sassberry184 | 2020-09-26 17:50:46 | 2020-09-26 17:50:46
AMCL does't work | 0 | False | reavers92 | 2020-10-03 18:03:35 | 2020-10-03 18:20:09
How to simulate IMU in gazebo based on 3dm-cx5-25? | 0 | False | Shiva_uchiha | 2020-10-05 10:41:15 | 2020-10-05 10:41:15
Pass parameters from launch file to python script in Unit Test(Rostest) | 0 | False | Buldoza | 2020-02-18 18:24:50 | 2020-02-18 18:43:41
Ros u-net usage error | 0 | False | Sukru | 2020-10-11 14:23:50 | 2020-10-12 07:32:04
Windows 10 Rosserial failed to publish topics to ROS Melodic on Windows 10. | 0 | False | Steven94 | 2020-02-19 01:21:47 | 2020-02-19 01:21:47
Multi-map-merge for ROS Melodic?!?!?! | 0 | False | JayantM | 2020-02-19 13:05:04 | 2020-02-19 13:05:04
Problem Setting An Initial Pose In ORB_SLAM2 | 0 | False | EuanM | 2020-10-21 13:24:24 | 2020-10-21 13:24:24
Could not find a connection between 'X' and 'Y' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees. | 0 | False | rosNewbie | 2020-02-20 11:22:35 | 2020-02-20 11:22:35
adding global planner and packages? | 0 | False | Eman.m | 2020-11-03 10:29:01 | 2020-11-03 10:29:01
when I coding in vscode, some error occured | 0 | False | wangxy | 2020-11-10 11:48:41 | 2020-11-10 11:48:41
catkin_make error in melodic | 0 | False | siddharthcb | 2020-11-17 01:10:05 | 2020-11-17 07:11:06
Problem in sending a Sequence of Goal to Navigation Satck | 0 | False | Rohan1700 | 2020-11-17 11:32:04 | 2020-11-17 11:32:04
Can't kill RPLidar A3 ROS Node | 0 | False | Milan | 2020-11-18 20:42:29 | 2020-11-18 20:42:29
Launching multiple robots in gazebo by namespace | 0 | False | carlosg | 2020-11-21 16:44:58 | 2020-11-21 16:44:58
/scan data being all over the place when displayed in RViz | 0 | False | FFelizpe | 2020-11-26 15:10:04 | 2020-11-26 15:10:04
How to fix bad odometry | 0 | False | lslabon | 2020-12-04 15:19:42 | 2020-12-07 08:07:57
How to control multiple robots separately | 0 | False | AMC | 2020-12-06 18:33:18 | 2020-12-06 18:33:18
Error running gmapping | 0 | False | N1ngawolf | 2020-02-28 11:13:19 | 2020-02-28 11:13:19
rqt_reconfigure gui config files | 0 | False | goktugyildirimLEO | 2020-12-25 22:56:54 | 2020-12-25 22:56:54
gazebo ros control | 0 | False | Rozahu | 2019-05-18 05:26:22 | 2019-05-18 07:16:18
General/Scalable Function or Subscriber for a Variable Number of Topics? | 0 | False | Vuro H | 2021-01-25 20:13:49 | 2021-01-25 20:55:12
Importing ROS package into existing CMake Project | 0 | False | theuema | 2021-02-04 15:31:18 | 2021-02-05 07:45:58
How to use Kinect + Husky on ROS Melodic? | 0 | False | murilosantos | 2021-02-04 21:39:34 | 2021-02-04 21:39:34
Relation between move_base controller frequency , /odometry and /scan | 0 | False | Yehor | 2021-02-06 09:12:12 | 2021-02-06 09:12:12
Gazebo Actor's collisions and skeleton show up at origin | 0 | False | gazela | 2021-02-08 10:06:39 | 2021-02-08 10:06:39
Can we get pose of UAV using amcl3d package? | 0 | False | sm2770s | 2021-02-08 14:40:24 | 2021-02-08 14:40:24
Measuring Robot Velocity in 2D Plane | 0 | False | ROS_Master007 | 2021-02-11 00:52:18 | 2021-02-11 00:52:18
Unable to start rqt_* plugins | 0 | False | jacka122 | 2021-02-19 08:03:58 | 2021-02-19 08:03:58
catkin_make "find_package" problem when compiling on the target machine | 0 | False | oguzhandalgic | 2021-02-22 20:37:48 | 2021-02-23 10:43:02
ROS Melodic rosdep install fails at ArchLinux | 0 | False | NelsonCandela | 2019-05-30 12:46:25 | 2019-05-30 12:46:25
Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1.0210, global_pose stamp: 0.0000, tolerance: 0.5000 | 0 | False | offtaste | 2021-03-08 14:10:23 | 2021-03-08 14:16:24
Kinect intrinsec | 0 | False | Erik Fustes | 2021-03-15 23:05:56 | 2021-03-15 23:05:56
Running Turtlebot3 Simulator on Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance | 0 | False | Simos | 2019-11-15 00:27:30 | 2019-11-15 00:27:30
Action client not connected using moveit and gazebo | 0 | False | lbajlo | 2019-06-05 19:52:48 | 2019-06-05 22:35:07
Problems with Industrial/Tutorials/Simple_EtherCAT_Network_IO | 0 | False | hemj940222 | 2020-06-18 00:23:43 | 2020-06-18 00:23:43
Process crashes without any error | 0 | False | tanujthakkar | 2021-04-11 05:29:48 | 2021-04-11 07:33:21
Weird MoveIt error when using /compute_ik | 0 | False | hopestartswithu | 2021-04-16 01:07:23 | 2021-04-16 08:09:18
Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked in melodic | 0 | False | cry2gra5y | 2019-05-03 12:55:59 | 2019-05-03 13:14:49
robot_state_publisher: treefksolverposfull_recursive.hpp error | 0 | False | nzach | 2021-04-28 13:17:08 | 2021-04-28 13:38:54
2 wheeled Differential drive not moving in straight line only while moving backwards. | 0 | False | kamal_nathan | 2021-01-04 15:30:21 | 2021-01-04 15:35:17
IMU and Odometry fusing for Localisation | 0 | False | ihassnain | 2021-01-05 06:17:57 | 2021-01-05 08:54:33
How do I get the 'roscp' command to work? | 0 | False | jalamani | 2019-07-27 07:39:25 | 2019-07-29 00:31:15
How to visualize the bubble chain in the elastic band local planner? | 0 | False | jmyazbeck-iw | 2021-05-20 12:55:42 | 2021-05-20 12:55:42
STOP publishing a ros topic | 0 | False | shoriya | 2021-05-30 16:42:59 | 2021-05-30 16:42:59
using Python I want to make Gazebo enter from the first door and git out from other avoiding the obstacles inside the room. | 0 | False | alrazy | 2021-12-07 09:01:09 | 2021-12-07 09:01:09
Problem with service/client for custom planner | 0 | False | jmyazbeck-iw | 2021-06-30 10:17:41 | 2021-06-30 10:56:38
How to remove gazebo-ros-pkgs | 0 | False | nameofuser1 | 2019-01-26 18:46:59 | 2019-01-26 18:46:59
apt-get update failure | 0 | False | AHJL001 | 2020-03-26 09:05:30 | 2020-03-26 09:05:30
Cannot build ros package that uses pcl_visualization | 0 | False | DyuAdi | 2021-07-05 18:06:56 | 2021-07-05 18:06:56
received a tcpros connection for nonexistent service | 0 | False | jmyazbeck-iw | 2021-07-06 15:08:49 | 2021-07-06 15:08:49
boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument | 0 | False | bach | 2021-07-08 17:35:55 | 2021-07-08 17:59:41
| cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 0 | False | jester | 2020-03-29 18:55:10 | 2020-03-29 18:55:10
add lag and noise to gps signal | 0 | False | alexantosh | 2021-07-28 19:19:55 | 2021-07-28 19:19:55
Unable to update to ros_melodic | 0 | False | DenS | 2020-03-31 06:17:44 | 2020-03-31 07:53:17
I was given with a dataset(A bag file). I have the published topics list, how do I generate the a continuous 6D pose estimate (3D position and 3D orientation) for the robot in the outdoor environment within that bagfile? | 0 | False | vamshirosmaster | 2021-08-03 17:39:39 | 2021-08-03 17:43:09
I have no idea how to build this ros package in my catkin_ws | 0 | False | JiJi | 2020-03-31 10:05:57 | 2020-03-31 10:05:57
what is best way to use different version of opencv? | 0 | False | kyubot | 2021-08-19 15:20:05 | 2021-08-19 15:20:05
How to install perception_pcl_addons package in ros melodic? | 0 | False | Kumbakarnan | 2018-09-30 14:14:32 | 2018-09-30 14:14:32
Issue with Turtlebot3_Navigation inflation radius | 0 | False | distro | 2021-09-09 07:08:44 | 2021-09-09 07:15:05
Panda Franka Emika Quaternion Calculation | 0 | False | snice | 2021-10-12 08:14:31 | 2021-10-12 08:14:31
Keeping a point cloud map a certain density | 0 | False | n.dafinski | 2021-10-13 15:51:30 | 2021-10-13 15:52:02
Sick Lidar errors: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/sick_lms_1xx/ColaMsg] | 0 | False | Gianluca_ita | 2021-10-20 09:20:12 | 2021-10-20 20:20:33
Multiple problems when configuring MiR200 with ur5 using MoveIt in Gazebo | 0 | False | Heenne | 2020-02-19 21:33:06 | 2020-02-19 21:33:06
How to implement a MoveGroupCapability | 0 | False | zahid990170 | 2021-11-04 14:11:47 | 2021-11-04 14:11:47
Getting only first scan while mapping using Slam_toolbox | 0 | False | charvi | 2020-05-08 06:17:14 | 2020-05-08 06:31:03