Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
How to project PointCloud2 points to image plane with known transformations. | 0 | False | Ifx13 | 2022-01-11 14:54:03 | 2022-01-12 08:37:47 |
Converting ToF depthmaps to pointclouds | 0 | False | user2602 | 2022-01-30 16:46:54 | 2022-01-30 16:46:54 |
Problem using pointcloud data in NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX | 0 | False | ckashis | 2022-02-24 08:52:49 | 2022-02-24 08:52:49 |
How to call "velodyne_rawdata::RawData::unpack()" method | 0 | False | Hridaynath | 2017-07-13 08:00:54 | 2017-07-13 08:00:54 |
laserscan to pointcloud with laser scanner(urg04lx) | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-07-24 09:03:18 | 2017-07-24 09:03:18 |
how to save obstacle representation with marker | 0 | False | yani6551 | 2021-06-09 09:10:11 | 2021-06-09 09:10:11 |
Kinect HD Point Cloud rendering in RVIZ seems very slow | 0 | False | Ravi Joshi | 2017-10-29 12:54:12 | 2017-10-29 12:54:12 |
Arduino ROS communication using dc motor with encoder | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-11-06 11:03:28 | 2017-11-20 09:58:50 |
Issue with stere_image_proc, stage and rviz not displaying PointCloud2 | 0 | False | Devib | 2017-11-15 00:40:50 | 2017-11-15 00:40:50 |
sensor_msgs/pointcloud.h is missing (kinetic) | 0 | False | tbb | 2017-11-19 00:02:18 | 2017-11-19 00:02:18 |
What is the optimal scan interval and wait time(time.sleep) for a very detailed scan? | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-11-20 12:01:26 | 2017-11-20 12:01:26 |
interactive rviz plot | 0 | False | Spartan_007 | 2017-11-24 22:20:54 | 2017-11-24 22:20:54 |
Is my general design right in motion planning based on continuous PointCloud stream from camera? | 0 | False | dror.erez.private@gmail.com | 2017-12-05 09:20:36 | 2017-12-05 09:20:36 |
Point Cloud Stitching and processing | 0 | False | Pran-Seven | 2022-10-28 09:41:31 | 2022-10-28 09:41:31 |
How to obtain the nearest distance and angle to an obstacle using a lidar | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-12-11 11:51:37 | 2017-12-11 11:51:37 |
Cannot Find libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so | 0 | False | athul | 2019-02-05 13:14:12 | 2019-02-05 13:14:12 |
How to make lidar communication with quadrotor? | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-12-20 12:31:41 | 2017-12-20 19:56:06 |
CAN I COMMUNICATE Ricoh Theta CAMERA WITH LIDAR? | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-12-24 17:33:04 | 2017-12-24 17:33:04 |
PointCloud from velodyne in rviz | 0 | False | kotoko | 2018-01-09 19:11:19 | 2018-01-09 19:11:19 |
depth_image_proc nodelet not publishing | 0 | False | vincent78 | 2018-02-04 08:53:46 | 2018-02-04 08:53:46 |
Husky robot freezes when recording pointcloud msg | 0 | False | zrahman | 2023-04-25 16:22:15 | 2023-04-25 16:22:15 |
Pointcloud message not appearing if set to odom frame in Rviz2 | 0 | False | sdu568 | 2023-05-23 19:28:10 | 2023-05-23 19:28:10 |
How to add the laser_filter to the code that finds the closest object distance? | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2018-03-07 11:12:31 | 2018-03-07 11:12:31 |
Point Cloud Registration Delay Problem | 0 | False | Abdulbaki | 2018-03-15 12:43:28 | 2018-03-15 12:45:08 |
Any elegant way of concatenating Pointcloud from multiple solid state Lidars ? | 0 | False | chrissunny94 | 2023-08-10 05:32:36 | 2023-08-10 05:32:36 |
How to get a depth image from Velodyne Lidar? | 0 | False | fpicetti | 2018-04-20 11:38:06 | 2018-04-20 12:50:10 |
no matching function for call to 'velodyne_rawdata::RawData::unpack' | 0 | False | Mai Bui | 2021-02-16 05:48:37 | 2021-02-16 05:51:54 |
Distance to clustering PointCloud2 | 0 | False | hecperleo | 2018-05-03 07:52:15 | 2018-05-03 07:53:37 |
Converting raw HDL-32e packets to Pointclouds in Rospy | 0 | False | abrooks9944 | 2017-07-19 20:46:24 | 2017-07-19 20:48:16 |
Best package to estimate object pose using camera | 0 | False | raequin | 2018-05-24 18:23:07 | 2018-05-28 13:18:49 |
unable to construct a 3d pointcloud | 0 | False | points | 2018-06-08 04:56:12 | 2018-06-10 12:42:46 |
Moveit Octomap Not Allowing Command Planning or Execution | 0 | False | roskbot | 2018-07-27 18:41:57 | 2018-07-30 15:13:14 |
How to synchronize two different ros programs? | 0 | False | Apple | 2018-08-07 04:30:15 | 2018-08-07 04:30:15 |
Octomap voxel occupancy probabilities getting stuck | 0 | False | zirconiumpants | 2018-08-09 22:17:05 | 2018-08-09 22:21:19 |
Can't see Pointcloud2 data in Rviz | 0 | False | Hypomania | 2018-09-18 14:19:26 | 2018-09-18 14:19:26 |
CE30-C Benewake solid state LiDAR usage | 0 | False | logueraider | 2018-09-24 19:55:15 | 2018-09-25 04:53:40 |
multiple point cloud sources for elevation_mapping | 0 | False | mogumbo | 2018-10-25 16:18:39 | 2018-10-25 16:18:39 |
Kalman Filter for Lidar and Camera PointCloud? | 0 | False | hdbot | 2018-10-29 13:40:34 | 2018-10-29 13:40:34 |
How to add pointcloud to existing tf? | 0 | False | SS6141 | 2018-10-31 11:15:28 | 2018-10-31 11:15:28 |
Filtering PointCloud | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2018-11-13 08:42:10 | 2018-11-13 08:42:10 |
how overlay pointcloud to image | 0 | False | lsy | 2019-10-15 13:15:19 | 2019-10-15 13:20:49 |
Problem with Object Recognition Kitchen | 0 | False | Gedora | 2018-12-19 17:16:09 | 2018-12-19 17:16:09 |
MoveIt - Check if single point is in collision with the robot | 0 | False | marbolde | 2019-01-02 22:10:28 | 2019-01-03 09:17:20 |
Astra Pro TurtleBot 2 - Depth Sensor stops sending data randomly | 0 | False | janovos | 2019-01-14 23:22:19 | 2019-01-14 23:22:19 |
Unable to open PCD files using ROS-PCL functions | 0 | False | athul | 2019-01-26 21:21:23 | 2019-01-26 21:21:23 |
3D Point Cloud | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-01-29 07:16:28 | 2019-01-29 07:16:28 |
lidar mismatches obstacles while base is moving | 0 | False | chives_onion | 2019-02-28 19:40:04 | 2019-02-28 19:40:04 |
Rviz crashes on "ROS time moved backwards" | 0 | False | StevenCoral | 2019-03-06 09:50:45 | 2019-03-06 09:50:45 |
Is it possible to reset Rviz through python script? | 0 | False | disha | 2019-02-08 14:41:03 | 2019-02-08 14:41:03 |
I have a binary 2d image I want to publish it on point cloud | 0 | False | Sotte17 | 2019-03-12 07:03:15 | 2019-03-12 14:17:53 |
Occupancy vs Mesh grid vs point Cloud data ? | 0 | False | Eyshika | 2017-09-26 20:59:59 | 2017-09-26 20:59:59 |
Can you suggest algorithm for detect/recognize pallet from 3D pointcloud? | 0 | False | Cinnamoroll | 2019-04-10 12:41:13 | 2019-04-10 12:41:13 |
Caculating the distance of a point from point cloud data | 0 | False | paul_shuvo | 2019-04-14 02:14:04 | 2019-04-14 02:14:04 |
Converting 2d lidar from 2d to 3d. | 0 | False | Mekateng | 2017-10-02 11:14:38 | 2017-10-02 11:14:38 |
Order LiDAR points by angle | 0 | False | RalLpezMartn | 2019-04-24 02:52:02 | 2019-04-24 02:52:02 |
Cannot get pointcloud values | 0 | False | paul_shuvo | 2019-04-28 00:50:03 | 2019-04-28 04:11:52 |
How to integrate .ply file from cartographer to octomap_mapping | 0 | False | Shrijan00 | 2019-05-21 13:45:37 | 2019-05-21 13:46:13 |
How to read Organised Pointclouds to maintain correspondance between image resolution and cloud width and height? | 0 | False | Kartik Paigwar | 2019-06-29 15:35:01 | 2019-06-29 15:35:01 |
Problem using pcl::io::loadPCDFile | 0 | False | Lucas Amparo | 2019-07-18 16:12:18 | 2019-07-18 16:19:46 |
Create a pointcloud with a grayscale gradient | 0 | False | Solrac3589 | 2019-07-19 11:58:43 | 2019-07-19 12:22:03 |
Visualising an aggregate pointcloud from laser_assembler | 0 | False | playeronros | 2019-02-28 20:52:44 | 2019-02-28 20:52:44 |
Not able to view pointcloud data from Xtion pro | 0 | False | cwmacier | 2019-03-03 18:09:20 | 2019-03-03 20:15:40 |
Converting a rosbag to pcd files and process them using pcl | 0 | False | Don | 2019-08-21 19:22:03 | 2019-08-21 19:22:03 |
depth camera doesn't move in Rviz | 0 | False | suho0515 | 2019-09-26 16:04:21 | 2019-09-26 16:04:21 |
Starting a ROS project which uses ORB-SLAM2 | 0 | False | WayneWarrior | 2019-10-15 18:55:27 | 2019-10-15 18:55:27 |
Unknown PCL surface normal in Lidar processing | 0 | False | kiro26 | 2019-11-05 13:26:14 | 2019-11-05 13:26:14 |
How to generate 3d image from a single 2d image using backprojection of pixels | 0 | False | Sotte17 | 2019-03-14 16:43:28 | 2019-03-14 16:43:28 |
Get distance from PointCloud2 | 0 | False | Masoum | 2022-08-05 13:21:25 | 2022-08-05 13:21:25 |
Delay after coordinate transform | 0 | False | lsy | 2019-12-11 21:34:28 | 2019-12-11 21:34:28 |
registered depth image and color image vs XYZRGB point cloud | 0 | False | machinekoder | 2020-02-14 07:20:22 | 2020-02-14 07:20:22 |
Usage format of depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb | 0 | False | gktg1514 | 2020-03-02 20:19:46 | 2020-03-02 20:20:19 |
Octree implementation for point cloud | 0 | False | ee18mtech11025@iith.ac.in | 2020-03-11 16:01:04 | 2020-03-11 16:01:04 |
Mapping(SLAM) | 0 | False | jahim44229 | 2020-04-02 11:56:55 | 2020-04-02 11:56:55 |
Way to visually debug output of pcl::CropBox | 0 | False | deepaktalwardt | 2020-04-22 20:52:58 | 2020-04-22 20:52:58 |
How to send cluster point in separate node | 0 | False | alfan | 2020-05-26 11:36:04 | 2022-03-20 14:44:27 |
Getting a curved laserscan when I use the pointcloud to laserscan package | 0 | False | KaranManghi | 2020-06-24 01:42:47 | 2020-06-24 01:42:47 |
How to convert PointCloud2 message to a grid? | 0 | False | Benyamin Jafari | 2019-04-23 05:10:22 | 2019-04-23 05:10:22 |
Match 3D pointclouds to RGB frames | 0 | False | hosein.sh | 2020-11-17 09:48:22 | 2020-11-17 09:48:22 |
Merging pointclouds : performance issues | 0 | False | TomSon | 2020-08-27 08:49:05 | 2020-08-27 14:54:13 |
creating 2D bearing angle image from 3d pointcloud | 0 | False | playeronros | 2019-05-01 15:27:41 | 2019-05-01 15:27:41 |
pointcloud is too small | 0 | False | vijitha | 2020-09-08 10:22:33 | 2020-09-08 10:22:33 |
Subscribing to a Point Cloud - ROS 2 | 0 | False | mirella melo | 2020-09-10 01:38:45 | 2020-09-10 02:35:30 |
Rviz pointcloud2 Position Transformer | 0 | False | jhw3169@gmail.com | 2019-05-04 12:39:54 | 2019-05-04 13:42:20 |
PointCloud in RVIZ working with VLP-16 but webinterface doesn't work | 0 | False | iamnotarobot | 2020-09-30 10:33:19 | 2020-09-30 10:33:19 |
TCPROS message of over gigabyte error with point cloud assembler ros package | 0 | False | anonymous | 2020-10-28 14:23:15 | 2021-10-28 13:38:58 |
fitting multiple lines in point cloud | 0 | False | Henne | 2020-11-12 15:25:22 | 2020-11-12 15:25:22 |
nodes or launch files for moveit2 | 0 | False | meikse | 2022-08-11 16:32:34 | 2022-08-11 16:32:34 |
Concerting Point Clouds into .bin files | 0 | False | jsl372 | 2020-11-28 03:20:16 | 2020-11-28 03:20:16 |
ROS1 Velodyne point cloud fuzzier than VeloView | 0 | False | dominoc | 2021-01-26 04:48:25 | 2021-01-28 01:21:39 |
How can I display points clouds in rviz in a different frame than the camera frame? Or: Is the camera calibration very inaccurate? | 0 | False | fabian | 2021-01-31 11:18:33 | 2021-01-31 11:18:33 |
Interactive pointcloud and object visualisation in rviz possible (extending rviz functionalities)?)? | 0 | False | SpaceTime | 2021-02-08 11:32:46 | 2021-02-08 11:32:46 |
Generation of Point Cloud data from the shapes | 0 | False | rkman | 2020-03-06 15:55:02 | 2020-03-06 15:55:02 |
How to merge pairs of sensor_msg/Pointcloud2 | 0 | False | Ifx13 | 2021-03-03 09:15:14 | 2021-03-03 09:15:14 |
Packages or libraries to colorize 3d pointcloud from rgb cameras? | 0 | False | Ifx13 | 2021-04-30 14:43:31 | 2021-04-30 14:43:31 |
Accelerate Kinect HD point cloud rendering in RVIZ | 0 | False | Ravi Joshi | 2017-10-30 12:27:51 | 2017-10-30 12:27:51 |
How to transform point cloud data from LiDAR to x, y, z coordinates | 0 | False | SankalpSharma94251 | 2021-08-06 23:41:34 | 2021-08-06 23:41:34 |
When to use ROS Nodes and good structure practice with ROS? | 0 | False | nayan | 2021-08-07 11:38:59 | 2021-08-07 11:38:58 |
Point Cloud Compensation (motion distortion correction) | 0 | False | etch | 2021-03-31 18:00:08 | 2021-04-04 13:07:14 |
tf works only in one way | 0 | False | ManMan88 | 2018-10-09 07:17:34 | 2018-10-10 07:53:48 |
conversion from pcl::PointCloud | 0 | False | santK | 2021-10-26 01:24:19 | 2021-10-26 07:05:20 |
How to change sensor frame of PointCloudOctomapUpdater? | 0 | False | Atle | 2019-08-26 10:15:21 | 2019-08-26 10:15:21 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Convert Sensor_msg/LaserScan to Sensor_msg/PointCloud2 | 1 | False | Nikka | 2017-07-07 07:33:00 | 2017-07-07 07:44:35 |
Geo-Reference PointCloud2 | 1 | False | sammas | 2017-07-31 04:47:15 | 2017-11-26 22:05:50 |
Can't resubscribe to a topic after shutdown | 2 | False | blackdixvery | 2022-04-27 17:47:22 | 2022-04-28 08:49:44 |
3D point cloud | 1 | False | Yogi_4 | 2017-08-21 12:46:47 | 2017-08-29 10:23:41 |
how I create the pointcloud topic in moveit in order to do the octomap? | 1 | False | Solrac3589 | 2017-08-25 14:33:31 | 2017-08-28 11:54:16 |
hi guys, i m trying to create a map in a pcd file using kitti datasets, can anyone help me ? i have transformed kitti dataset to a rosbag file | 3 | False | ilyess | 2017-08-27 17:17:02 | 2018-11-13 02:30:48 |
Error:cannot launch node [octomap_server/octomap_server_node] | 1 | False | Eyshika | 2017-09-04 22:10:07 | 2017-09-07 16:29:15 |
PCD visualization in Rviz [closed] | 2 | False | MT | 2017-10-15 04:26:13 | 2017-10-16 11:04:08 |
Meaning of point cloud colours on the Rviz | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2017-10-19 12:52:12 | 2022-06-05 12:22:04 |
Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2017-11-23 08:29:12 | 2017-11-24 09:52:22 |
Fusion of stereo camera point cloud and 3d lidar point cloud | 1 | False | Omar_ROS | 2017-11-24 15:35:35 | 2019-04-22 06:39:36 |
create 2d depth image from sparse 360 degree pointcloud | 1 | False | tbb | 2017-12-03 12:06:22 | 2017-12-05 22:15:50 |
Normal of pointcloud2 | 1 | False | xavier12358 | 2017-12-03 14:21:43 | 2017-12-04 14:45:24 |
a node to restrict a point cloud range | 2 | False | rnunziata | 2017-12-07 19:23:17 | 2017-12-07 22:49:54 |
How to get the closest obstacle with rotating laser using pointcloud | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2017-12-20 13:21:51 | 2017-12-21 00:15:27 |
Filtering Pointcloud with min and max angles | 1 | False | HTahir | 2021-08-18 16:39:51 | 2021-08-18 21:29:42 |
how to aggregate several PointCloud2 messages into one? | 2 | False | hanjuku-joshi | 2018-01-07 11:27:58 | 2018-01-08 02:29:29 |
How to create a map using raw point cloud data? | 1 | False | pallyra1 | 2018-02-16 10:14:41 | 2018-02-19 15:00:43 |
Can't visualize Pepper's PointCloud using PCL viewer | 2 | False | metalaman | 2018-02-16 11:24:56 | 2020-12-08 13:16:06 |
Source for downloading rosbag files containing pointclouds | 2 | False | pallyra1 | 2018-02-17 09:33:41 | 2019-04-01 14:49:48 |
Mirroring PointCloud data as laserScan data | 1 | False | furkan_ | 2023-04-06 11:01:08 | 2023-04-07 11:55:49 |
save pointcloud data for multiple frames for object detection | 1 | False | Spartan_007 | 2018-02-18 17:51:08 | 2018-02-18 18:55:52 |
ROSBAG with points cloud | 1 | False | ARM | 2018-04-30 13:32:10 | 2018-04-30 14:56:14 |
Why is tf2::doTransform not transforming my pointcloud? | 1 | False | Hakaishin | 2018-05-10 14:39:55 | 2018-05-11 10:17:46 |
Fast access to multiple point clouds | 1 | False | Ravi Joshi | 2018-05-14 07:26:54 | 2018-05-14 10:01:20 |
Create PointCloud2 in Matlab | 1 | False | cmfuhrman | 2018-05-15 17:53:26 | 2018-05-16 10:56:53 |
Unable to remove nan points using function removeNaNFromPointCloud | 4 | False | simon304 | 2018-05-21 04:38:42 | 2020-05-07 05:07:30 |
Segmentation fault whilst trying to publish PointCloud | 1 | False | DRos | 2018-07-24 12:48:49 | 2018-07-24 14:32:42 |
How to do point cloud data filtering? | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2018-05-01 14:27:17 | 2018-05-01 15:13:01 |
Convert pointcloud 3d point to image pixel | 1 | False | rbsb | 2018-07-30 11:26:12 | 2018-07-30 12:28:25 |
Loading two PMD Pico Flexx into RVIZ with URDF | 1 | False | astemeric | 2018-08-27 23:35:24 | 2018-08-30 14:36:35 |
How to save Point Cloud File from rosbag file | 1 | False | hmluqman | 2018-09-03 09:12:52 | 2018-09-03 12:09:52 |
Generate PointCloud2 without sensor | 1 | False | S.Yildiz | 2018-09-24 09:20:05 | 2018-09-24 11:18:48 |
No rectified image output | 1 | False | frescho | 2018-10-05 16:54:59 | 2018-10-09 11:31:05 |
How to build a 3D map in a dark environment? | 1 | False | MartinROS | 2018-10-10 13:05:11 | 2018-10-10 23:48:03 |
Inaccuracy in depth pointcloud from RGB-D camera | 1 | False | percy_liu | 2018-10-25 09:19:27 | 2018-10-26 14:48:56 |
Speedup publisher having huge amount of data | 1 | False | Ravi Joshi | 2018-11-13 10:23:50 | 2018-11-13 10:45:07 |
How can I map from an image to a pointcloud? | 1 | False | OwnageManFromLOL | 2018-11-20 22:56:34 | 2018-11-21 01:50:54 |
Moveit perception error | 1 | False | akosodry | 2018-12-26 16:07:43 | 2019-02-05 14:07:56 |
paint pointcloud from multiple cameras | 1 | False | Ifx13 | 2021-06-08 09:16:57 | 2021-06-08 16:44:56 |
point cloud to depth image | 1 | False | Yogi_4 | 2017-10-05 12:15:37 | 2018-10-03 12:36:40 |
Display PointCloud Rviz | 1 | False | karl | 2019-02-12 16:01:41 | 2019-02-12 22:26:35 |
how to convert points in pointcloud z coordinates to zero aka transform 3D pointcloud into 2D | 2 | False | gyrados10 | 2021-07-01 13:18:37 | 2021-07-02 12:40:03 |
Creating a costmap from an existing point cloud | 1 | False | tigershark | 2019-07-24 19:08:46 | 2020-07-11 18:40:07 |
Can I use costmap_2d as a standalone node, without using the navigation stack? | 2 | False | NNie2019 | 2019-04-04 22:09:39 | 2021-09-10 16:38:01 |
Acquiring 3d pointcloud data from 2d laserscan data | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2017-10-06 21:46:16 | 2017-10-09 14:42:30 |
Generating 3D Map from PointCloud Data | 1 | False | sm2770s | 2019-06-15 12:48:51 | 2019-06-15 18:27:58 |
Pointcloud value at a given index | 1 | False | anirban | 2019-06-16 15:52:26 | 2019-06-16 19:41:10 |
Adding a Kinect to my Gazebo simulation | 1 | False | logan.ydid | 2019-07-19 05:15:56 | 2019-07-25 03:47:51 |
Mapping with Zed Camera | 1 | False | vonunwerth | 2019-08-22 14:35:15 | 2019-08-22 17:31:04 |
how to get 3D pointcloud from 2D Laserscan without robot simulation | 1 | False | Arpit138 | 2019-09-17 11:27:42 | 2019-09-17 13:56:50 |
Point cloud filtering "box" | 1 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-03-06 12:05:01 | 2019-03-11 09:48:56 |
RVIZ rendering of overlapping objects | 1 | False | Laxnpander | 2017-12-05 12:22:21 | 2017-12-06 12:28:55 |
Pointcloud conversion slows down simulation | 1 | False | NTkot | 2019-10-06 21:09:25 | 2019-10-07 15:59:48 |
RGB color data in ChannelFloat32 of Pointcloud message not working | 1 | False | bvibhav | 2019-12-17 12:48:32 | 2019-12-20 16:23:00 |
how to get point cloud data from Kinect ROS | 1 | False | YoungjoonHong | 2021-08-17 06:10:49 | 2021-08-17 11:52:38 |
How to run/install and run nodelet. (Point cloud from Realsense .bag record) | 1 | False | Viacheslav | 2020-03-31 16:12:20 | 2021-03-02 12:44:36 |
Convert sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr to pcl::PointCloud | 1 | False | czr | 2020-06-03 02:04:18 | 2020-06-03 19:34:32 |
Costmap_2d does not subscribe to LaserScan or PointCloud topic | 2 | False | stefanoferaco | 2020-06-05 17:13:07 | 2020-06-09 13:52:38 |
Skeleton tracking using PointCloud2 | 1 | False | smihael | 2018-08-06 12:08:39 | 2018-08-16 13:10:15 |
pointcloud_to_laserscan with ldmrs data | 1 | False | grapeson | 2017-10-24 08:16:13 | 2017-11-06 16:52:19 |
Detecting positive/negative obstacles with a lidar | 2 | False | Gherkins | 2020-10-17 12:34:52 | 2021-01-07 05:54:54 |
PointCloud visualised in Rviz has the wrong orientation | 2 | False | Liv | 2019-05-11 17:43:44 | 2021-03-12 22:02:19 |
Need some help with Mapping and Azure Kinect | 1 | False | Janus | 2020-11-23 15:33:37 | 2020-11-24 22:47:02 |
Angle between camera and point of pointcloud | 1 | False | elemecrobots | 2020-11-28 10:37:21 | 2020-11-28 18:39:05 |
Converting PointCloud2 object to KITTI .bin file | 1 | False | jsl372 | 2020-12-03 23:01:38 | 2022-07-22 14:04:28 |
How to make ros communication with dynamixel servo? | 1 | False | Mekateng | 2017-10-25 20:32:27 | 2017-10-26 09:37:17 |
Rotating a point cloud | 1 | False | akhilesh | 2019-05-24 00:39:45 | 2019-05-24 11:29:15 |
How to Fuse or Merge PointClouds Efficiently? | 1 | False | ia | 2021-02-12 18:22:35 | 2021-02-12 21:56:50 |
Can i use .pcd as map in ros rviz? | 1 | False | john-le | 2021-04-05 07:56:54 | 2021-05-07 09:05:01 |
How do I add a simulated RGBD camera to Rviz? | 1 | False | jdgre1 | 2021-04-21 18:09:24 | 2021-05-08 02:55:49 |
How to get xyz coordinates of pointcloud using Intel Real Sense D415? | 2 | False | arifzaman | 2021-05-26 20:55:49 | 2021-06-10 23:00:58 |
Point Cloud Collision Detection (PCL, FCL) | 1 | False | nayan | 2021-08-03 09:28:23 | 2021-08-03 16:22:44 |
RVIZ Point Cloud Representation of Grasped Objects | 1 | False | aaa | 2021-09-19 01:33:30 | 2021-09-19 09:34:19 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Understanding Pointcloud2 data | 1 | True | surajj4837 | 2021-03-02 11:21:25 | 2021-03-03 14:37:36 |
Unable to show pointcloud in Rviz | 1 | False | simon304 | 2018-03-28 17:16:09 | 2018-04-02 06:43:57 |
Problems with using custom point type in Point Cloud Library (PCL)t | 0 | False | ivanll | 2020-01-09 06:01:11 | 2020-01-09 08:01:47 |
MATLAB pointCloud to PointCloud2 | 1 | True | cmfuhrman | 2018-04-17 22:52:14 | 2018-05-23 15:50:47 |
Heightmap from octomap_server? | 1 | True | rohezal | 2018-05-03 22:03:52 | 2018-05-04 06:44:45 |
Error formating LaserScan to PointCloud | 1 | True | hdbot | 2018-10-28 21:46:51 | 2018-10-29 08:19:18 |
Help with PointCloud2 Data | 1 | True | tracsat | 2019-03-24 19:44:26 | 2019-03-25 01:21:06 |
sensor_msgs::PointCLoud empty in Callback but rostopic echo gives values | 1 | True | Sofie | 2023-01-13 15:39:02 | 2023-01-16 17:06:08 |
It is possible to create a map with rtabmap using the laser and obtaining 3D point cloud at the same time? | 1 | True | Rosbq | 2019-04-17 13:44:03 | 2019-04-17 23:51:30 |
how to overlap rgb image and point cloud | 0 | False | Yogi_4 | 2017-10-12 13:02:47 | 2017-10-12 13:02:47 |
Change the orientation of a PointCloud | 2 | True | hachbani | 2019-06-26 11:36:56 | 2021-03-12 22:02:45 |
point cloud in wrong position relative to robot | 3 | True | logan.ydid | 2019-07-27 07:18:24 | 2021-03-12 22:03:06 |
Noisy points from point cloud causes Moveit! to fail | 1 | True | kaiyu | 2022-01-25 14:15:27 | 2022-01-25 22:45:24 |
extracting values from laser scan data! | 3 | True | Masoum | 2022-08-06 10:20:27 | 2022-08-08 10:15:43 |
"Double vision" in rviz | 1 | True | mun | 2019-08-28 13:23:27 | 2019-08-30 12:11:39 |
rviz zooming center | 1 | True | ignite | 2019-11-22 16:09:07 | 2019-11-26 12:45:13 |
Whats the difference between feeding 2-d point clouds and 2-d images to a CNN | 0 | False | DL_geek | 2020-05-16 14:21:49 | 2020-05-16 14:22:52 |
Is it possible to overlay a 2D image over a pointcloud in RViz2 | 1 | True | NN_SS | 2019-04-23 15:53:08 | 2019-04-23 16:52:17 |
Noetic and C++: concatenate point clouds using a deque | 1 | True | Iacopo | 2022-12-29 08:07:58 | 2022-12-30 13:42:54 |
Converting image pixel coordinates 2D(X, Y) to 3D world coordinate(Quaternion) | 2 | True | Ranjit | 2020-12-16 11:06:40 | 2021-03-15 20:59:07 |
Converting x, y, z array to point cloud data | 1 | True | Vignesh_93 | 2021-03-02 08:15:02 | 2022-05-30 14:07:26 |
Problem with assigning different colors to segments in PointCloud | 1 | True | nayan | 2021-08-02 08:40:40 | 2021-08-05 08:39:44 |
finding the highest match between two images and/or point clouds | 1 | True | Masoum | 2021-11-12 14:03:08 | 2021-11-12 15:25:49 |
Convert PointCloud2ConstPtr to PointCloud2 | 1 | True | A_YIng | 2019-07-02 09:37:37 | 2019-07-02 11:05:02 |