Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
depthimage_to_laserscan segmentation fault | 0 | False | Mahmoud Abdul Galil | 2017-05-29 14:15:47 | 2017-05-29 14:15:47 |
Depthimage_to_laserscan package - depth_msg->data[0] doubt | 0 | False | anamcarvalho | 2014-07-29 13:40:11 | 2014-07-30 13:12:28 |
is depthimage_to_laserscan limited to forward facing cameras? | 0 | False | dcurtis | 2018-01-29 05:30:16 | 2018-01-29 05:30:16 |
How to add camera_info to run depthimage_to_laserscan? | 0 | False | jorgemia | 2020-07-14 09:48:14 | 2020-07-14 09:51:05 |
Only getting NaN values when using depthimage_to_laserscan | 0 | False | Ferroeg16 | 2023-05-30 05:16:46 | 2023-05-30 05:16:46 |
depthimage_to_laserscan not subscribing to depth by Kinect 360? | 0 | False | pallavbakshi | 2017-02-01 10:03:52 | 2017-02-01 16:43:52 |
depthimage_to_laserscan | 0 | False | arenillas | 2014-08-01 15:53:59 | 2014-08-01 15:53:59 |
Avoid collision with "difficult to detect" obstacles : desk ... | 0 | False | luchko | 2019-10-03 12:51:39 | 2019-10-04 08:03:07 |
Handle Nan values from depthimag_to_laser | 0 | False | q8wwe | 2020-03-21 15:37:01 | 2020-03-23 13:53:55 |
RealSense D435 FOV disceprancy of depth cloud and laser of depthimage_to_laserscan | 0 | False | cheesee61 | 2020-04-13 23:49:44 | 2020-04-13 23:49:44 |
depthimage_to_laserscan upside down | 0 | False | miguel | 2015-09-29 19:36:02 | 2015-09-29 19:36:02 |
Depthimage_to_laserscan - does not return the middle of the depth image | 0 | False | miguel | 2015-10-05 11:19:36 | 2015-10-05 11:41:03 |
depthimage_to_laserscan package didn't work with rs_d400_and_t265_launch.py | 0 | False | gankoro | 2021-10-15 02:47:02 | 2021-10-15 02:47:02 |
cropping a depth image (sensor_msgs/Image) from Kinect 2 | 0 | False | Naman | 2015-12-29 20:47:50 | 2015-12-29 22:51:43 |
Xtion - how to use depth data | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2014-08-15 07:43:35 | 2014-08-15 07:43:35 |
how to convert pointcloud to laser scan in ros indigo | 0 | False | David John | 2016-01-19 09:31:30 | 2016-01-19 09:31:30 |
Problem Visualising LaserScan in rviz? | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2014-09-04 19:45:36 | 2014-09-08 19:38:04 |
Depth image and opencv | 0 | False | Evgenia | 2016-08-18 00:04:43 | 2016-08-18 00:04:43 |
1st kinect for laserscan&2nd kinect for skeleton tracking on one PC-possible? | 0 | False | FrankYou | 2016-09-24 03:48:10 | 2016-09-24 06:45:24 |
depthimage_to_laserscan: problems using it | 0 | False | Vinicius Antunes | 2016-10-18 16:57:09 | 2016-10-18 16:57:09 |
Having trouble with the depth image to laserscan converstion | 0 | False | stevemartin | 2018-09-24 11:07:37 | 2018-09-24 11:07:37 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
map / navigate on a different axis / plane | 1 | False | ekptwtos | 2021-10-20 12:45:30 | 2021-11-04 01:30:01 |
laser scanner or depth camera | 1 | False | d | 2014-07-03 20:05:54 | 2014-07-04 04:20:39 |
depthimage_to_laserscan package with indigo | 1 | False | nouf | 2015-03-02 14:30:39 | 2015-06-12 13:05:35 |
local costmap remember past obstacles | 1 | False | logan.ydid | 2019-10-14 21:39:40 | 2019-10-20 23:15:58 |
scaning error for Laser Scan Matcher | 1 | False | hdbot | 2019-03-17 00:48:58 | 2019-03-18 22:25:42 |
depthimage_to_laserscan contains tf? | 1 | False | SamTew | 2015-07-05 02:54:05 | 2015-07-05 08:38:20 |
When ever I try to put my turtlebot2(simulated in gazebo) into a namespace the fake laser stops publishing messages on /scan | 1 | False | 2BDr. | 2015-08-27 07:16:53 | 2015-09-03 00:01:50 |
Change laserscan colors dependent on distance | 1 | False | cheesee61 | 2020-03-31 12:12:05 | 2020-04-04 15:40:38 |
depthimage_to_laserscan Asus xtion, Use centre pixels? | 2 | False | miguel | 2015-10-03 22:47:20 | 2015-10-04 19:15:32 |
depthimage_to_laserscan image transport not synchronized | 1 | False | didrif14 | 2020-04-24 16:42:49 | 2020-05-08 14:29:30 |
How to interpret depth data from sensor_msgs/Image | 2 | False | Naman | 2015-12-30 16:31:29 | 2016-02-09 16:11:36 |
How to change the rotation in the result of depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyz? | 1 | False | Konye | 2020-06-18 01:46:17 | 2020-06-19 02:21:46 |
algorithm used in depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | False | David John | 2016-02-26 10:23:00 | 2016-02-29 15:56:57 |
depthimage_to_laserscan conversion | 1 | False | kaygudo | 2016-04-06 19:20:54 | 2016-04-11 20:18:41 |
I can not download the package depthimage_to_laserscan on kinetic | 1 | False | snowbars1234 | 2016-06-08 07:55:42 | 2016-06-08 16:42:11 |
How to convert pointcloud as well as depth image of Kinect to laser scan? | 1 | False | Ros User | 2016-07-29 19:43:55 | 2016-08-01 06:50:52 |
depthimage_to_laserscan: Cannot call rectifyPoint when distortion is unknown | 1 | False | Eugene | 2020-03-17 22:52:21 | 2020-03-18 08:22:48 |
depthimage_to_laserscan vs pointcloud_to_laserscan | 1 | False | ClRobotics | 2017-01-08 15:13:23 | 2018-10-12 15:20:26 |
Map not being built using gmapping with depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | False | hdbot | 2017-04-23 01:14:55 | 2017-05-01 19:15:11 |
gmapping with depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | False | hamed | 2017-04-25 06:14:43 | 2017-06-06 20:26:19 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Depthimage_to_laserscan - choose which part of the image is scanned | 2 | True | anamcarvalho | 2014-07-24 14:23:26 | 2014-08-20 06:36:11 |
Using Senz3d with depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | True | buihaduong | 2014-08-06 10:49:31 | 2014-08-06 17:14:39 |
depthimage_to_laserscan - image convertion error | 1 | True | MarkyMark2012 | 2014-08-20 06:54:56 | 2014-09-02 08:45:19 |
depthimage_to_laserscan works with rosrun but the DepthImageToLaserScanNodelet does not work properly | 3 | True | zeinab | 2014-09-10 16:49:24 | 2014-11-19 13:23:33 |
depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | True | rnunziata | 2015-03-01 19:49:11 | 2015-03-02 20:04:02 |
Can't change minimum laser range with asus xtion pro | 1 | True | pgigioli | 2016-03-31 22:33:25 | 2016-04-01 01:36:06 |
How to use depthimage_to_laserscan package to create map? | 3 | True | Dhagash Desai | 2016-10-25 06:09:26 | 2019-01-02 00:49:22 |
Setting parameters just work through rqt_reconfigure, not rosparam | 1 | True | cheesee61 | 2020-03-31 14:04:48 | 2020-03-31 15:46:54 |
undefined reference using depthimage_to_laserscan | 1 | True | HyEnd | 2014-07-04 08:13:11 | 2014-07-04 09:24:58 |
Problem with depthimage_to_laserscan package | 1 | True | AnuZam | 2014-02-02 17:51:22 | 2014-02-02 20:26:31 |
Avatar | Name | Asked | Answered | Accepted |
Anonymous | 0 | 26 | 3 | |
Evgenia | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Eugene | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
anamcarvalho | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
ahendrix | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
cheesee61 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
Ferroeg16 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
arenillas | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
MarkyMark2012 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
zeinab | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
2BDr. | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
miguel | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
stevemartin | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
FrankYou | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
dcurtis | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
SaiHV | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
pgigioli | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
AnuZam | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
paulbovbel | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Naman | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
jorgemia | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
logan.ydid | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
nouf | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
HyEnd | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Mahmoud Abdul Galil | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
didrif14 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Konye | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Martin Peris | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Ros User | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
pallavbakshi | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
ccapriotti | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
snowbars1234 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
ClRobotics | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
hdbot | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
SamTew | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
ekptwtos | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
luchko | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
hamed | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
David John | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
d | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
gankoro | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Dhagash Desai | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
q8wwe | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Vinicius Antunes | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
fergs | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
kaygudo | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
buihaduong | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Wolf | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
rnunziata | 1 | 1 | 1 |