No frontiers found when running hector_exploration_planner | 0 | False | aswin | 2014-05-08 04:22:02 | 2014-05-08 04:22:02
Basic/important questions about the hector_navigation | 0 | False | ortauq | 2015-03-18 17:07:20 | 2015-03-18 17:07:20
hector slam and the hector_costmap,planer | 0 | False | Anthony Brooks | 2015-03-22 06:30:30 | 2015-03-22 06:30:52
some problem about the hector exploration control | 0 | False | Anthony Brooks | 2015-04-01 09:23:02 | 2015-04-01 09:34:11
Tried to catkin_make hector_exploration -> could not found Open CV | 0 | False | ortauq | 2015-04-08 09:52:04 | 2015-04-08 09:52:04
Autonomy problem with hector_gmapping | 0 | False | flaminga | 2015-07-04 09:10:03 | 2015-07-04 12:55:39
No matching function for call to costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS::getRobotPose(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped&) | 0 | False | Evan | 2020-06-17 13:45:16 | 2020-06-17 15:36:57
Hector Mapping and Exploration | 0 | False | RoSPlebb | 2016-06-29 17:54:41 | 2016-06-29 19:18:35
Hector_Navigation NOT Following Generated Path | 0 | False | RoSPlebb | 2016-08-05 17:19:07 | 2016-08-05 18:50:53