Cannot Find | 0 | False | athul | 2019-02-05 13:14:12 | 2019-02-05 13:14:12
How do I install Kinect V2 for Windows on ROS Indigo? | 0 | False | hassanyf | 2018-01-10 14:40:16 | 2018-01-10 14:40:16
I want to get an object dimensions using octomap C++ library, All i have a kinect camera. | 0 | False | A.Sen | 2020-05-18 12:56:36 | 2020-05-19 11:45:41
Kinect PointCloud values | 0 | False | webrot | 2012-09-23 10:02:40 | 2012-09-25 10:52:09
Gazebo sdf Kinect | 0 | False | TheLegace | 2012-10-10 00:37:38 | 2012-10-10 00:37:38
How to capture image using kinect camera in Gazebo? | 0 | False | Abhishek Jha | 2014-07-03 07:12:48 | 2014-07-03 07:12:48
Capture images at discrete intervals using a camera in gazebo | 0 | False | Abhishek Jha | 2014-07-04 05:49:55 | 2014-07-04 05:49:55
Need help visualizing topics using Rviz and opennicamera plugin | 0 | False | peroanjo | 2019-02-11 12:21:58 | 2019-02-11 12:21:58
Using pcl_to_scan without OpenNI to convert PointCloud into LaserScan | 0 | False | mozcelikors | 2013-08-01 06:37:14 | 2013-08-04 18:28:07
Problem while converting PointCloud topic into LaserScan topic with roscpp | 0 | False | mozcelikors | 2013-08-18 18:55:58 | 2013-08-18 18:55:58
Kinect in Gazebo: Zooming Out | 0 | False | edessale | 2016-01-03 07:26:58 | 2016-01-03 07:26:58
RGBDSLAM in Gazebo environment | 0 | False | anna | 2016-06-17 14:10:54 | 2016-06-17 14:10:54
RGBDSLAM in gazebo environment | 0 | False | anna | 2016-06-17 14:38:35 | 2016-06-21 14:57:22
The color of gazebo_ros_openni_kinect's pointcloud2 is different with the image | 0 | False | TouchDeeper | 2019-10-15 07:23:41 | 2019-10-15 07:23:41
Robot not navigating autonomously (Using move base),when added kinect sensor plugin | 0 | False | Suyashhchougule | 2021-03-23 12:30:27 | 2021-03-23 14:34:14
Getting Kinect images from Gazebo | 0 | False | cflavs | 2016-09-14 12:28:16 | 2016-09-14 12:28:16
Kinect Depth Display Error - Unable to convert '32FC1' image for display | 0 | False | Dr Abdul Mannan | 2016-10-24 06:10:00 | 2016-10-24 06:10:00
Problem with MoveIt! perception | 0 | False | nikitas350 | 2015-07-10 08:52:41 | 2015-07-10 08:52:41
Can rpi2 handle a differential wheeled robot with kinect for slam application. There's a offboard pc which runs most of the programs... | 0 | False | Veera Ragav | 2017-02-08 15:23:14 | 2017-02-08 15:23:14
RGB-D SLAM created map is displaced | 0 | False | Tagga | 2017-03-23 15:15:30 | 2017-03-23 15:15:30
Can someone give me a tutorial or a example for using the kinect sensor in the jackal simulator? | 0 | False | prajwalramesh | 2021-12-17 10:59:15 | 2021-12-17 10:59:14