gazebo pr2 launch success but with tf errors | 1 | True | sam | 2011-03-07 00:46:10 | 2011-03-23 09:29:38
How to import two pr2 on gazebo at the same time? | 2 | True | sam | 2011-08-10 01:52:49 | 2011-08-18 02:15:39
Gazebo headless crashes when starting pr2.launch | 1 | True | Peshala | 2011-09-12 01:21:34 | 2016-05-17 07:48:04
Gazebo IRSensor parameters configuration xml | 1 | True | jrcapriles | 2011-09-22 02:21:24 | 2011-09-23 01:17:46
pr2_gazebo crashes on launch on Macbook7,1 Oneiric | 0 | False | shreeshga | 2012-02-27 01:02:28 | 2012-02-27 01:02:28
Gazebo dies when openning with PR2 controller | 4 | True | Albert K | 2012-03-21 00:22:21 | 2012-03-28 16:49:07
Why gazebo pr2's attribute are circular and fix which can't be changed? | 1 | True | sam | 2012-04-02 04:59:18 | 2012-04-07 14:26:05
pr2_gazebo pr2.launch outputs pr2_gripper_action error | 0 | False | Carlos | 2012-04-04 08:49:57 | 2012-04-04 08:49:57
ROS/Gazebo crashes when spawing PR2 robot model | 5 | True | ReiniK | 2012-02-23 03:03:39 | 2014-06-24 20:44:33
Edit: pr2_gazebo crashes during launch (Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, Fuerte) | 0 | False | c_radialline | 2012-07-17 18:34:00 | 2012-07-20 14:24:33
Gazebo and PR2 simulation setup publishing nan values on base_odometry/odom | 3 | True | EmbeddedSystem | 2012-07-26 10:06:59 | 2012-07-27 17:48:44
Faulty (Future) /tf Time in Gazebo? | 1 | True | mfall | 2012-08-07 18:40:41 | 2012-08-08 03:42:36
Problem with spawn_model in gazebo | 1 | True | Zara | 2012-08-07 22:05:49 | 2012-08-08 03:45:47
PR2 Gazebo frames flipped in Groovy (odom_combined and base_link) | 1 | False | aleeper | 2013-01-10 11:05:08 | 2013-01-15 16:50:06
urdfdom in fuerte, Groovy package? | 0 | False | davinci | 2013-02-06 14:04:41 | 2013-02-07 06:22:49
ccny_rgbd_tools launch files for PR2 in Gazebo | 1 | True | astaranowicz | 2013-02-25 18:38:12 | 2013-02-27 08:40:43
EDIT:Setting up environment pr2_gazebo on ubuntu 11.4? | 2 | True | cradialline | 2012-05-26 08:42:43 | 2012-05-28 13:17:09
Erratic behaiour of PR2 in simulation | 1 | True | achuwilson | 2015-05-22 10:05:08 | 2015-05-23 06:48:55