rosdep install cv_bridge: failed to install opencv2.3 | 1 | True | flamenco | 2012-10-01 19:38:20 | 2012-10-01 19:57:23
Robot doesn't follow plan close enough | 1 | True | Febo | 2012-07-27 04:14:34 | 2012-07-27 04:40:26
Electric shadow-hand error with haptic glove | 1 | True | monidiaz | 2013-02-04 16:00:00 | 2013-02-05 02:29:11
problems with robot state publisher | 1 | True | karan4515 | 2013-02-25 09:24:00 | 2013-02-25 09:24:00
How I manage multiple ros distributions (groovy , electric , fuerte ) | 1 | True | unais | 2013-03-14 23:52:51 | 2013-03-15 00:38:10