how does hector_quadrotor_controller move the drone without publishing to cmd_vel | 0 | False | tahsinkose | 2017-07-20 10:24:03 | 2017-07-20 10:24:03
How to make ROS enabled quadrotor using package hector_quadrotor on raspberry pi? | 0 | False | prakhar007 | 2017-07-30 20:25:49 | 2017-07-30 20:25:49
hector_quadrotor not hovering in between key inputs while teleoperating with teleop_twist_keyboard | 0 | False | hunterlineage1 | 2023-01-31 08:57:22 | 2023-01-31 08:57:22
Automatically enabling hector_quadrotor motors upon start | 0 | False | hunterlineage1 | 2023-01-31 09:00:53 | 2023-01-31 09:00:53
Using rrt_exploration with hector_quadrotor | 0 | False | hunterlineage1 | 2023-01-31 09:25:30 | 2023-01-31 09:25:30
Follow a trajectory with Hector quadrotor | 0 | False | fabriceN | 2017-09-13 15:26:39 | 2017-09-13 15:26:39
Using ethasl_sensor_fusion | 0 | False | Kenny Low | 2014-08-15 08:37:15 | 2014-08-15 08:37:15
hector_quadrotor not hovering in ROS melodic version but hovers in ROS noetic version | 0 | False | hunterlineage1 | 2023-02-14 06:17:17 | 2023-02-14 06:17:17
Controlling Hector Quadrotor using thurst and torque command | 0 | False | Kashish Dhal | 2019-12-09 01:44:38 | 2019-12-09 01:44:38
Hector quadrotor motor controller | 0 | False | 08beeqtufail | 2020-02-18 16:34:10 | 2020-02-18 16:34:10
Is possible to control quadrotor flying by using MoveIt or PC? | 0 | False | Envo | 2016-06-30 02:35:38 | 2016-06-30 02:35:38
hector_quadrotor not responding to attitude control_mode | 0 | False | dcr | 2021-08-26 08:38:54 | 2021-08-27 10:49:46