Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Issue with Hokuyo laser scaner | 0 | False | Francis Dom | 2017-05-26 09:26:12 | 2017-05-26 09:26:12 |
Building hector_quadrotor on lunar | 0 | False | bxl | 2017-06-06 14:23:09 | 2017-06-06 14:25:22 |
Moving model out of origin gives error | 0 | False | bxl | 2017-06-21 00:53:53 | 2017-06-21 19:13:38 |
Hector mapping can't output the transform from map to odom gazebo | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-06-22 07:14:01 | 2017-06-26 00:52:38 |
trajecotry data Hector SLAM | 0 | False | Petr | 2017-07-03 19:16:21 | 2017-07-03 19:16:21 |
The robot loses its orientation when I run the hector mapping. | 0 | False | rong888 | 2017-07-06 02:30:37 | 2017-07-06 05:24:19 |
Use imu in Hector mapping with low cost laser distance sensor | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-07-18 06:49:54 | 2017-07-19 00:30:15 |
fuse imu and lidar in hector slam | 0 | False | l_a_den | 2017-07-26 06:21:09 | 2017-07-26 06:21:09 |
what does this function in hector mapping mean? | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-07-29 02:28:47 | 2017-07-29 05:25:14 |
Is possible to use Hector_quadrotor package with an hexrotor? | 0 | False | cristian_wp | 2020-04-24 14:54:08 | 2020-04-24 14:54:08 |
how to change the transform according to a transform tree | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 |
Hector slam with rplidar kinect | 0 | False | par8057 | 2017-09-19 09:58:30 | 2017-09-19 09:58:30 |
hectorslam error | 0 | False | par8057 | 2017-09-19 09:59:18 | 2017-09-19 09:59:18 |
error in using hector quadrotor | 0 | False | masoudpz | 2013-07-11 16:04:08 | 2013-07-11 16:04:08 |
How to synchronize received laser scan and predicted robot pose before scan matching | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-11-13 02:27:38 | 2017-11-13 02:27:38 |
Mapping with the hector quadrotor breaks the tf tree | 0 | False | lahiruherath | 2017-11-13 21:19:04 | 2017-11-13 21:19:04 |
hector transfrom fail | 0 | False | xinxinxin | 2020-02-27 15:22:48 | 2020-02-27 15:22:48 |
hector_mapping map issue | 0 | False | Andrey | 2017-11-24 03:00:58 | 2017-11-24 03:00:58 |
Hector quadrotor + Turtlebot in one environment | 0 | False | terpbot | 2017-12-06 18:55:11 | 2017-12-06 18:55:11 |
Error in hector simple exploration | 0 | False | Samir | 2014-04-08 11:07:55 | 2014-04-08 11:07:55 |
Hector SLAM map appears distorted/overwriiten by itself. | 0 | False | kowais915 | 2023-05-04 21:33:48 | 2023-05-04 21:33:48 |
Costmap2DROS transform timeout | 0 | False | julimen5 | 2018-03-20 01:17:30 | 2018-03-20 17:52:03 |
Raspberry pi catkin make | 0 | False | julimen5 | 2018-03-21 21:45:00 | 2018-03-21 23:46:21 |
First Robot - Rubbish odom & Laser_scan_matcher architecture | 0 | False | KevWal | 2023-07-21 20:48:20 | 2023-07-25 20:53:11 |
Lidar localization on web like rviz | 0 | False | nadiah | 2019-08-28 08:55:03 | 2019-08-28 08:55:03 |
Hector slam slow at making map | 0 | False | slad1995 | 2019-02-04 13:00:07 | 2019-02-04 13:03:17 |
Issues with hector_mapping using lidar lite v3 on servo | 0 | False | roboguy | 2018-04-22 19:32:54 | 2018-04-22 19:32:54 |
Path following controller | 0 | False | frozt | 2018-05-27 16:44:55 | 2018-05-27 16:44:55 |
Localizing victims via hector_worldmodel stack | 0 | False | alfa_80 | 2014-05-05 07:55:04 | 2014-05-05 08:12:53 |
Hector quadrotor how to turn on motor_pwm control | 0 | False | Felczer | 2018-08-17 14:43:50 | 2018-08-17 14:43:50 |
use of hector_ugv_common | 0 | False | Mike Gao | 2012-07-18 10:28:42 | 2012-07-18 10:28:42 |
Usage Documentation for libDiffDrivePlugin6W? | 0 | False | Wireline | 2018-08-31 03:18:15 | 2018-08-31 03:18:15 |
Hector Quadrotor Demo: Take Off Not Working. | 0 | False | jpde.lopes | 2018-09-11 02:56:05 | 2018-09-11 05:44:29 |
Change robot spawn point | 0 | False | smoothie | 2020-07-09 12:03:33 | 2020-07-09 12:03:33 |
Strange movement with hector_navigation | 0 | False | ford_prefect | 2019-06-15 14:39:58 | 2019-06-15 14:39:58 |
Hector quadrotor built package failure | 0 | False | Ste | 2014-03-18 05:47:46 | 2014-03-18 05:47:46 |
hector quadrotor camera change | 0 | False | jpaladin | 2018-12-26 18:18:56 | 2018-12-26 18:18:56 |
how to add imu data to hector ???? | 0 | False | duandb | 2019-01-15 09:36:22 | 2019-01-15 09:36:22 |
Hector Slam for obstacle avoidance | 0 | False | Radhika | 2013-01-02 23:42:20 | 2013-01-02 23:42:20 |
How to path plan using Moveit! for quadrotor | 0 | False | Airuno2L | 2014-08-26 19:53:25 | 2014-08-26 19:53:25 |
Hector_qrcode_detection problem | 0 | False | Kirill_Sokolov | 2014-03-19 14:40:17 | 2020-01-22 18:29:10 |
Mess between catkin ws | 0 | False | fabriceN | 2017-10-16 14:54:51 | 2017-10-16 14:54:51 |
hector slam+gmapping+odometry problem. | 0 | False | kyubot | 2019-07-26 16:41:07 | 2019-07-26 16:41:07 |
What exactly is the tf for /fix topic in the tutorial of Hector SLAM | 0 | False | LucasGoei | 2019-07-28 02:58:59 | 2019-07-28 02:58:59 |
Lens details of Team Hector Rescue Real Robot | 0 | False | Arsham Belivani | 2014-12-12 08:44:15 | 2014-12-12 08:44:15 |
Twist messages with hector_exploration_node | 0 | False | boog | 2013-08-01 12:40:02 | 2013-08-01 12:57:41 |
Kinect - Hector Slam | 0 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-04-09 15:37:20 | 2015-04-09 15:37:20 |
Loop closure in Hector SLAM | 0 | False | robot_malaya | 2022-04-27 04:11:05 | 2022-04-27 04:11:05 |
can't launch hector_motion_detection | 0 | False | wsAndy | 2015-05-16 06:59:44 | 2015-05-16 06:59:44 |
Can't modify Hector SLAM parameters at runtime (map_update_distance_threshold) | 0 | False | Florent s | 2015-05-22 03:03:41 | 2015-05-22 03:03:41 |
hector localization and hector pose estimation | 0 | False | alvaro_sal_31 | 2015-05-25 09:31:44 | 2015-05-25 09:31:44 |
Hector SLAM, matching algorithm | 0 | False | Victor Gomez | 2015-05-31 13:58:20 | 2015-05-31 13:58:20 |
Localization(x and y) for RPLidar A1 (with hectorslam and amcl) | 0 | False | mrsynix | 2020-01-15 16:02:34 | 2020-01-15 16:02:34 |
Failed to process package 'robot_pose_ekf' | 0 | False | psprox96 | 2015-06-22 03:52:33 | 2015-06-22 03:52:33 |
Autonomy problem with hector_gmapping | 0 | False | flaminga | 2015-07-04 09:10:03 | 2015-07-04 12:55:39 |
Transform failed | 0 | False | flaminga | 2015-07-09 15:57:08 | 2015-07-10 08:58:35 |
Error in running the Demo for hector Quadrotor | 0 | False | Neo | 2013-09-24 14:44:07 | 2013-09-24 15:08:23 |
Has anyone got hector_turtlebot working on groovu or hydro? | 0 | False | balakumar-s | 2013-09-24 16:17:07 | 2013-09-24 16:17:07 |
Hobbyist lidar comparison, recommendations | 0 | False | terran | 2020-03-04 17:50:54 | 2020-03-04 20:33:40 |
SLAM with LIDAR | 0 | False | casper911ca | 2015-08-05 00:12:20 | 2015-08-05 00:12:20 |
Robot (base_link) facing opposite direction - 180 Degrees | 0 | False | femitof | 2020-03-12 06:03:48 | 2020-03-16 20:12:56 |
Hector slam pose estimation | 0 | False | v.leto | 2020-04-04 17:09:25 | 2020-04-04 17:09:25 |
Spawn hector quadrotor in custom gazebo world. | 0 | False | Tonystark124 | 2015-09-11 13:48:07 | 2015-09-11 13:48:07 |
Creating Octomap with MoveIt | 0 | False | boon | 2015-09-29 17:44:06 | 2015-10-01 15:20:21 |
Hector SLAM gives very odd maps | 0 | False | Govind | 2020-04-28 19:02:51 | 2020-04-28 19:02:51 |
Cannot follow the instructions of Hector-quadrotor in Jade | 0 | False | FrankCheng | 2015-11-30 17:40:26 | 2015-11-30 18:12:54 |
3D pose estimate | 0 | False | quentin | 2015-12-15 06:33:54 | 2015-12-15 06:34:38 |
how can we get accurate orientation data when we use hector slam | 0 | False | bredzhang | 2015-12-18 03:59:58 | 2015-12-18 03:59:58 |
hector exploration | 0 | False | reavers92 | 2020-06-06 20:10:19 | 2020-06-07 07:24:53 |
How to compare the SLAM algorithms with gazebo Simulation Ground Truth using pose error metric? | 0 | False | dhaour9x | 2020-06-25 12:43:03 | 2020-06-25 13:06:37 |
Correct setup for hector_object_tracker | 0 | False | nvoltex | 2016-02-10 17:28:33 | 2016-02-10 17:28:33 |
hector localization build error in virtualbox | 0 | False | YingHua | 2016-03-01 08:27:42 | 2016-03-01 08:27:42 |
parameters doesn't show up on dynamic_reconfigure and rqt_reconfigure | 0 | False | ermanas | 2020-08-10 11:10:41 | 2020-08-10 11:10:41 |
What effect does the low msg update rate do to the SLAM map ? | 0 | False | alice222777 | 2016-04-07 18:41:08 | 2016-04-08 10:51:19 |
AR-TAG ADD HECTOR QUADROTOR LAUNCH | 0 | False | Hamit | 2020-02-18 17:50:31 | 2020-02-18 17:50:31 |
My robot model is shifting while hector is mapping. | 0 | False | apprentice_user | 2021-10-11 14:49:28 | 2021-10-11 14:49:28 |
Ros indigo + RPLIDAR 360 + Hector SLAM | 0 | False | Mondiegus | 2016-05-02 15:19:52 | 2016-05-02 15:20:48 |
ira_laser_tools | 0 | False | aziz | 2016-05-18 09:17:08 | 2016-05-18 09:17:08 |
shift LMS datas | 0 | False | aziz | 2016-05-18 17:44:36 | 2016-05-18 17:44:36 |
hector_mapping launch | 0 | False | whonoo | 2016-05-27 21:30:16 | 2016-05-28 01:01:04 |
hector mapping and naviagtion | 0 | False | b-sriram | 2016-07-19 06:51:15 | 2016-07-19 06:52:46 |
hector_quadrotor_demo is unstable when using EKF estimation for control instead of ground truth | 0 | False | m_elfar | 2016-08-07 20:06:29 | 2016-08-07 20:41:03 |
Melodic Hector Slam and Cartographer ERROR: lookupTransform base_footprint to laser timed out. Could not transform laser scan into base_frame. | 0 | False | Konradlk | 2021-03-07 20:17:32 | 2021-03-07 20:17:32 |
problem with hector mapping, map not building | 0 | False | gleb | 2016-08-26 12:52:16 | 2016-08-30 09:38:56 |
how can hector_quadrotor be built for ros hydro? | 0 | False | devesh | 2013-12-18 10:14:12 | 2013-12-18 10:14:12 |
robot model is not moving in rviz, even though it is moving in gazebo | 0 | False | gleb | 2016-09-05 16:29:02 | 2016-09-05 16:29:02 |
Is it possible to run the hector_quadrotor demos in kinetic? | 0 | False | pcarleton | 2016-09-30 03:14:05 | 2016-09-30 03:14:05 |
Hector Slam creating map problem | 0 | False | abckwok123 | 2016-09-30 10:22:59 | 2016-09-30 10:25:29 |
[URG+hector_slam]Error on rviz | 0 | False | tanaka | 2016-10-28 02:03:56 | 2016-10-28 05:57:53 |
Side lidar causes localization problems | 0 | False | AlexandrosNic | 2021-05-06 12:22:09 | 2021-05-06 12:22:09 |
Sonar data of hector_gazebo_plugin can't update. | 0 | False | ZMang | 2021-08-26 08:07:43 | 2021-08-27 05:18:52 |
Hector SLAM Mapping Pointcloud | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-23 17:44:29 | 2017-02-23 18:02:31 |
Hector mapping - no occupancy grid | 0 | False | jgauthier | 2021-12-04 20:46:33 | 2021-12-04 20:47:57 |
Hector Mapping z parameter | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-03-07 17:30:34 | 2017-03-07 17:30:34 |
Hector mapping with RealSense R200 | 0 | False | timku | 2017-03-11 14:45:50 | 2017-03-12 05:59:09 |
How can I integrate a Existing floor plan with hectorSLAM? | 0 | False | Vanessa | 2017-03-13 12:22:57 | 2017-03-13 12:22:57 |
hector_slam with LIDAR not updating map in RVIZ | 0 | False | FomTarro | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 |
Hector Slam jumping around. | 0 | False | burf2000 | 2017-04-15 21:39:21 | 2017-04-15 21:39:21 |
Slam gmapping and hector | 0 | False | sirsomething | 2017-04-22 14:56:35 | 2017-04-22 14:59:45 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
How can I use hector SLAM correctly? | 2 | False | sincoy | 2022-01-12 22:59:51 | 2022-07-14 22:05:20 |
Limit scan angle of RPLidar A1 | 1 | False | Hamad | 2017-09-19 00:49:57 | 2017-09-22 13:43:07 |
What tf frames are required for autonomous navigation? | 1 | False | parzival | 2019-08-11 12:43:02 | 2019-08-11 15:53:01 |
Gazebo crash for Hector_quadrotor demo | 1 | False | ROS_NOOB_CYBORG | 2012-10-22 22:09:01 | 2012-11-14 19:42:09 |
hector slam not work in a network | 1 | False | elgarbe | 2018-02-10 01:28:22 | 2018-02-10 23:39:33 |
How enable motors in hector quadrotor? | 1 | False | fantaa499 | 2018-05-08 06:15:55 | 2019-05-09 05:44:41 |
how to fix the map drifting in rviz ? | 1 | False | jas | 2012-07-08 22:14:43 | 2012-07-09 02:18:48 |
navSat with hectorMapping for outdoor navigation | 1 | False | billyDong | 2018-08-20 18:36:54 | 2018-08-23 09:16:56 |
map conversion to image (hector_compressed_map_transport ((GMAPPING))) | 1 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-09-11 08:16:17 | 2018-09-11 12:41:26 |
simulation for hector slam in ground robot | 2 | False | Filipe Santos | 2012-10-04 12:10:25 | 2012-11-22 03:08:53 |
geotiff trajectory | 1 | False | TintinQuarantino | 2018-11-07 05:42:11 | 2018-11-08 09:08:07 |
How Does Hector Slam Work (Code-Algorithm Explanation) | 1 | False | kiru | 2022-05-20 19:48:01 | 2022-05-23 08:36:29 |
Hector SLAM+SICK (use_tf_scan_transformation true or false?) | 1 | False | Filipe Santos | 2012-11-21 17:39:05 | 2012-11-22 09:31:05 |
hector_mapping does not works | 1 | False | Astronaut | 2012-11-29 22:48:31 | 2012-11-30 02:03:25 |
Hector Mapping with out odometry | 1 | False | sumanth | 2014-08-04 10:05:47 | 2014-08-04 12:05:25 |
How to Mark a detected victim in hector slam | 2 | False | alirezam.alizadeh | 2013-03-16 07:34:01 | 2014-04-18 04:32:13 |
Hector SLAM map does not update based on robot motion | 1 | False | danielwu | 2019-04-21 21:40:26 | 2019-04-25 06:12:54 |
hector_mapping map overlap | 3 | False | elva | 2013-03-29 07:04:41 | 2013-11-22 03:05:44 |
Hector Trajectory path is not flowing smoothly | 1 | False | AeroR | 2013-05-16 05:09:07 | 2013-05-18 05:40:45 |
hector_quadrotor tutorials do not work on Groovy | 1 | False | Olov | 2013-05-24 09:35:47 | 2013-06-10 14:17:51 |
Hector mapping failed in corridors or tidy environmnent | 1 | False | Astronaut | 2013-05-25 21:50:19 | 2013-05-27 13:31:33 |
using and communicating between multiple quadrotors (usign hector_quadrotor) | 1 | False | jpcallus | 2013-07-09 13:27:02 | 2014-04-30 04:31:58 |
Hector Slam gets stuck | 1 | False | marian42 | 2019-03-02 10:40:15 | 2019-03-02 18:03:42 |
How to calculate /tf in hector_slam? | 1 | False | tn0432 | 2015-01-03 16:06:33 | 2015-01-05 19:21:07 |
How to start a node after I terminate the lunch file with Ctrl + C | 2 | False | ermanas | 2019-08-28 13:31:43 | 2019-08-28 14:09:07 |
how to force hector slam to set robot position ? | 1 | False | babaksn | 2015-02-28 21:12:08 | 2015-02-28 22:07:27 |
how to generate odometry with slam? | 2 | False | babaksn | 2015-03-07 13:36:34 | 2015-03-08 03:21:34 |
costmap_2d_ros,costmap values problem | 1 | False | babaksn | 2015-03-22 12:36:06 | 2015-03-22 16:45:06 |
Easiest way to read QR codes | 1 | False | npp1993 | 2015-04-01 17:44:11 | 2015-05-16 07:30:30 |
Sick S300 and HectorSlam | 1 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-04-21 08:58:43 | 2016-05-23 07:07:12 |
urdf in rviz is too deep | 1 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-04-30 09:25:41 | 2015-04-30 15:56:47 |
hector_mapping.launch | 1 | False | osmancns | 2015-05-18 14:42:01 | 2015-05-20 13:57:49 |
Saving geotiff map in Hector_slam | 1 | False | Raman | 2015-05-22 09:26:08 | 2015-09-14 23:26:58 |
Large-Scale SLAM? | 1 | False | BenMa | 2013-09-12 19:17:13 | 2013-09-13 14:28:56 |
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3 | 2 | False | wsAndy | 2015-05-29 12:17:13 | 2016-08-12 03:50:27 |
Problems with building hector navigation | 1 | False | psprox96 | 2015-06-13 06:28:44 | 2015-06-23 22:47:21 |
hector slam problem | 2 | False | Kartierung_ss15 | 2015-06-17 11:52:33 | 2016-04-11 12:47:36 |
multiple Laserscanner for Hector Mapping | 2 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-08-06 08:22:46 | 2018-01-02 06:54:59 |
Change direction of map/scanmatcher Hector Slam | 1 | False | Pieter90 | 2022-10-29 19:17:48 | 2023-01-29 05:02:20 |
Controlling hector quadrotor with keyboard | 1 | False | boon | 2015-09-15 10:33:33 | 2015-10-15 19:15:46 |
Hector slam incremental mapping | 1 | False | amhadR | 2020-04-17 11:44:26 | 2020-07-07 02:16:10 |
Using hector_slam with known map gives bad accuracy | 1 | False | phixxx6 | 2022-08-03 13:38:55 | 2022-08-08 09:02:18 |
Autonomous Exploration Hector SLAM | 1 | False | binghung | 2020-06-11 01:22:02 | 2020-07-05 16:26:46 |
Interface Pixhawk with hector_slam / AMCL | 1 | False | quentin | 2016-02-17 07:10:13 | 2016-02-17 07:50:11 |
Costmap2DROS transform timeout.Could not get robot pose, cancelling reconfiguration | 2 | False | YingHua | 2016-02-26 08:23:07 | 2019-12-09 00:07:25 |
Neato Xv 11 Lidar Hector map keeps jumping | 1 | False | fyi | 2019-04-27 22:25:18 | 2019-04-28 05:36:18 |
Integration of px4, px4flow with AMCL localization for quadrotor | 1 | False | quentin | 2016-03-09 02:14:30 | 2016-05-11 02:19:49 |
Problem in running hector_quadrotor launch files. | 1 | False | pankaj patel | 2016-03-13 11:33:44 | 2016-03-21 08:36:49 |
hector indoor SLAM demo: rviz crashes | 1 | False | kr1zz | 2013-11-05 08:42:50 | 2016-01-13 15:09:59 |
Convert network Lidar data to LaserScan | 1 | False | andythepandy93 | 2016-03-15 17:21:29 | 2016-03-16 07:00:35 |
Hector SLAM with odometry switch | 1 | False | JamesWell | 2016-03-22 08:57:04 | 2016-03-29 05:30:43 |
Hector mapping not creating map | 1 | False | andythepandy93 | 2016-04-05 21:04:06 | 2016-04-08 10:40:46 |
Hector_slam not working with my bag file | 2 | False | Shantnu | 2016-05-15 01:30:40 | 2016-05-22 07:17:38 |
Hector Nav Msgs build error - in Eclipse | 1 | False | billy | 2016-05-16 07:40:04 | 2016-05-16 21:35:03 |
two lasers with hector slam | 1 | False | aziz | 2016-05-17 11:42:39 | 2016-05-17 12:50:16 |
draw the path with hector slam | 3 | False | aziz | 2016-05-22 10:47:49 | 2016-06-09 06:06:37 |
HECTOR SLAM + SICK LMS 200: Map not appearing | 1 | False | Omair Khalid | 2016-05-23 10:21:43 | 2016-05-26 11:48:59 |
static transform publisher problem | 1 | False | siddharthcb | 2020-12-09 10:08:50 | 2020-12-10 05:58:41 |
hector slam and arduino help please | 1 | False | mr.zerouali.soufian@gmail.com | 2016-07-18 13:40:47 | 2016-07-18 15:05:27 |
odometry and hector slam | 1 | False | mr.zerouali.soufian@gmail.com | 2016-07-19 14:13:19 | 2016-07-19 19:11:57 |
How can i run hector navigation for exploration? | 1 | False | mr.karimi | 2013-12-22 06:08:26 | 2013-12-27 03:02:12 |
Compiling issue Hector Quadcopter | 1 | False | jbourne | 2016-10-20 01:31:21 | 2017-04-20 11:24:55 |
Hector_slam and hector_navigation implemented together | 1 | False | EdCherie | 2016-10-26 13:00:56 | 2020-07-20 08:37:06 |
Hector Exploration Slow? | 2 | False | jackianchow | 2016-12-09 22:16:52 | 2018-08-01 20:35:44 |
Need for a customizable Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) to work in ROS and Gazebo. | 3 | False | mhazim | 2017-01-04 13:41:35 | 2018-03-01 05:31:30 |
Problem using hector exploration controller | 1 | False | zero1985 | 2014-01-27 05:34:32 | 2014-01-29 10:54:54 |
Hector Exploration Launch file | 1 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-10 16:26:56 | 2020-07-20 08:32:23 |
Limiting LaserScan range for Map Building | 3 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-20 11:29:00 | 2017-02-24 06:16:19 |
Hector-mapping error: lookupTransform xxx to xxx timed out | 1 | False | 921112343 | 2021-03-07 10:25:40 | 2021-03-13 14:36:43 |
Invalid tag | 1 | False | canoe | 2017-04-28 12:21:24 | 2017-04-28 15:00:18 |
mapping trajectory error | 1 | False | programmer | 2014-02-17 05:56:11 | 2014-02-17 09:35:49 |
What is the best mapping/localization package for using pre-made maps? | 1 | False | Rwl | 2017-05-19 02:40:52 | 2017-05-19 04:09:17 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Hector sonar implementation on a Pioneer 3DX | 0 | False | Hdifsttar | 2017-06-01 10:54:21 | 2017-06-01 13:58:57 |
how can i merge some maps? | 1 | True | programmer | 2014-02-26 06:46:19 | 2014-02-26 07:53:23 |
Adding trajectory to hector_geotiff output | 1 | True | mr.karimi | 2014-03-17 03:33:52 | 2014-03-17 06:12:22 |
(solved) Slam Generated Map Does Not Appear | 2 | True | DongHyeng Kang | 2018-05-02 06:52:48 | 2018-05-11 04:45:08 |
Path planning for hector_slam | 1 | True | frozt | 2018-05-24 22:56:04 | 2018-05-25 01:59:01 |
SLAM without odometry: gmapping or hector_slam? | 2 | True | JuliuSD | 2012-06-07 07:20:58 | 2012-06-07 10:33:23 |
how to solve the frame ID setting warning? | 2 | True | jas | 2012-06-20 00:23:19 | 2012-07-24 03:50:07 |
Gmapping outputs wrong map in tutorials | 1 | True | zxh362989 | 2014-05-26 03:01:49 | 2014-05-26 05:55:41 |
compile error hector_quadrotor_controller | 1 | True | prince | 2012-07-12 08:17:39 | 2012-07-12 10:40:35 |
hectorslam + navigation stack : obstacle inflation problem | 1 | True | psykokwak | 2012-07-31 13:44:05 | 2012-08-01 01:31:52 |
Give 'manual' goal to Hector Exploration Planner | 1 | True | jeremy33 | 2014-06-17 06:11:22 | 2014-09-25 12:27:07 |
Can I use a single-point laser range finder with a SLAM algorithm (not a Hokuyo-type/wide-angle type scanner)? | 2 | True | jc17 | 2014-06-18 00:42:26 | 2014-06-18 10:20:07 |
hector sonar | 3 | True | pmarinplaza | 2012-09-05 03:22:59 | 2014-05-27 06:55:52 |
gps hector gazebo | 3 | True | pmarinplaza | 2012-09-28 06:25:34 | 2017-04-21 14:42:26 |
Why does hector quadrotor drift in Gazebo? | 1 | False | srirajgs | 2013-01-08 21:47:17 | 2013-01-15 16:53:16 |
Problems with install hector quadrotor | 1 | True | flow wind | 2014-07-15 19:04:29 | 2014-07-20 00:40:32 |
Does anyone have a catkinized version of the hector_navigation package? | 1 | True | Ashwin27 | 2014-08-01 09:44:46 | 2014-08-01 11:24:23 |
estimated pose by hector mapping and robot_pose_ekf | 1 | True | Astronaut | 2013-03-11 02:57:26 | 2013-03-11 06:52:09 |
help with hector_exploration and hector_mapping | 1 | True | nikkihohn | 2013-03-24 22:31:54 | 2013-03-25 02:34:07 |
Hector localization documentation? | 1 | True | Astronaut | 2013-04-01 21:35:16 | 2013-05-08 15:44:15 |
Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed | 1 | True | Red | 2019-05-03 06:40:25 | 2020-04-28 03:37:15 |
Fatal error while trying to build map from logged data. (hector SLAM) | 1 | True | grimreaper | 2014-09-07 18:48:34 | 2014-09-07 20:26:26 |
hokuyo_node using 2 hokuyos at the same time | 2 | True | kost9 | 2014-10-06 04:47:58 | 2014-10-06 14:59:03 |
How to use pointclouds from Kinect? | 1 | True | Astronaut | 2013-05-29 20:38:58 | 2013-08-14 06:48:13 |
how can i use sonar with hector_mapping package (laser and IMU) to draw map? | 1 | True | Mohsen Hk | 2013-06-09 06:44:05 | 2021-01-15 21:04:53 |
How mapping using HOKUYO LIDAR (URG-04LX) and hector_slam? | 2 | True | MAXIMOS | 2013-06-10 05:52:11 | 2013-06-16 23:28:00 |
run hector_slam with LaserScan topic only | 1 | True | pseudobot | 2013-06-28 00:14:20 | 2013-06-28 11:55:30 |
hector slam does not work! | 2 | False | Zargol | 2015-05-05 14:55:36 | 2015-05-06 09:18:39 |
/etc/network/interfaces configuration for urg node | 2 | True | psprox96 | 2015-06-17 05:36:54 | 2020-01-24 20:21:53 |
Error in building hector_navigation | 1 | True | psprox96 | 2015-06-19 01:15:34 | 2015-06-19 06:46:58 |
Trying to Update Pose of HectorSLAM | 1 | True | felixwatzlawik | 2015-07-01 10:02:22 | 2015-07-02 14:44:55 |
Clear Map from HectorMapping | 1 | True | felixwatzlawik | 2015-07-02 11:53:17 | 2015-07-02 14:40:02 |
urdl and xacro files | 1 | True | jean01 | 2020-04-24 19:07:39 | 2020-04-25 12:24:33 |
hector package problems | 2 | True | End-Effector | 2013-10-09 12:48:52 | 2013-10-10 05:13:00 |
Difficulty getting hector quadrotor actions to work | 1 | False | Ganach9 | 2020-05-21 14:12:13 | 2020-05-21 14:34:39 |
problems in hector slam | 1 | True | panda | 2016-05-27 02:51:18 | 2016-06-06 02:48:03 |
hector slam on kinetic help | 1 | True | mr.zerouali.soufian@gmail.com | 2016-06-20 10:41:55 | 2016-07-19 19:43:59 |
Problem with hector autonomous navigation - The robot does not follow the path (Video) | 1 | True | patrchri | 2016-08-18 21:21:35 | 2016-08-28 03:12:13 |
Hector_Quadrotor Gazebo - Quadrotor x/y position does not update | 1 | True | sethrylan | 2012-08-14 13:24:07 | 2012-10-30 21:29:14 |
Hector Slam with Odometry | 1 | True | Yuliang Sun | 2014-01-16 08:44:04 | 2014-01-18 11:54:02 |
Write PCD File from a Topic - Hydro + PCL (Migration) | 1 | True | lfelipesv | 2014-01-24 04:53:10 | 2014-01-27 02:07:11 |
hector_navigation_node problem compilation | 2 | True | hb_CEAR | 2014-10-21 13:50:49 | 2014-11-12 17:49:25 |
error with hector quadrotor tutorial | 1 | True | Irene.M | 2014-02-02 11:01:51 | 2014-03-28 12:09:39 |
Hector quadcopter not responding to cmd_vel messages | 1 | True | mathiasi | 2017-03-09 13:20:08 | 2017-03-10 13:02:04 |
How can i change Hector Slam Map scale and color? | 1 | True | programmer | 2014-02-04 11:23:00 | 2014-02-08 08:29:48 |
How can i save hector slam online map *.tiff? | 1 | True | programmer | 2014-02-04 11:35:26 | 2014-02-08 09:12:41 |
trajectory saving problem | 2 | True | programmer | 2014-02-18 05:53:02 | 2016-05-25 09:49:16 |