Using the Planning Comptonents Visualizer to Control the hardware | 1 | True | John Hoare | 2011-09-22 13:43:45 | 2011-09-22 17:31:09
how to send arm trajectory plan in rvis to dynamixel controller | 0 | False | Scott | 2011-10-05 17:49:20 | 2011-10-05 17:49:20
PR2 planning_component_visualizer | 1 | True | Lorenzo Riano | 2011-10-10 07:06:40 | 2011-10-10 09:48:02
planning_component_visualizer bug | 4 | True | jayson ding | 2011-10-17 07:52:19 | 2012-12-23 15:40:36
Top level menu doesn't work on Planning Components Visualizer | 1 | True | tyama | 2011-10-18 11:56:32 | 2011-10-18 15:06:24
collision map ignored in planning components visualizer | 2 | True | jwrobbo | 2012-05-13 16:29:12 | 2012-10-25 19:31:42
arm_navigation - cylindrical links don't avoid collision | 1 | True | Pedro | 2012-10-17 10:28:19 | 2012-10-17 11:04:39