multirobot_map_merge incorrect map merging with slam_karto | 1 | False | hunterlineage1 | 2023-05-14 21:50:39 | 2023-06-07 07:12:05
Multirobot_Map_Merge: merged map width and height varies with number of robots. | 1 | False | Nick_JR | 2022-06-08 21:15:19 | 2022-06-13 20:05:45
Multirobot_map_merge finish map | 1 | False | MarosROS | 2020-04-04 09:40:12 | 2023-02-16 16:36:00
How to use the map generated in Rviz from a Gazebo simulation? | 1 | False | himalayangoat | 2020-09-29 10:22:30 | 2020-09-29 16:28:59